Source code for tradeexecutor.state.crossover

"""Provides functions to detect crossovers.

- crossover between two series
- crossover between a series and a constant value

import pandas as pd

[docs]def is_crossover_constant(series: pd.Series, value: float) -> bool: """Detect if a series has crossed over a constant value. To be used in decide_trades() :param series: A pandas.Series object. :param value: A constant value to compare against. :returns: bool. True if the series has crossed over the value in the latest iteration, False otherwise. E.g. decide_trades(...) ... if is_crossover_constant(fast_ema_series, 3300): visualisation.plot_indicator(timestamp, "Crossover 2", PlotKind.technical_indicator_overlay_on_detached, fast_ema_latest, colour="black", detached_overlay_name="Fast EMA", plot_shape=PlotShape.marker) ... """ assert type(series) == pd.Series, "Series must be pandas.Series" assert type(value) in {int, float}, "Value must be int or float" latest = series.iloc[-1] if latest == value: return True elif len(series) == 1: return False previous = series.iloc[-2] return ( latest == value or latest > value and previous < value or latest < value and previous > value )
[docs]def is_crossover(series1: pd.Series, series2: pd.Series) -> bool: """Detect if two series have cross over. To be used in decide_trades() :param series1: A pandas.Series object. :param series2: A pandas.Series object. :returns: bool. True if the series has crossed over the other series in the latest iteration, False otherwise. E.g. decide_trades(...) ... if is_crossover(fast_ema_series, slow_ema_series): visualisation.plot_indicator(timestamp, "Crossover 1", PlotKind.technical_indicator_overlay_on_detached, fast_ema_latest, colour="blue", detached_overlay_name="Fast EMA", plot_shape=PlotShape.marker) ... """ assert type(series1) == type(series2) == pd.Series, "Series must be pandas.Series" s1_latest = series1.iloc[-1] s2_latest = series2.iloc[-1] if s1_latest == s2_latest: return True elif len(series1) == 1 or len(series2) == 1: return False s1_prev = series1.iloc[-2] s2_prev = series2.iloc[-2] return ( (s1_latest > s2_latest and s1_prev < s2_prev) or (s1_latest < s2_latest and s1_prev > s2_prev) )