What is Quantitative Analysis?

Quantitative Analysis

Quantitative analysis is often used to make decisions and predictions in a variety of fields, including finance, business, and economics. By analysing large sets of numerical data, quantitative analysis can reveal patterns, trends, and insights that might not be immediately visible to the human eye. We take a closer look at what quantitative analysis is, how it's used, and some of the tools and techniques that are commonly employed.

What is quantitative analysis?

Quantitative analysis is a method of evaluating investments, companies, and economic trends using numerical and statistical methods. The goal of quantitative analysis is to use mathematical and statistical techniques to understand and explain financial data, and to make predictions about future events or market trends.

Quantitative analysts, also known as "quants," use a variety of tools and techniques to analyse data, including statistical models, mathematical formulas, and computer algorithms. Quants may also create trading algorithms to enable automated trading strategies. They also use data visualisation techniques to help communicate their findings to non-technical audiences.

How do you conduct quantitative analysis?

First step

There are a few key steps that are involved in the quantitative analysis process. The first step is to collect data, which can come from a variety of sources such as financial statements, stock prices, economic indicators, and other publicly available data - check out the trading strategy market data sets here. The next step is to clean and organise the data, which involves removing any errors or inconsistencies, ensuring that the data is in a format that can be easily analysed and standardised.

Example of converting raw market data into readable candle chart data

Second step

Once the data has been cleaned and organised, the next step is to perform the actual analysis. This may involve using statistical models to identify trends and patterns in the data, or using mathematical formulas to estimate future values based on past data. Quants may also use computer algorithms to perform complex calculations and to make predictions about future events.

Final step

The final step in the quantitative analysis process is to interpret the results and to communicate them to others. Quants may use data visualisation techniques, such as charts and graphs, to help non-technical audiences understand the results. One of the primary uses for interpreting the data in regards to trading is the use of technical analysis. They may also write reports or give presentations to explain the findings to their colleagues or clients

Example of technical analysis on ETH-USDC token pair on Uniswap v2

Quantitative analysis in DeFi and trading


Quantitative analysis is a critical tool for understanding the performance and risks of DeFi products and services. Quants use mathematical models and statistical techniques to analyse data and make predictions about the future performance of DeFi assets. This includes due diligence of DeFi protocols such as, evaluating the performance of specific DeFi projects and tracking their token price movements, as well as evaluating the underlying blockchain network.

One important use of quantitative analysis in the DeFi space is evaluating the performance of different protocols and projects. For example, quants may use statistical models to estimate expected returns on investments, or to estimate the risk of default on loans. Additionally, they may use mathematical formulas to estimate the value of different tokens or assets in the DeFi ecosystem and decentralised exchanges.


A primary use of quantitative analysis in trading is to use technical analysis, which involves analysing charts and other historical data to identify patterns and trends that can be used to make predictions about future price movements. Technical indicators, such as moving averages and relative strength index (RSI), are often used in this type of analysis.

Example of technical indicators for ETH-BNB on PancakeSwap v2

Another approach is to use fundamental analysis, which involves analysing a company's financial statements, management, and economic conditions to make predictions about the company's future performance and stock price.

Quantitative traders also use risk management techniques to minimise the potential loss of their trades. This can be done by setting stop-loss orders and diversifying the portfolio.

In addition to these methods, quantitative traders use high-frequency trading algorithms, which are computer programs that can execute trades at a very high speed, with the ability to process large amounts of data and make rapid trading decisions.

The use of quantitative analysis in trading has become increasingly popular in recent years, and many trading firms now employ teams of mathematicians and computer scientists to develop and implement these types of models.

It's important to note that Quantitative analysis is not without its limitations, it's heavily dependent on the quality and availability of data, and the model's assumptions, and can be affected by market conditions and external events.

Should I start using quantitative analysis?

Overall, quantitative analysis is an important tool for understanding financial and economic data, and for making informed decisions about investments and other financial matters. It is a technique that is becoming increasingly popular among businesses, investors and researchers in many fields as the volume of data continues to grow.

Quantitative analysis is crucial for algorithmic trading, as it allows quants to develop and test mathematical models and statistical analyses that drive the algorithms. While the approach provides benefits such as the ability to analyse large amounts of data and execute trades quickly, it's crucial to be aware of the potential risks and act accordingly. Regularly monitoring and updating the algorithm, testing the model with more recent data and validating their performance is necessary for its success.