Source code for tradeexecutor.ethereum.aave_v3.analysis

from web3 import Web3
from web3.logs import DISCARD
from decimal import Decimal

from eth_defi.one_delta.constants import TradeOperation, Exchange
from eth_defi.revert_reason import fetch_transaction_revert_reason
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details
from import TradeFail, TradeSuccess
from eth_defi.aave_v3.deployment import AaveV3Deployment

[docs]def analyse_credit_trade_by_receipt( web3: Web3, *, aave_v3_deployment: AaveV3Deployment, tx: dict, tx_hash: str | bytes, tx_receipt: dict, input_args: tuple | None = None, trade_operation: TradeOperation = TradeOperation.OPEN, ) -> TradeSuccess | TradeFail: """Analyse an Aave v3 credit supply trade. Figure out - The success of the trade :param tx_receipt: Transaction receipt :param input_args: The swap input arguments. If not given automatically decode from `tx`. You need to pass this for Enzyme transactions, because transaction payload is too complex to decode. :return: Trade result """ effective_gas_price = tx_receipt.get("effectiveGasPrice", 0) gas_used = tx_receipt["gasUsed"] # tx reverted if tx_receipt["status"] != 1: reason = fetch_transaction_revert_reason(web3, tx_hash) return TradeFail(gas_used, effective_gas_price, revert_reason=reason), None pool = aave_v3_deployment.pool if trade_operation == TradeOperation.OPEN: supply_event =, errors=DISCARD)[0] amount_in = supply_event["args"]["amount"] in_token = input_args[0] in_token_decimals = fetch_erc20_details(web3, in_token).decimals out_token_decimals = 0 amount_out = 0 else: withdraw_event =, errors=DISCARD)[0] amount_out = withdraw_event["args"]["amount"] out_token = input_args[0] out_token_decimals = fetch_erc20_details(web3, out_token).decimals in_token_decimals = 0 amount_in = 0 return TradeSuccess( gas_used, effective_gas_price, path=None, amount_in=amount_in, amount_out_min=None, amount_out=amount_out, price=Decimal(0), amount_in_decimals=in_token_decimals, amount_out_decimals=out_token_decimals, token0=None, token1=None, lp_fee_paid=None, )