AicroStrategy token trading as AiSTR on Base
- Name
- AicroStrategy
- Token symbol
- Total supply
- 1,100,000,000 AiSTR
- Standard
- ERC-20
- Available liquidity
- $0.000035
- Volume 24h
- $458.31K
- Blockchain
- Base
- Internal id
- 4467047
AicroStrategy is a ERC-20 token on Base blockchain. It trades under AiSTR ticker.
AicroStrategy token supply is 1,100,000,000 AiSTRs. There are total 8 pairs trading against AiSTR.
The token smart contract address is
- The information on this page is for Base. AiSTR presentations bridged and wrapped on other blockchains are not included in the figures.
Trading pairs
Trading pair | Exchange | Price USD | Price Δ 24h | Vol 30d | TVL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Showing 1 to 0 of 0 |
Trading pairs with complications (such as low liquidity) may not be displayed. Read the rules for tracked trading pairs.