API documentation for tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe.load_partial_data Python function.
- load_partial_data(client, execution_context, time_bucket, pairs, universe_options, liquidity=False, liquidity_time_bucket=None, liquidity_query_type=OHLCVCandleType.tvl_v1, preloaded_tvl_df=None, stop_loss_time_bucket=None, required_history_period=None, lending_reserves=None, lending_candle_types=(<LendingCandleType.supply_apr: 'supply_apr'>, <LendingCandleType.variable_borrow_apr: 'variable_borrow_apr'>), start_at=None, end_at=None, name=None, candle_progress_bar_desc=None, lending_candle_progress_bar_desc=None, pair_extra_metadata=False)[source]#
Load pair data for given trading pairs.
A loading function designed to load data for 2-20 pairs. Instead of loading all pair data over Parquet datasets, load only specific pair data from their corresponding JSONL endpoints.
This function works in low memory environments unlike
.Example of loading spot-only data:
… code-block:: python
- def create_trading_universe(
ts: datetime.datetime, client: Client, execution_context: ExecutionContext, universe_options: UniverseOptions,
) -> TradingStrategyUniverse:
- dataset = load_partial_data(
client=client, time_bucket=Parameters.candle_time_bucket, pairs=pairs_df, execution_context=execution_context, universe_options=universe_options, liquidity=True, liquidity_time_bucket=TimeBucket.d1, liquidity_query_type=OHLCVCandleType.tvl_v2,
- strategy_universe = TradingStrategyUniverse.create_from_dataset(
dataset, reserve_asset=”0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913”, # USDC on Base forward_fill=True, # We got very gappy data from low liquid DEX coins
return universe
Example of loading spot pair and Aave credit pool data:
- Parameters:
client (BaseClient) – Trading Strategy client instance
time_bucket (TimeBucket) – The candle time frame.
pairs (Union[Collection[Union[Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str, float], Tuple[ChainId, str | None, str, str]]], DataFrame]) –
List of trading pair tickers.
Can be
Human-readable descriptions, see
of pairs.
lending_resserves –
Lending reserves for which you want to download the data.
Either list of lending pool descriptions or preloaded lending universe.
lending_candle_types (Collection[LendingCandleType]) – What lending data columns to load
liquidity – Set true to load liquidity data as well
liquidity_time_bucket (tradingstrategy.timebucket.TimeBucket | None) –
Granularity of loaded TVL data.
If not given use time_bucket.
liquidity_query_type (OHLCVCandleType) –
Whether to use new-style or old-style data for TVL.
for details.preloaded_tvl_df (pandas.core.frame.DataFrame | None) –
Liquidity data was earlier loaded with
when constructing the trading universe.We do not reload this same data, but use the preloaded DataFrame directly.
lending_reserves (Optional[Union[LendingReserveUniverse, Collection[Union[Tuple[ChainId, LendingProtocolType, str], Tuple[ChainId, LendingProtocolType, str, str]]]]]) – Set true to load lending reserve data as well
stop_loss_time_bucket (Optional[TimeBucket]) – If set load stop loss trigger data using this candle granularity.
execution_context (ExecutionContext) – Defines if we are live or backtesting
universe_options (UniverseOptions) – Override values given the strategy file. Used in testing the framework.
required_history_period (datetime.timedelta | None) –
How much historical data we need to load.
Depends on the strategy. Defaults to load all data.
start_at (datetime.datetime | None) –
Load data for a specific backtesting data range.
TODO: Going to be deprecatd. Please use
instead.end_at (datetime.datetime | None) –
Load data for a specific backtesting data range.
TODO: Going to be deprecatd. Please use
instead.name (str | None) – The loading operation name used in progress bars
candle_progress_bar_desc (str | None) – Override the default progress bar message
lending_candle_progress_bar_desc (str | None) – Override the default progress bar message
pair_extra_metadata –
Load TokenSniffer data, buy/sell tax and other extra metadata.
Slow and API endpoint severely limited. Use only if you are dealing with a limited number of pairs.
- Lending_candle_types:
What lending data columns to load
- Returns:
Datataset containing the requested data
- Return type: