Algorithmic trading strategies for blockchain using Python


How to get started with algorithmic trading for Python - a tutorial presentation from the Bangkok Python meetup.

Trading Strategy co-founder Mikko Ohtamaa was presenting at the ThaiPy Bangkok meetup in August 2022. In this blog post, we share the presentation slides. Unfortunately, no video recording is available.

The tutorial presentation covers

  • Algorithmic trading basics
  • What makes trading on blockchain and decentralised finance unique environment
  • How Trading Strategy framework helps you to develop, backtest and execute your strategies in this environment
An overview of how algorithmic trading works and what are the elements involved.
An example of trading decisions based on technical indicators
If you want to start learning algorithmic trading, check the learning section in Trading Strategy documentation.

For the demo see the example EMA strategy Jupyter Notebook in the documentation

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Trading Strategy is hiring Python developers. Check the blog post for more information.

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Trading Strategy is an algorithmic trading protocol for decentralised markets, enabling automated trading on decentralised exchanges (DEXs). Learn more about algorithmic trading here.