Trading Strategy interview at Citizen Cosmos podcast

Citizen Cosmos is a popular podcast series for the bleeding edge news on the blockchain space. In a recent episode, Trading Strategy CEO Mikko Ohtamaa discusses systematic trading and the change decentralised finance brings to everyday investors, traders, hedge funds and the society.

Listen to the podcast episode here.

Background and details

Trading Strategy team participated in Liscon, the Lisbon Ethereum conference. The podcast was hosted by the wonderful Anna Protopopova. In the episode,  the discussion goes through the history of open source and how it led to the creation of Bitcoin and later other blockchains. Then this follows up with a discussion about the motives of people building in the blockchain space, the greed of Wall Street, what changes DeFi may bring and the risk/reward ratio when investing in small-cap tokens.

More about Citizen Cosmos

Citizen Cosmos funds its podcast production by attracting stakers to its Cosmos node. If you wish to put your ATOM tokens to use for the public good of the decentralised community, stake with Citizen cosmos.

Trading Strategy is an algorithmic trading protocol for decentralised markets, enabling automated trading on decentralised exchanges (DEXs). Learn more about algorithmic trading here.

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