API documentation for tradingstrategy.pair.DEXPair Python class in Trading Strategy framework.
- class DEXPair[source]#
Trading pair information for a single pair.
Presents a single trading pair on decentralised exchanges.
DEX trading pairs can be uniquely identified by
Internal id.
(Chain id, address) tuple - the same address can exist on multiple chains.
(Chain slug, exchange slug, pair slug) tuple.
Token names and symbols are not unique - anyone can create any number of trading pair tickers and token symbols. Do not rely on token symbols for anything.
About data:
There is a different between token0 and token1 and base_token and quote_token conventions - the former are raw DEX (Uniswap) data while the latter are preprocessed by the server to make the data more understandable. Base token is the token you are trading and the quote token is the token you consider “money” for the trading. E.g. in WETH-USDC, USDC is the quote token. In SUSHI-WETH, WETH is the quote token.
Optional fields may be available if the candle server 1) detected the pair popular enough 2) managed to fetch the third party service information related to the token
When you download a trading pair dataset from the server, not all trading pairs are available. For more information about trading pair availability see trading pair tracking.
The class provides some JSON helpers to make it more usable with JSON based APIs.
This data class is serializable via dataclasses-json methods. Example:
info_as_string = pair.to_json()
You can also do __json__() convention data export:
info_as_dict = pair.__json__()
Currently all flags are disabled and will be removed in the future. The historical dataset does not contain any filtering flags, because the data has to be filtered prior to download, to keep the download dump in a reasonasble size. The current data set of 800k trading pairs produce 100 MB dataset of which most of the pairs are useless. The server prefilters trading pairs and thus you cannot access historical data of pairs that have been prefiltered.
- __init__(pair_id, chain_id, exchange_id, address, token0_address, token1_address, token0_symbol, token1_symbol, dex_type=None, base_token_symbol=None, quote_token_symbol=None, token0_decimals=None, token1_decimals=None, exchange_slug=None, exchange_address=None, pair_slug=None, first_swap_at_block_number=None, last_swap_at_block_number=None, first_swap_at=None, last_swap_at=None, flag_inactive=None, flag_blacklisted_manually=None, flag_unsupported_quote_token=None, flag_unknown_exchange=None, fee=None, buy_count_all_time=None, sell_count_all_time=None, buy_volume_all_time=None, sell_volume_all_time=None, buy_count_30d=None, sell_count_30d=None, buy_volume_30d=None, sell_volume_30d=None, buy_tax=None, transfer_tax=None, sell_tax=None, exchange_name=None, other_data=<factory>)#
(pair_id, chain_id, exchange_id, ...)convert_to_dataframe
(pairs)Convert Python DEXPair objects back to the Pandas dataframe presentation.
(pairs[, check_schema])Convert a list of DEXPair instances to a Pyarrow table.
(row)Convert a DataFrame for to a DEXPair instance.
(kvs, *[, infer_missing])from_json
(s, *[, parse_float, parse_int, ...])from_series
(pair_id, series)Create a DEXPair instance from Pandas Series.
Return token class presentation of base token in this trading pair.
(exchange_universe)Get a very human readable name for this trading pair.
()Get the trading pair link page on
Return token class presentation of quote token in this trading pair.
Return trading 'ticker'
Get information page for this trading pair.
([liquidity_threshold, ...])Can this pair be traded.
(*[, infer_missing, only, exclude, ...])to_dict
([encode_json])Get human description for this pair.
(*[, skipkeys, ensure_ascii, ...])Construct schema for reading writing Parquet filss for pair information.
Internal primary key for any trading pair
The chain id on which chain this pair is trading.
The exchange where this token trades
Smart contract address for the pair.
Token pair contract address on-chain.
Token pair contract address on-chain Lowercase, non-checksummed.
Token0 as in raw Uniswap data.
Token1 as in raw Uniswap data ERC-20 contracst are not guaranteed to have this data.
What kind of exchange this pair is on
Naturalised base and quote token.
Naturalised base and quote token.
Number of decimals to convert between human amount and Ethereum fixed int raw amount.
Number of decimals to convert between human amount and Ethereum fixed int raw amount Note - this information might be missing from ERC-20 smart contracts.
Denormalised web page and API look up information
Exchange factory address.
Denormalised web page and API look up information
Block number of the first Uniswap Swap event
Block number of the last Uniswap Swap event
Timestamp of the first Uniswap Swap event
Timestamp of the first Uniswap Swap event
Pair has been flagged inactive, because it has not traded at least once during the last 30 days.
Pair is blacklisted by operators.
Quote token is one of USD, ETH, BTC, MATIC or similar popular token variants.
Pair is listed on an exchange we do not if it is good or not TODO - inactive, remove.
Swap fee in basis points if known
Risk assessment summary data
Risk assessment summary data
Risk assessment summary data
Risk assessment summary data
Risk assessment summary data
Risk assessment summary data
Risk assessment summary data
Risk assessment summary data
Buy token tax for this trading pair.
Transfer token tax for this trading pair.
Sell tax for this trading pair.
Exchange name.
Get smart contract address for the base token.
Get token decimal count for the base token.
Get Coingecko metadata.
Return the trading pair fee as 0...1.
Get token metadata.
Get smart contract address for the quote token
Get token decimal count for the quote token
Get TokenSniffer metadata.
Denormalise trading volume last 30 days.
- address: str#
Smart contract address for the pair. In the case of Uniswap this is the pair (pool) address.
- token0_symbol: Optional[str]#
Token0 as in raw Uniswap data. ERC-20 contracst are not guaranteed to have this data.
- token1_symbol: Optional[str]#
Token1 as in raw Uniswap data ERC-20 contracst are not guaranteed to have this data.
- dex_type: Optional[ExchangeType]#
What kind of exchange this pair is on
- base_token_symbol: Optional[str]#
Naturalised base and quote token. Uniswap may present the pair in USDC-WETH or WETH-USDC order based on the token address order. However we humans always want the quote token to be USD, or ETH or BTC. For the reverse token orders, the candle serve swaps the token order so that the quote token is the more natural token of the pair (in the above case USD)
- quote_token_symbol: Optional[str]#
Naturalised base and quote token. Uniswap may present the pair in USDC-WETH or WETH-USDC order based on the token address order. However we humans always want the quote token to be USD, or ETH or BTC. For the reverse token orders, the candle serve swaps the token order so that the quote token is the more natural token of the pair (in the above case USD)
- token0_decimals: Optional[int]#
Number of decimals to convert between human amount and Ethereum fixed int raw amount. Note - this information might be missing from ERC-20 smart contracts. If the information is missing the token is not tradeable in practice.
- token1_decimals: Optional[int]#
Number of decimals to convert between human amount and Ethereum fixed int raw amount Note - this information might be missing from ERC-20 smart contracts. If the information is missing the token is not tradeable in practice.
- exchange_address: Optional[str]#
Exchange factory address. Denormalised here, so we do not need an additional lookup.
- flag_inactive: Optional[bool]#
Pair has been flagged inactive, because it has not traded at least once during the last 30 days. TODO - inactive, remove.
- flag_blacklisted_manually: Optional[bool]#
Pair is blacklisted by operators. Current there is no blacklist process so this is always false. TODO - inactive, remove.
- flag_unsupported_quote_token: Optional[bool]#
Quote token is one of USD, ETH, BTC, MATIC or similar popular token variants. Because all candle data is outputted in the USD, if we have a quote token for which we do not have an USD conversation rate reference price source, we cannot create candles for the pair. TODO - inactive, remove.
- flag_unknown_exchange: Optional[bool]#
Pair is listed on an exchange we do not if it is good or not TODO - inactive, remove.
- buy_tax: Optional[float]#
Buy token tax for this trading pair.
Values of 900+ are error codes of internal token tax measurer and should be ignored.
- See
Token tax and deflationary tokens what it means
how to load
- transfer_tax: Optional[float]#
Transfer token tax for this trading pair. See Token tax and deflationary tokens for details.
Legacy. Not used.
- sell_tax: Optional[float]#
Sell tax for this trading pair.
Values of 900+ are error codes of internal token tax measurer and should be ignored.
- See
Token tax and deflationary tokens what it means
how to load
- exchange_name: Optional[str]#
Exchange name.
Not part of the datasets. Added during the instance construction.
- property fee_tier: Optional[float]#
Return the trading pair fee as 0…1.
This is a synthetic properly based on
data column.- Returns:
None if the fee information is not availble. (Should not happen on real data, but may happen in unit tests.)
- property volume_30d: float#
Denormalise trading volume last 30 days.
Not an accurate figure, as this is based on rough 30 days batch job
Good enough for undertanding a trading pair is tradeable
- property base_token_address: str#
Get smart contract address for the base token.
- Returns:
Lowercase, non-checksummed.
- property quote_token_address: str#
Get smart contract address for the quote token
- Returns:
Token address in checksummed case
- property metadata: tradingstrategy.token_metadata.TokenMetadata | None#
Get token metadata.
Must be separately loaded. See
- property token_sniffer_data: dict | None#
Get TokenSniffer metadata.
Must be separarely loaded. See
- property coingecko_data: dict | None#
Get Coingecko metadata.
Must be separarely loaded. See
- is_tradeable(liquidity_threshold=None, volume_threshold_30d=100000.0)[source]#
Can this pair be traded.
Liquidity threshold is TBD.
- Parameters:
liquidity_threshold – How much the trading pair pool needs to have liquidity to be tradeable.
volume_threshold_30d –
How much montly volume the pair needs to have to be tradeable.
Only used if liquidity data is missing.
- Return type:
- get_friendly_name(exchange_universe)[source]#
Get a very human readable name for this trading pair.
We need to translate the exchange id to someething human readable, and for this we need to have the access to the exchange universe.
- Parameters:
exchange_universe (ExchangeUniverse) –
- Return type:
- classmethod to_pyarrow_schema()[source]#
Construct schema for reading writing Parquet filss for pair information.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_series(pair_id, series)[source]#
Create a DEXPair instance from Pandas Series.
Series in this case is one row in pairs.parquet data
- classmethod convert_to_pyarrow_table(pairs, check_schema=False)[source]#
Convert a list of DEXPair instances to a Pyarrow table.
Used to prepare a data export on a server.
- classmethod convert_to_dataframe(pairs)[source]#
Convert Python DEXPair objects back to the Pandas dataframe presentation.
As this is super-inefficient, do not use for large amount of data.
- classmethod create_from_row(row)[source]#
Convert a DataFrame for to a DEXPair instance.
Allow using of helper methods on the pair data. It is recommend you avoid this if you do not need row-like data.
- Parameters:
row (Series) –
- Return type:
- get_base_token()[source]#
Return token class presentation of base token in this trading pair.
- Return type:
- get_quote_token()[source]#
Return token class presentation of quote token in this trading pair.
- Return type:
- __init__(pair_id, chain_id, exchange_id, address, token0_address, token1_address, token0_symbol, token1_symbol, dex_type=None, base_token_symbol=None, quote_token_symbol=None, token0_decimals=None, token1_decimals=None, exchange_slug=None, exchange_address=None, pair_slug=None, first_swap_at_block_number=None, last_swap_at_block_number=None, first_swap_at=None, last_swap_at=None, flag_inactive=None, flag_blacklisted_manually=None, flag_unsupported_quote_token=None, flag_unknown_exchange=None, fee=None, buy_count_all_time=None, sell_count_all_time=None, buy_volume_all_time=None, sell_volume_all_time=None, buy_count_30d=None, sell_count_30d=None, buy_volume_30d=None, sell_volume_30d=None, buy_tax=None, transfer_tax=None, sell_tax=None, exchange_name=None, other_data=<factory>)#