API documentation for tradingstrategy.transport.cache.CachedHTTPTransport Python class in Trading Strategy framework.
- class CachedHTTPTransport[source]#
A HTTP API transport that offers optional local caching of the results.
Download live and cached datasets from the candle server and cache locally on the filesystem
The download files are very large and expect to need several gigabytes of space for them
Has a default HTTP retry policy in the case network or server flakiness
- __init__(download_func, endpoint=None, cache_period=datetime.timedelta(days=3), cache_path=None, api_key=None, timeout=(89.0, 89.0), add_exception_hook=True, retry_policy=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
download_func (Callable) – Interactive download progress bar displayed during the download
endpoint (Optional[str]) – API server we are using - default is
cache_period – How many days we store the downloaded files
cache_path (Optional[str]) – Where we store the downloaded files
api_key (Optional[str]) – Trading Strategy API key to use download
Requests HTTP lib timeout.
Passed to
.add_exception_hook – Automatically raise an error in the case of HTTP error. Prevents auto retries.
retry_policy (Optional[Retry]) – How to handle failed HTTP requests. If not given use the default somewhat graceful retry policy.
(download_func[, endpoint, ...])- param download_func:
Interactive download progress bar displayed during the download
()Release any underlying sockets.
([retry_policy, ...])Create HTTP 1.1 keep-alive connection to the server with optional authorization details.
(bucket)Load candles and return a cached file where they are stored.
(pair_ids, time_bucket)Load particular set of the candles and cache the result.
(chain_id)Not cached.
Stream CLMM Parquet data from the server.
(...[, ...])Load particular set of the lending candles and cache the result.
(chain_ids, exchange_slugs, ...)Call /top API endpoint.
(pair_ids, ...)Check the trading data availability at oracle's real time market feed endpoint.
(pair_ids, time_bucket)Load particular set of the TVL candles and cache the result.
(fname)Get a cached file.
(fname)Get a cached file.
(api_path[, params])message_of_the_day
(api_path[, params])purge_cache
([filename])Delete all cached files on the filesystem.
(first_name, last_name, email)Makes a register request.
(fpath, api_path[, params, ...])Download a file to the cache and display a pretty progress bar while doing it.
- __init__(download_func, endpoint=None, cache_period=datetime.timedelta(days=3), cache_path=None, api_key=None, timeout=(89.0, 89.0), add_exception_hook=True, retry_policy=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
download_func (Callable) – Interactive download progress bar displayed during the download
endpoint (Optional[str]) – API server we are using - default is
cache_period – How many days we store the downloaded files
cache_path (Optional[str]) – Where we store the downloaded files
api_key (Optional[str]) – Trading Strategy API key to use download
Requests HTTP lib timeout.
Passed to
.add_exception_hook – Automatically raise an error in the case of HTTP error. Prevents auto retries.
retry_policy (Optional[Retry]) – How to handle failed HTTP requests. If not given use the default somewhat graceful retry policy.
- create_requests_client(retry_policy=None, api_key=None, add_exception_hook=True)[source]#
Create HTTP 1.1 keep-alive connection to the server with optional authorization details.
- get_cached_item(fname)[source]#
Get a cached file.
if the cache has expiredThe cache timeout is coded in the file modified timestamp (mtime)
- get_cached_item_with_status(fname)[source]#
Get a cached file.
if the cache has expiredThe cache timeout is coded in the file modified timestamp (mtime)
- Parameters:
- Return type:
Tuple[pathlib.Path | None, CacheStatus]
- save_response(fpath, api_path, params=None, human_readable_hint=None)[source]#
Download a file to the cache and display a pretty progress bar while doing it.
- Parameters:
fpath – File system path where the download will be saved
api_path – Which Trading Strategy backtesting API we call to download the dataset.
params – HTTP request params, like the Authorization header
human_readable_hint (Optional[str]) – The status text displayed on the progress bar what’s being downloaded
- fetch_top_pairs(chain_ids, exchange_slugs, addresses, method, min_volume_24h_usd=None, limit=None, risk_score_threshold=None)[source]#
Call /top API endpoint.
Not cached.
- Parameters:
chain_ids (Collection[ChainId]) –
exchange_slugs (Collection[str]) –
addresses (Collection[str]) –
method (str) –
min_volume_24h_usd (None | float) –
limit (int | None) –
risk_score_threshold (int | None) –
- Return type:
- fetch_candles_all_time(bucket)[source]#
Load candles and return a cached file where they are stored.
If cached file exists return it directly
Wait if someone else is writing the file (in multiple parallel testers)
- Parameters:
bucket (TimeBucket) –
- Return type:
- fetch_lending_candles_by_reserve_id(reserve_id, time_bucket, candle_type=LendingCandleType.variable_borrow_apr, start_time=None, end_time=None)[source]#
Load particular set of the lending candles and cache the result.
For the candles format see
.- Parameters:
reserve_id (int) – Lending reserve’s internal id we query data for. Get internal id from lending reserve universe dataset.
time_bucket (TimeBucket) – Candle time frame.
candle_type (LendingCandleType) – Lending candle type.
start_time (Optional[datetime]) – All candles after this. If not given start from genesis.
- Returns:
Lending candles dataframe
- Return type:
- register(first_name, last_name, email)[source]#
Makes a register request.
The request does not load any useful payload, but it is assumed the email message gets verified and the user gets the API from the email.
- Return type:
- fetch_candles_by_pair_ids(pair_ids, time_bucket, start_time=None, end_time=None, max_bytes=None, progress_bar_description=None)[source]#
Load particular set of the candles and cache the result.
If there is no cached result, load using JSONL.
More information in
.For the candles format see
.- Parameters:
pair_ids (Collection[int]) – Trading pairs internal ids we query data for. Get internal ids from pair dataset.
time_bucket (TimeBucket) – Candle time frame
start_time (Optional[datetime]) – All candles after this. If not given start from genesis.
max_bytes (Optional[int]) – Limit the streaming response size
progress_bar_description (Optional[str]) – Display on downlood progress bar
- Returns:
Candles dataframe
- Return type:
- fetch_tvl_by_pair_ids(pair_ids, time_bucket, start_time=None, end_time=None, progress_bar_description=None, query_type=OHLCVCandleType.tvl_v1)[source]#
Load particular set of the TVL candles and cache the result.
For the candles format see
.- Parameters:
pair_ids (Collection[int]) –
Trading pairs internal ids we query data for. Get internal ids from pair dataset.
We should be able to handle unlimited pair count, as we do one request per pair.
time_bucket (TimeBucket) – Candle time frame
start_time (Optional[datetime]) – All candles after this. If not given start from genesis.
progress_bar_description (Optional[str]) – Display on downlood progress bar
query_type (OHLCVCandleType) –
- Returns:
Liquidity dataframe.
- Return type:
- fetch_clmm_liquidity_provision_candles_by_pair_ids(pair_ids, time_bucket, start_time=None, end_time=None, progress_bar_description=None)[source]#
Stream CLMM Parquet data from the server.
For the candles format see
.- Parameters:
pair_ids (Collection[int]) –
Trading pairs internal ids we query data for. Get internal ids from pair dataset.
We should be able to handle unlimited pair count, as we do one request per pair.
time_bucket (TimeBucket) – Candle time frame
start_time (Optional[datetime]) – All candles after this. If not given start from genesis.
progress_bar_description (Optional[str]) – Display on downlood progress bar
- Returns:
CLMM dataframe.
.- Return type:
- fetch_trading_data_availability(pair_ids, time_bucket)[source]#
Check the trading data availability at oracle’s real time market feed endpoint.
Trading Strategy oracle uses sparse data format where candles with zero trades are not generated. This is better suited for illiquid DEX markets with few trades.
Because of sparse data format, we do not know if there is a last candle available - candle may not be available yet or there might not be trades to generate a candle
This endpoint allows to check the trading data availability for multiple of trading pairs.
This endpoint is public
- Parameters:
pair_ids (Collection[int]) – Trading pairs internal ids we query data for. Get internal ids from pair dataset.
time_bucket (TimeBucket) – Candle time frame
- Returns:
Map of pairs -> their trading data availability
- Return type: