Tags: fee-analysis, synthetic-data

Backtesting fee analysis#

This is an example notebook how different fee models can be implemented in backtesting.

Some highlights of this notebook:

  • Uses synthetic data with a fixed asset price

    • Makes it easier to manual confirm correct price calculations

  • Show how to manually set up a fee model for a trading pair

  • Shows a fee calculation based on Uniswap v2 LP fee

Note that if you are running in this notebookin PyCharm you may encounter “IOPub data rate exceeded” error that needs a workaround.

Strategy logic and trade decisions#

We are interested in fees only: we do random sized buy and sell every midnight.

  • Trade 1h cycles, do one trade at every midnight, run for 2 months to generate a visualisation

  • Add some time between closed positions by checking when the last position was clsoed

from typing import List, Dict
from tradingstrategy.universe import Universe

import pandas as pd

from tradeexecutor.state.trade import TradeExecution
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pricing_model import PricingModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.position_manager import PositionManager
from tradeexecutor.state.state import State

def decide_trades(
        timestamp: pd.Timestamp,
        universe: Universe,
        state: State,
        pricing_model: PricingModel,
        cycle_debug_data: Dict) -> List[TradeExecution]:

    pair = universe.pairs.get_single()
    position_manager = PositionManager(timestamp, universe, state, pricing_model)

    amount = random.choice([250, 500, 750, 1000])

    trades = []

    should_trade = False

    if timestamp.hour == 0:
        last_position = position_manager.get_last_closed_position()
        if last_position:
            # Check enough time has passed since the last trade
            if timestamp - last_position.closed_at >= pd.Timedelta("4 days"):
                should_trade = True
                should_trade = False
            should_trade = True  # Open the first position

    if should_trade:
        if not position_manager.is_any_open():
            # Buy
            trades += position_manager.open_1x_long(pair, amount)
            # Sell
            trades += position_manager.close_all()

    return trades

Generating synthetic trading data#

We create a trading universe that has ETH/USD asset with a fixed $1000 price.

The pair has fixed 0.3% fee tier. We generate data for 8 weeks.

import random
import datetime

from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId
from tradingstrategy.timebucket import TimeBucket
from tradingstrategy.candle import GroupedCandleUniverse

from tradeexecutor.state.identifier import AssetIdentifier, TradingPairIdentifier
from tradeexecutor.testing.synthetic_ethereum_data import generate_random_ethereum_address
from tradeexecutor.testing.synthetic_exchange_data import generate_exchange
from tradeexecutor.testing.synthetic_price_data import generate_ohlcv_candles
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import TradingStrategyUniverse, \

def create_trading_universe() -> TradingStrategyUniverse:

    # Set up fake assets
    mock_chain_id = ChainId.ethereum
    mock_exchange = generate_exchange(
        exchange_id=random.randint(1, 1000),
    usdc = AssetIdentifier(ChainId.ethereum.value, generate_random_ethereum_address(), "USDC", 6, 1)
    weth = AssetIdentifier(ChainId.ethereum.value, generate_random_ethereum_address(), "WETH", 18, 2)
    weth_usdc = TradingPairIdentifier(
        internal_id=random.randint(1, 1000),

    pair_universe = create_pair_universe_from_code(mock_chain_id, [weth_usdc])

    candles = generate_ohlcv_candles(
        start=datetime.datetime(2021, 6, 1),
        end=datetime.datetime(2021, 8, 1),
        daily_drift=(1, 1),
    candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse.create_from_single_pair_dataframe(candles)

    universe = Universe(

    return TradingStrategyUniverse(universe=universe, reserve_assets=[usdc])

Examining the generated data#

Before starting the backtest, do a smoke check that our trading universe looks correct.

universe = create_trading_universe()

start_at, end_at = universe.universe.candles.get_timestamp_range()
print(f"Our universe has synthetic data for the period {start_at} - {end_at}")
pair = universe.get_single_pair()
candles = universe.universe.candles.get_samples_by_pair(pair.internal_id)
min_price = candles["close"].min()
max_price = candles["close"].max()
print(f"We trade {pair}")
print(f"Price range is {min_price} - {max_price}")

Our universe has synthetic data for the period 2021-06-01 00:00:00 - 2021-07-31 23:00:00
We trade <Pair WETH-USDC spot_market_hold at 0x14B35C8d64B51D825F29afe4110B107b2e49f23a (0.3000% fee) on exchange 0xF07E677838492Cf23F7B12a55A036Cea292c441A>
Price range is 1000.0 - 1000.0

Running the backtest#

from tradeexecutor.strategy.default_routing_options import TradeRouting
from tradeexecutor.strategy.cycle import CycleDuration
from tradeexecutor.strategy.reserve_currency import ReserveCurrency
from tradeexecutor.testing.synthetic_exchange_data import generate_simple_routing_model
from tradeexecutor.backtest.backtest_runner import run_backtest_inline

routing_model = generate_simple_routing_model(universe)

state, universe,    debug_dump = run_backtest_inline(
    name="Backtest fee calculation example",

Trading position chart#

We plot out a chart that shows - Our asset’s fixed price chart - Buys and sells around the fixed price that do not move the price - Mouse hover for any trade showing detailed price and fee analysis of this particular trade

from tradeexecutor.visual.single_pair import visualise_single_pair

figure = visualise_single_pair(
    title="Position timeline with fee mouse hovers",

May 302021Jun 6Jun 13Jun 20Jun 27Jul 4Jul 11Jul 18Jul 25Aug 1999999.510001,000.51001
BuySellPosition timeline with fee mouse hovers

Trade execution chart#

Plot a chart to examine the success of trade execution.

  • This is for example purpose only.

  • The trade execution chart is meaningful in this backtesting notebook, because the backtesting assumes perfect execution and there is no slippage or price impact.

  • This chart is more meaningful for analysing logs of live execution to see how much slippage and price impact increased fees

from tradeexecutor.visual.single_pair import visualise_single_pair_positions_with_duration_and_slippage

fig = visualise_single_pair_positions_with_duration_and_slippage(
    title="Execution success chart",

May 302021Jun 6Jun 13Jun 20Jun 27Jul 4Jul 11Jul 18Jul 25Aug 199810001002
Execution success chart

Strategy summary#

Overview of strategy performance.

We manually check that fees were correctly calculated.

from tradeexecutor.analysis.trade_analyser import build_trade_analysis

analysis = build_trade_analysis(state.portfolio)
summary = analysis.calculate_summary_statistics(TimeBucket.h1, state)
Annualised return % -2.64%
Lifetime return % -0.43%
Realised PnL $-41.87
Trade period 60 days 0 hours
Total assets $9,956.63
Cash left $9,708.13
Open position value $248.50
Open positions 1
Winning Losing Total
Closed Positions
Number of positions 0 12 12
% of total 0.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Average PnL % 0.00% -0.60% -0.60%
Median PnL % - -0.60% -0.60%
Biggest PnL % - -0.60% -
Average duration 0 bars 24 bars 24 bars
Max consecutive streak 0 12 -
Max runup / drawdown 0.00% -0.40% -
Stop losses Take profits
Position Exits
Triggered exits 0 0
Percent winning - -
Percent losing - -
Percent of total 0.00% 0.00%
Risk Analysis
Biggest realized risk 10.03%
Average realized risk -0.03%
Max pullback of capital -0.42%
Sharpe Ratio -812.23%
Sortino Ratio -752.73%
Profit Factor 0.00%

Trading position timeline#

Display all positions and how much profit they made. Manually check the total swap fees column that it looks correct.

from IPython.core.display_functions import display

from tradeexecutor.analysis.trade_analyser import expand_timeline

timeline = analysis.create_timeline()

expanded_timeline, apply_styles = expand_timeline(

# Do not truncate the row output
with pd.option_context("display.max_row", None):

Remarks Type Opened at Duration Exchange Base asset Quote asset Position max value PnL USD PnL % Open mid price USD Close mid price USD Trade count LP fees
Long 2021-06-01 1 days WETH USDC $500.00 $-2.99 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $3.00
Long 2021-06-06 1 days WETH USDC $750.00 $-4.49 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $4.49
Long 2021-06-11 1 days WETH USDC $250.00 $-1.50 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $1.50
Long 2021-06-16 1 days WETH USDC $750.00 $-4.49 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $4.49
Long 2021-06-21 1 days WETH USDC $1,000.00 $-5.98 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $5.99
Long 2021-06-26 1 days WETH USDC $750.00 $-4.49 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $4.49
Long 2021-07-01 1 days WETH USDC $250.00 $-1.50 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $1.50
Long 2021-07-06 1 days WETH USDC $250.00 $-1.50 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $1.50
Long 2021-07-11 1 days WETH USDC $250.00 $-1.50 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $1.50
Long 2021-07-16 1 days WETH USDC $1,000.00 $-5.98 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $5.99
Long 2021-07-21 1 days WETH USDC $500.00 $-2.99 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $3.00
Long 2021-07-26 1 days WETH USDC $750.00 $-4.49 -0.60% $1,003.000000 $997.000000 2 $4.49
Long 2021-07-31 WETH USDC $250.00 $1,003.000000 1 $0.75

Finishing notes#

Print out a line to signal the notebook finished the execution successfully.

print("All ok")
All ok