Explore data
Trading Strategy provides powerful market data sets for on-chain trading on several blockchains.
Currently indexing data from 6 blockchains
Trading Strategy provides data sets for decentralised exchanges. All market data is sourced from on-chain trades, across multiple DEXs.
Currently indexing data from 7,721 DEXes
Trading pairs
Trading pairs have OHLCV candle data available between 1-minute to 30-day time frames. View historical and current datasets here.
Currently indexing data from 3,984,336 trading pairs
Lending reserves
View current and historical interest rate data for common Aave v3 lending reserves across multiple blockchains.
Currently indexing data from 148 lending reserves
Advanced search
Search tokens across multiple blockchains and exchanges. Sort and filter by liquidity, volume and/or price change.
Explore tokens using advanced token search.
DeFi and Trading Dictionary
Browse and learn DeFi, trading and technical analysis terminology.
Programmatic access
Download historical OHLCV data for backtesting your trading algorithms. Liquidity information is available for calculating past slippage. Datasets are served in Parquet file format.
Currently providing 3.7 TB of data
Realtime API
Connect your trading algorithms for real-time market feeds for live trading.
Real-time API is available in OpenAPI v3 format, no API keys or sign ups needed.
Trading Strategy provides Python libraries for strategy development and execution for decentralised exchanges. Read API documentation and tutorials to learn how to create your own strategies.
Use popular Jupyter Notebook, Pandas and other data science libraries to model and backtest your strategies. View example notebooks to see how to use DeFi data in your notebooks.