Trading Strategy To Host Gibraltar's First Ever DeFi Meetup

The Trading Strategy team will be hosting Gibraltar's first even DeFi meetup on September 23 at the Damex office in Ocean Plaza, Ocean Village, Gibraltar.

Join us for an evening of drinks, food and networking amongst developers, tech enthusiasts and experts in the crypto, blockchain and web3 space.

This event is created with developers and individuals passionate about technology in mind. We've curated an expert lineup for you to learn and discuss innovative tech.

Whether you are attending Crypto Gibraltar 2022 or not, you are welcome to join us in the DeFi discussion and for complimentary drinks and food!

The event presentations will be recorded. Subscribe to our newsletter to watch the presentations on-demand.

The limited availability event is now open, you can grab your tickets here


18:00 - Arrivals and welcome drinks/food

18:15 - Introduction and presentation from Mikko Ohtamaa

18:40 - Presentation from Jeremy King

19:05 - Advanced Blockchain Technology - Adding Policy to Consensus, Presentation from Klaus Kursawe

19:30 - Closing and networking drinks


Mikko Ohtamaa - CEO and Co-founder at Trading Strategy

Jeremy King - CIO and Co-founder at Damex

Klaus Kursawe - Researcher at Vega Protocol

In addition we are a sponsor of Crypto Gibraltar, where we will be attending and exhibiting the Trading Strategy protocol to patrons. If you are attending the event make sure you visit the exhibition hall and meet the team.

What is Trading Strategy?

Trading Strategy is a decentralised protocol for the next generation quantitative finance. Decentralised automated trading strategies enable trading with smooth user experience, disciplined trade execution, and lower risk, as investors get direct access to high quality strategies and real-time control over their assets, without needing the technical knowhow or being bound by time inefficiencies of manually executing trading.

As the first in the world, Trading Strategy unifies market connectivity, on-chain data, trading signals, backtesting, trade execution, fund management, and rewards quantitative finance experts in a single permissionless protocol. This disrupts centralised exchanges and hedge funds by replacing their roles with smart contract based asset management. Open ecosystem around the protocol nurtures fast community growth, so that strategy developers reach global earning potential not possible otherwise.

Join our community of traders and developers on Discord.