ETH-MATIC-USDC momentum beta
MATIC and ETH momentum strategy to maximize gains in bull market and avoid losses in bear market, on Polygon
Strategy Logs
No action taken: strategy decided not to open or close any positions
Strategy thinking
Strategy cycle #732: 2024-12-04 08:00:00 UTC, now is 2024-12-04 08:08:11.447132
Last candle at: 2024-12-04 07:00:00 UTC, market data and action lag: 0 days 01:08:11.448607
Price open:3695.5767341103583
Last candle at: 2024-12-04 07:00:00 UTC, market data and action lag: 0 days 01:08:11.449371
Price open:0.7159960331837143
RSI MATIC: 77.85157975091741
RSI low trigger: 55.0
RSI high trigger: 80.0
RSI ETH: 61.169762874001
MemoryIndicatorStorage does not support multiprocessing, setting max_workers and max_readers to 1
Portfolio status (before rebalance), tick #732
Total equity: $3,494.07, in cash: $62.98
Life-time positions: 10, trades: 36
Currently open positions:
🌲 #10 WMATIC-USDC spot value: $3,431.09, 0.98% of portfolio
profit: 1.39 % (46.9680 USD)
duration: None
62.98 USDC
Performing strategy tick #732 for timestamp 2024-12-04 08:00:00, cycle length is 8h, trigger time was 2024-12-04 08:08:00.001280, live trading is True, trading univese is None, version 0.5, max cycles None