Market trading data is now available for Arbitrum

Market trading data is now available for Arbitrum

We are happy to announce we have added Arbitrum One, a layer 2 EVM blockchain, to Trading Strategy's datasets.

Arbitrum DEX and lending protocol data now available

  • Arbitrum One blockchain has been added to Trading Strategy market datasets
  • Users can view formatted trading data from the Arbitrum blockchain and access raw market data
  • Arbitrum One is one of the frontrunners in layer 2 adoption due to the support for blue chip DeFi protocols like Uniswap, Aave and Sushi.
  • Over 150 decentralised exchanges were added, including Uniswap v3, Sushi and Camelot
  • This adds 21,000+ new Arbitrum based trading pairs to datasets

Arbitrum gives traders and trading strategy developers more trading options when connecting and executing trades for their trading algorithm. No miner extractable value (MEV) and cheap fees make it a decent blockchain for DeFi and trading.

Unique addresses on Arbitrum -
Daily transactions for Arbitrum blockchain

About Arbitrum

Arbitrum One is an L2 scaling solution for Ethereum. It is designed to increase the throughput and reduce the transaction fees on the Ethereum network by using optimistic rollups.

Optimistic rollups are a type of layer 2 scaling solution that allows users to make transactions off-chain and then submit them to the main chain for verification. This technique enables faster and cheaper transactions compared to traditional on-chain transactions.

Arbitrum One is developed by Offchain Labs, a blockchain research and development company. It is based on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which means that developers can use the same tools and programming languages they use to build Ethereum smart contracts.

Arbitrum One uses a unique feature called "fraud proofs" to ensure the security of its transactions. In case of any malicious activity, a third-party validator can submit a fraud-proof to the Ethereum network, which then invalidates the transaction and punishes the attacker.

One of the key benefits of Arbitrum One is that it allows for seamless and easy migration of existing Ethereum dApps to its platform without the need for major changes in the code. This makes it an attractive option for developers and users who want to take advantage of faster and cheaper transactions.

Top DEXs on Arbitrum

We now provide raw data and market data feeds for Arbitrum One compatible exchanges, with currently over 150 exchanges listed. This integration increases our market data 30-day volumes by well over $13 billion.

Note that most of these decentralised exchanges are inactive or very low volume, as the winners in Arbitrum ecosystems might not yet be clear.

If you take a look at the most popular decentralised exchanges by volume on our market data feed, you can see three exchanges on the Arbitrum One blockchain within the top 10 exchanges, Uniswap v3, Sushi and Camelot.


Arbitrum has block throughput than any of the existing EVM-compatible layer one blockchains.

The larger block count and processing size mean that Arbitrum is able to benefit from Arbitrum’s faster speeds and lower costs. Arbitrum one has a block time of around 0.30 seconds. Arbitrum has already bypassed all popular EVM blockchains in the chain length.

Current highest block

The peak transactions per second (TPS) for Arbitrum was around its airdrop day, 2.7M transactions a day, or ~30 transactions per second.

Learn more

To get started trading on Arbitrum, please click here to explore Arbitrum One market data or join our Discord for questions.