
API documentation for Python class in Trading Strategy framework.

class TradeStatus[source]#

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.




Trade has been put to the planning pipeline.


Trade has txid allocated.


Trade has been pushed to the network


Trade was executed ok Any capital on sell transaction have been credited back to the reserves.


Trade was reversed e.g.


This trade was originally failed, but later repaired.


A virtual trade to reverse any balances of a repaired trade.

planned = 'planned'#

Trade has been put to the planning pipeline. The trade instance has been created and stored in the state, but no internal accounting changes have been made.

started = 'started'#

Trade has txid allocated. Any capital have been debited from the reserved and credited on the trade.

broadcasted = 'broadcasted'#

Trade has been pushed to the network

success = 'success'#

Trade was executed ok Any capital on sell transaction have been credited back to the reserves.

failed = 'failed'#

Trade was reversed e.g. due to too much slippage. Trade can be retries.

repaired = 'repaired'#

This trade was originally failed, but later repaired.

A counter entry was made in the position and this trade was marked as repaired.

repair_entry = 'repair_entry'#

A virtual trade to reverse any balances of a repaired trade.