PyChain by Trading Strategy on Tuesday, November 15th

We are excited to announce PyChain 2022, an online blockchain and automated trading development conference by Trading Strategy. Join Curve,  Humminbot, Messari, Ethereum Foundation, NEAR, Elrond, Ripple and many others on November 15th.

Please find the talks and speaker summary below.

Main stage

Opening Note - Python In Blockchain Industry - Mikko Ohtamaa

Keynote - Vyper Smart Contract Programming Language - Patrick Collins

Keynote: Hummingbot - High-Frequency Cryptocurrency Trading With Python - Federico Cardoso

Track: Introduction to blockchain development

Introduction To Cosmos Development With Python - George

Common Questions New Blockchain Developers Asked - Ivy Fung

Minting NFTs On Shimmer For Free - Kumar Anirudha

Introduction To NEAR Blockchain Development With Python - Dennis Huisman

Introduction To Elrond Blockchain Development With Python - Andrei Băncioiu

Introduction To XRP Ledger Programming With Python - Mayukha Vadari

Introduction To ApeWorX Smart Contract Development Framework - Christopher Cao

Write Better Smart Contracts By Checking Them With Slither - Troy Sargent

Web3.Py: Now And Near Future - Marc Garreau

Track: Advanced blockchain development

Ethereum Data Analysis And Ingestion In AWS - Anton Bryzgalov

My Experience With Vyper Over The Years - Benjamin Scherrey

Pons, An Async Client For Ethereum - Bogdan Opanchuk

Privacy With StarkNet L2 - Lauri Peltonen

Advanced Consensus Design - Klaus Kursawe

Decentralized Data Analytics On The Graph - Ryan Sudhakaran

How To Build A Blockchain With Python - Eric Zietlow

Ingesting Multichain Defi - Ringo Cheung

Web3 Native Communication Using Push Protocol - Harsh Rajat

Track: Trading and quantitative finance

Getting Started With Python For Quant Finance - Jason Strimpel

Bringing Your Automated Trading Strategy To Decentralised Markets - Teemu Sorvisto

Backtesting Crypto Trading Strategies - David Florysiak

Opportunities For Trading Bots With DeFi Options - Ali Nuraldin

Institutional-Grade Automated Indexes Using Enzyme Protocol - Ivan Herger

On-Chain Analysis For Algorithmic Trading - Marek Hakala

Breaking Into The Blockchain For Fun And Profit - Adam Englander

The Anatomy Of An Machine Learning Powered Stock Picking Engine - Anshuman Mishra

Panel Discussion: The Trend In Modern DAO Treasury Management

Track: Lighting talks

Introduction To Boson Protocol - Heather Swope

Vyro - Vyper To Cairo Transpiler For The Ethereum And StarkNet Ecosystems - Tserg

Women Voices In The Blockchain Space - Ivy Fung

Short Introduction To Vyper - Edison Qu

Ethereum Development With Chaintool Libraries - Mohamed Sohail Azim

Using Chaos Toolkit To Determine Resiliency For Your Web - Karan Balkar

Developing An Ethereum Based Blockchain Camera - Dimitris Vagiakakos

Randomized Trading Bots On Uniswap Using Python - Yukai “LaDoger” Jerng