API documentation for tradeexecutor.cli.commands Python module in Trading Strategy.
Module description#
trade-executor command line commands
Define Typer app root. |
backtest CLI command |
show-positions command. |
Command to check position triggers, mainly used in testing at the moment. |
check-universe command |
check-wallet command |
close-all command |
close-position command |
console command. |
Correct accounting errors in the internal state. |
deploy-guard CLI command. |
enzyme-asset-list CLi command. |
enzyme-deploy-vault CLI command. |
Export CLI command. |
init command. |
lagoon-deploy-vault CLI command. |
perform-test-trade command |
repair command. |
Reinitialise a strategy state. |
Reset account balances. |
retry command |
send-log-message command |
Commoon Typer options shared across command line commands. |
show-positions command. |
show-valuation command. |
start command |
version CLi command. |
Command to visualise a given strategy module locally. |
Web API command |