Hot wallet deployment#
In this chapter, we explain how to take a backtested strategy and make it to a live running trading strategy instance.
This section is for a single user hot wallet deployment mode. If you are looking to deploy a strategy for multiple users see Vault deployment.
These instructions are partially outdated regarding individual commands and environment variables due to latest development in trade-executor. Refer to Vault deployment for up-to-date commands.
This example shows a trading strategy deployment in its simplest form
Single investor
Uses a private key hot wallet where tokens and strategy reserves are stored
Runs on a single Docker instance
Trades on single chain, single exchange
To get started you need to have a
A strategy with successful backtests
Basics of Python programming
Basics of UNIX and Docker system administration, using UNIX shell
A stash of blockchain native cryptocurrency for gas fees (ETH, BNB, MATIC)
Initial cash deposit in stablecoin (USDC, BUSD)
Ability to set DNS entries and domain names for your web services
A Github access token to download Docker images from GHCR (Github does not currently allow to downlaod public Docker images without an API key)
Preproduction checklist#
First before doing the production deployment, it is a good idea to practice the deployment on a local laptop.
The preproduction set up can be more straightforward than the actual production deployment, as we are less worried about security like managing the access to the private keys. It will also no web frontend or diagnostics configured, which is the major share of work of setting up a new automated trade executor. The only output you can see is in Docker log output of the trade executor process.
- [ ] A repository tool where you are going to manage your configuration files (Github, Gitlab, etc.)
See the project structure details below
[ ] Linux / macOS laptop (Windows should work, but the command line commmands differ so much, so it is unsupported)
[ ] Convert your backtest notebook to a Python strategy module
First name your trade executor. This will be used as filename and URL ids. A good name is
[execution type]-[chain]-[base token]-[quote token]-[strategy type]
Create a new project with the folder structure
Create a docker-compose.yml based on the example:
version: "3.9"
# The base template for trade-executor live trading
x-trade-executor: &default-trade-executor
# All live executors have internal exception recovery mechanism,
# If trade executor stops it must be manually restarted.
# However webhook server stays around and can still take commands
# even if the trade executor loop has stopped.
restart: "no"
mem_swappiness: 0
# Map the path from where we load the strategy Python modules
- ./strategy:/usr/src/trade-executor/strategy
# Save the strategy execution state in the local filesystem
- ./state:/usr/src/trade-executor/state
# Cache the dataset downloads in the local filesystem
- ./cache:/usr/src/trade-executor/cache
# Save the log files to the local file system
- ./logs:/usr/src/trade-executor/logs
# This is the default trade-executor command to
# launch as a daemon mode.
# There are several subcommands.
command: start
# This is your trade executor name
<<: *default-trade-executor
container_name: hotwallet-ethereum-eth-usdc-mean-reversion
- ~/env/strategy.env
Strategy assets#
For each live executed strategy you need to have
See Strategy metadata for the list of resources you need.
Managing Docker images#
You need to be able to run a Docker image on your server in order to run trade-executor
See Managing Docker images to learn how to get started with Docker
Testing the strategy module#
You can run backtests using trade-executor command locally on your development module to check the strategy module looks intact.
See Run a backtest on the standalone strategy module for more information.
Creating a hot wallet#
To create a hot wallet for a strategy do the following:
python -c "from web3 import Web3; w3 = Web3(); acc = w3.eth.account.create(); print(f'private key={w3.to_hex(acc._private_key)}, account={acc.address}')"
This will give you private key and account pair (not a real private key, do not use):
private key=0xd67b9015bfa8d6da2e30a7bb232e2d8b2899e610b08a11afb6de48c693226845, account=0x5DC2837bac174efD17aC294A2573F52DED5E5e1D
Store the private key safely in your backup storage (paper, password manager, etc.)
Private key will be needed in the trade execution configuration file
Private keys or hot wallets cannot be shared across different trade-executor instances. Because this will mess up accounting.
Changes between backtesting and live execution#
Compared to backtesting, the live execution environment has several differences
The live execution needs a hot wallet with real money and native gas token.
The live execution depends on JSON-RPC node to send transactions.
The live execution maintains the application state in a state file (JSON) and and can resume from crashes.
You need to give tick_offset_minutes command line option to tell how much time we give for the price feed to generate candles after the trade cycle is triggered. This has a defaul value.
There is max_data_delay parameter that will cause the trade executor to crash if the price feed data is delayed for too long. This is a safety feature to prevent any trades to happen in the case market data is delayed or ambitious. This has a defaul value.
The live execution needs a gas strategy for paying the transaction gas fees.
The live execution environment has HTTP webhook server.
The live execution environment may have Discord notifications.
The live execution environment may send performance statistics through statsd interface.
The live execution environment may send logs to LogStash server.
Creating configuration file#
In this example we lay out a simple best practice to manage your trade-executor configuration
We use Docker .env style configuration files
Public configuration variables can be committed to source code control like Github
Secret configuration variables are only available locally or on-server using a .env style configuration files
The final env configuration file, as passed to Docker process, is created by splicing public and private configuration file together and validating it
For this example we assume we have
Public configuration file env/pancake-eth-usd-sma.env (stored in a Github repository)
Secret configuration file ~/pancake-eth-usd-sma-secret.env (stored on a server only)
Final generated configuration file (read by the Docker daemon): ~/pancake-eth-usd-sma-final.env
Docker style .env files do not have quotes around their values.
Because configuration files are small, you can copy-paste both public and secret configuration files into your pasword manager as a backup.
Example public configuration file#
Example settings. Refer command line options for full guide.
# Strategy assets and metadata
NAME="ETH-USD SMA on Pancake"
SHORT_DESCRIPTION="Pancake ETH/USDC SMA crossover strategy"
LONG_DESCRIPTION="Take position on ETH based on simple moving average crossover. Execute trades on PancakeSwap on BNB Chain."
# Blockchain transaction broadcasting parameters
# The actual webhook HTTP port mapping for the host
# is done in docker-compose.yml.
# The default port is 3456.
Example secrets configuration file#
Example settings. Refer command line options for full guide.
Preparing the final configuration file#
Docker does not support multiple .env files. We need to splice one composed .env combining both public and secret variables for our trade executor instance.
cat ~/pancake-eth-usd-sma-secrets.env env/pancake-eth-usd-sma.env > ~/pancake-eth-usd-sma-final.env
Setting up system#
Setting up the frontend webhook URL#
The frontend and any other automation can communicate with trade-executor instance using webhook URLs.
Docker exposes the webhook URL as internal IP:port pair
You need a DNS name or unique URL for your trade executor instance
You usually need to run a reverse proxy web server that routes any incoming HTTP requests to your server IP address to different web services hosted on your server. We use Caddy here, but could be anything.
The reverse proxy server is also responsible for managing TLS certificates.
In this point, you only need to know that in docker-compose.yml we allocate a localhost port from the host for each trade executor. Then the host is responsible to reverse proxy any webhook traffic to this port.
We will cover this after docker-compose is running.
Setting up docker-compose#
Preflight checks#
Before launching the Docker container through docker-compose, we can do prelaunch checks to see our API keys and other secrets look good.
Trading universe check#
trade-executor provides two subcommands, check-universe you can use before launching the live trading strategy instance.
This confirms your Trading Strategy oracle API keys are correctly set up and your strategy can receive data.
The market data feed is up-to-date
You can run this with configured docker-compose as:
docker-compose run pancake-eth-usd-sma check-universe
This will print out:
Latest OHCLV candle is at: 2022-11-24 16:00:00, 1:49:57.985345 ago
Wallet and routing check#
trade-executor provides two subcommands, check-wallet you can use before launching the live trading strategy instance.
This checks
You are connected to the right blockchain
Your hot wallet private key has been correctly set up
You have native token for gas fees
You have trading capital
The last block number of the blockchain
We know how to route trades for our strategy, using the current wallet
With docker-compose:
docker-compose run pancake-eth-usd-sma check-wallet
RPC details
Chain id is 56
Latest block is 23,387,643
Balance details
Hot wallet is ...
We have 0.370500 gas money left
Reserve asset: USDC
Balance of USD Coin: 500 USDC
Estimated gas fees for chain 56: <Gas pricing method:legacy base:None priority:None max:None legacy:None>
Execution details
Execution model is tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2_execution.UniswapV2ExecutionModel
Routing model is tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2_routing.UniswapV2SimpleRoutingModel
Token pricing model is tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2_live_pricing.UniswapV2LivePricing
Position valuation model is tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2_valuation.UniswapV2PoolRevaluator
Routing details
Factory 0xca143ce32fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fc5350c73 uses router 0x10ED43C718714eb63d5aA57B78B54704E256024E
Routed reserve asset is <0x8ac76a51cc950d9822d68b83fe1ad97b32cd580d at 0x8ac76a51cc950d9822d68b83fe1ad97b32cd580d>
You can also run directly without docker-compose. In this case, you need to give explicit cache path and env file, because to do the wallet balance check we need to download and construct the trading universe.
docker run \
--env-file=$HOME/pancake-eth-usd-sma-final.env \
--volume=cache:/usr/src/trade-executor/cache \
docker build -t \
Performing a test trade#
After you are sure that trading data and hot wallet are fine, you can perform a test trade from the command line.
This will ensure trade routing and execution gas fee methods are working by executing a live trade against live blockchain.
The test trade will buy and sell the “default” asset of the strategy worth 1 USD. For a single pair strategies the asset is the default base token.
This will open a position using the strategy’s exchange and trade pair routing.
The position and the trade will have notes field filled in that this was a test trade.
Broadcasting a transaction through your JSON-RPC connection works.
docker-compose run pancake-eth-usd-sma perform-test-trade
This will give a long output with details to the trade execution for diagnosing any issue. The important parts are highlighted:
Making a test trade on pair: <Pair ETH-USDC at 0xea26b78255df2bbc31c1ebf60010d78670185bd0 on exchange 0xca143ce32fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fc5350c73>, for 1.000000 USDC price is 1217.334094 ETH/USDC
Position <Open position #2 <Pair ETH-USDC at 0xea26b78255df2bbc31c1ebf60010d78670185bd0 on exchange 0xca143ce32fe78f1f7019d7d551a6402fc5350c73> $1.000501504460405> open. Now closing the position.
All ok
Launching the trade-executor instance#
Set up the trade-executor instance to run in server production mode:
docker-compose up -d pancake-eth-usd-sma
This will start trading.
You can check the logs with:
docker-compose logs --tail=200 pancake-eth-usd-sma