Strategy icon

ETH-BTC long swing beta

ETH and BTC slow moving momentum strategy on Arbitrum

Viewing performance based on live trading data


Compounded profitability based on live trading data

Performance summary

Strategy performance metrics based on live trading data.

Trading period length185 days 7 hours 185d 7h- -- -
Return %5.75%5.75%0.00%
Annualised return %11.32%11.32%-
Cash at start$0.00--
Value at end$19,558.30--
Time in market23.95%23.95%0.00%
Trade volume$199,656.92$199,656.92$0.00
Position win percent42.86%60.00%-
Total positions750
Won positions330
Lost positions000
Stop losses triggered000
Stop loss % of all0.00%0.00%-
Winning stop losses000
Winning stop losses percent---
Losing stop losses000
Losing stop losses percent---
Take profits triggered000
Take profit % of all0.00%0.00%-
Take profit % of won0.00%0.00%-
Zero profit positions220
Positions open at the end000
Realised profit and loss$4,436.07$4,436.07$0.00
Unrealised profit and loss$0.00$0.00$0.00
Portfolio unrealised value$0.00$0.00$0.00
Extra returns on lending pool interest$0.00$0.00$0.00
Cash left at the end$19,558.30--
Average winning position profit %2.38%2.38%0.00%
Average losing position loss %0.00%0.00%0.00%
Biggest winning position %5.98%5.98%-
Biggest losing position %---
Average duration of winning positions27 days 16 hours 27d 16h27 days 16 hours 27d 16h0 hours 0 minutes 0h 0m
Average duration of losing positions0 hours 0 minutes 0h 0m0 hours 0 minutes 0h 0m0 hours 0 minutes 0h 0m
LP fees paid$99.85$99.85$0.00
LP fees paid % of volume0.05%0.05%0.00%
Average position1.43%1.43%0.00%
Median position0.02%0.02%0.00%
Most consecutive wins330
Most consecutive losses000
Biggest realised risk0.00%0.00%0.00%
Avg realised risk0.00%0.00%0.00%
Max pullback of total capital0.00%--
Max loss risk at opening of position95.43%95.43%0.00%
Max drawdown-0.00%--