API documentation for tradingstrategy.utils.token_filter Python module in Trading Strategy.
Module description#
Tokens and trading pair dataset filtering.
Used to build a tradeable universe for all Uniswap pairs
Works mainly on trading pairs dataframe - see
See also:
for different stablecoin whitelistsFor easy filtering “give me tradeable trading pairs universe from these pairs” see
How to filter pairs in stablecoin filtering. |
Add base_token_address and quote_token_address to pairs data. |
Deduplicate trading pairs. |
Filter out tokens by their TokenSniffer risk score. |
Filter dataset so that it only contains data for the trading pairs that have a certain base token. |
Remove blacklisted tokens from the trading pair set. |
Extract trading pairs for specific blockchain. |
Detect derivative token. |
Extract trading pairs for specific exchange(s). |
Filter dataset so that it only contains data for the trading pairs from a certain exchange. |
Filter dataset so that it only contains data for the trading pairs from a certain exchange. |
Filter dataset so that it only contains data for the trading pairs from a certain exchange. |
Remove tokens with unprintable characters |
Filter dataset so that it only contains data for the trading pairs that have a certain quote tokens. |
Detect rebase token. |
Filter dataset so that it only contains data for the trading pairs that are either stablecoin pairs or not. |
Select only pairs with a specific trading fee. |
Filter out pairs that are not interested for trading. |
Identify common derivate tokens. |
Identify common rebase tokens. |