Source code for tradeexecutor.ethereum.execution

"""Dealing with Ethereum low level tranasctions."""

import logging
import datetime
import warnings
from collections import Counter
from decimal import Decimal
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Dict, Set, Tuple

from eth_account.datastructures import SignedTransaction

from eth_defi.provider.broken_provider import get_almost_latest_block_number
from eth_typing import HexAddress, HexStr
from hexbytes import HexBytes
from web3 import Web3

from eth_defi.abi import get_deployed_contract
from eth_defi.deploy import get_or_create_contract_registry
from eth_defi.gas import GasPriceSuggestion, apply_gas, estimate_gas_fees
from eth_defi.hotwallet import HotWallet, SignedTransactionWithNonce
from eth_defi.provider.fallback import FallbackProvider
from eth_defi.provider.mev_blocker import MEVBlockerProvider, get_mev_blocker_provider
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details, TokenDetails
from eth_defi.confirmation import wait_transactions_to_complete, \
    broadcast_and_wait_transactions_to_complete, broadcast_transactions, wait_and_broadcast_multiple_nodes, wait_and_broadcast_multiple_nodes_mev_blocker, OutOfGasFunds
from eth_defi.trace import trace_evm_transaction, print_symbolic_trace
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.deployment import UniswapV2Deployment, FOREVER_DEADLINE
from eth_defi.revert_reason import fetch_transaction_revert_reason

from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.tx import TransactionBuilder
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.swap import report_failure
from tradeexecutor.state.state import State
from import TradeExecution, TradeStatus
from tradeexecutor.state.blockhain_transaction import BlockchainTransaction
from tradeexecutor.state.freeze import freeze_position_on_failed_trade
from tradeexecutor.state.identifier import AssetIdentifier
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2.uniswap_v2_routing import UniswapV2Routing, UniswapV2RoutingState
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v3.uniswap_v3_routing import UniswapV3Routing, UniswapV3RoutingState
from tradeexecutor.state.types import BlockNumber
from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_model import ExecutionModel, RoutingStateDetails, ExecutionHaltableIssue
from tradeexecutor.strategy.generic.generic_router import GenericRouting
from tradeexecutor.strategy.routing import RoutingModel, RoutingState
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import TradingStrategyUniverse
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.ethereum_protocol_adapters import EthereumPairConfigurator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO check with tradeexuctor.strategy.execution ExecutionModel
[docs]class EthereumExecution(ExecutionModel): """Run order execution on a single Uniswap v2 style exchanges."""
[docs] def __init__( self, tx_builder: TransactionBuilder, min_balance_threshold=Decimal("0.5"), confirmation_block_count=6, confirmation_timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), max_slippage: float = 0.01, stop_on_execution_failure=True, swap_gas_fee_limit=2_000_000, mainnet_fork=False, force_sequential_broadcast=False, ): """ :param tx_builder: Hot wallet instance used for this execution :param min_balance_threshold: Abort execution if our hot wallet gas fee balance drops below this :param confirmation_block_count: How many blocks to wait for the receipt confirmations to mitigate unstable chain tip issues :param confirmation_timeout: How long we wait transactions to clear :param stop_on_execution_failure: Raise an exception if any of the trades fail top execute :param max_slippage: TODO: No longer used. Set in `TradeExecution` object. Max slippage tolerance per trade. 0.01 is 1%. :param mainnet_fork: Is this Anvil in automining mainnet fork mode """ assert isinstance(tx_builder, TransactionBuilder), f"Got {tx_builder} {tx_builder.__class__}" assert isinstance(confirmation_timeout, datetime.timedelta), f"Got {confirmation_timeout} {confirmation_timeout.__class__}" self.tx_builder = tx_builder self.stop_on_execution_failure = stop_on_execution_failure self.min_balance_threshold = min_balance_threshold self.confirmation_block_count = confirmation_block_count self.confirmation_timeout = confirmation_timeout self.swap_gas_fee_limit = swap_gas_fee_limit self.max_slippage = max_slippage self.mainnet_fork = mainnet_fork self.force_sequential_broadcast = force_sequential_broadcast "Execution model %s created.\n confirmation_block_count: %s, confirmation_timeout: %s, mainnet_fork: %s, force_sequential_broadcast: %s", self.__class__.__name__, self.confirmation_block_count, self.confirmation_timeout, self.mainnet_fork, self.force_sequential_broadcast, )
@property def web3(self): return self.tx_builder.web3 @property def chain_id(self) -> int: """Which chain the live execution is connected to.""" return self.web3.eth.chain_id
[docs] def get_balance_address(self) -> str: return self.tx_builder.get_erc_20_balance_address()
[docs] def get_safe_latest_block(self) -> BlockNumber: web3 = self.web3 return get_almost_latest_block_number(web3)
@staticmethod def pre_execute_assertions( ts: datetime.datetime, routing_model: UniswapV2Routing | UniswapV3Routing, routing_state: UniswapV2RoutingState | UniswapV3RoutingState ): assert isinstance(ts, datetime.datetime) if isinstance(routing_model, UniswapV2Routing): assert isinstance(routing_state, UniswapV2RoutingState), "Incorrect routing_state specified" elif isinstance(routing_model, UniswapV3Routing): assert isinstance(routing_state, UniswapV3RoutingState), "Incorrect routing_state specified" else: raise ValueError("Incorrect routing model specified")
[docs] def repair_unconfirmed_trades(self, state: State) -> List[TradeExecution]: """Repair unconfirmed trades. Repair trades that failed to properly broadcast or confirm due to blockchain node issues. """ repaired = []"Repairing trades, using execution model %s", self) assert self.confirmation_timeout > datetime.timedelta(0), \ "Make sure you have a good tx confirmation timeout setting before attempting a repair" # Check if we are on a live chain, not Ethereum Tester if self.web3.eth.chain_id != 61: assert self.confirmation_block_count > 0, \ "Make sure you have a good confirmation_block_count setting before attempting a repair" trades_to_be_repaired = [] total_trades = 0"Strategy has %d frozen positions", len(list(state.portfolio.frozen_positions))) for p in chain(state.portfolio.open_positions.values(), state.portfolio.frozen_positions.values()): t: TradeExecution for t in p.trades.values(): if t.is_unfinished() or t.is_failed():"Found a trade: %s", t) trades_to_be_repaired.append(t) total_trades += 1 assert total_trades > 0, "No executed trades found on the strategy""Strategy has total %d trades", total_trades) if not trades_to_be_repaired: return [] print("Found %d trades to be repaired", len(trades_to_be_repaired)) confirmation = input("Attempt to repair [y/n]").lower() if confirmation != "y": return [] for t in trades_to_be_repaired: assert t.get_status() == TradeStatus.broadcasted receipt_data = wait_trades_to_complete( self.web3, [t], max_timeout=self.confirmation_timeout, confirmation_block_count=self.confirmation_block_count, ) assert len(receipt_data) > 0, f"Got bad receipts: {receipt_data}" tx_data = {tx.tx_hash: (t, tx) for tx in t.blockchain_transactions} self.resolve_trades(, state, tx_data, receipt_data, stop_on_execution_failure=True) t.repaired_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() t.add_note(f"Failed broadcast repaired at {t.repaired_at}") repaired.append(t) return repaired
def is_live_trading(self) -> bool: return True
[docs] def is_stop_loss_supported(self) -> bool: # TODO: fix this when we want to use stop loss in real strategy return False
[docs] def preflight_check(self): """Check that we can connect to the web3 node""" # Check JSON-RPC works assert self.web3.eth.block_number > 1 # Check we have money for gas fees if self.min_balance_threshold > 0: balance = self.tx_builder.get_gas_wallet_balance() assert balance > self.min_balance_threshold, f"At least {self.min_balance_threshold} native currency need, our wallet {self.tx_builder.get_gas_wallet_address()} has {balance:.8f}\n" \ f"If you think believe this balance is enough consider setting MIN_GAS_BALANCE environment variable."
[docs] def initialize(self): """Set up the wallet""""Initialising %s execution model", self.__class__.__name__) self.tx_builder.init()"Hot wallet %s has balance %s", self.tx_builder.get_gas_wallet_address(), self.tx_builder.get_gas_wallet_balance())
[docs] def broadcast_and_resolve_old( self, state: State, trades: List[TradeExecution], routing_model: RoutingModel, confirmation_timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), confirmation_block_count: int=0, stop_on_execution_failure=False, ): """Do the live trade execution. - Push trades to a live blockchain - Wait transactions to be mined - Based on the transaction result, update the state of the trade if it was success or not :param confirmation_block_count: How many blocks to wait until marking transaction as confirmed :confirmation_timeout: Max time to wait for a confirmation. We can use zero or negative values to simulate unconfirmed trades. See `test_broadcast_failed_and_repair_state`. :param stop_on_execution_failure: If any of the transactions fail, then raise an exception. Set for unit test. """ web3 = self.web3"Using legacy broadcast") assert isinstance(confirmation_timeout, datetime.timedelta) broadcasted = broadcast(web3, datetime.datetime.utcnow(), trades) # if confirmation_timeout > datetime.timedelta(0): receipts = wait_trades_to_complete( web3, trades, max_timeout=confirmation_timeout, confirmation_block_count=confirmation_block_count, ) self.resolve_trades(, routing_model, state, broadcasted, receipts, stop_on_execution_failure=stop_on_execution_failure)
[docs] def broadcast_and_resolve_mev_blocker( self, routing_model: RoutingModel, state: State, trades: List[TradeExecution], confirmation_timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=10), stop_on_execution_failure=False, ): """Sequential broadcast of txs. - Cannot broadcast another tx until previous is confirmed - For each trade, broadcast each transaction one by one - After all transactions of the trade are complete, resolve the trade """ web3 = self.web3 mev_blocker = get_mev_blocker_provider(web3) # assert mev_blocker or self.force_sequential_broadcast # Special path needed on Ethereum mainnet and MEV Blocker "MEV blocker/sequential tx enabled broadcast, mev blocker: %s, sequential: %s, timeout %s", mev_blocker, self.force_sequential_broadcast, confirmation_timeout, ) if not mev_blocker: # Anvil test path mev_blocker = web3.provider asset, _ = state.portfolio.get_default_reserve_asset() treasury_token = fetch_erc20_details( self.web3, asset.address, chain_id=asset.chain_id, ) balance_address = self.tx_builder.get_erc_20_balance_address() completed_trades = [] # Broadcast and resolve one by one for t in trades: current_trade_tx_map = {} current_trade_receipts = {} needed_usd = t.get_value() onchain_treasury_balance = treasury_token.fetch_balance_of(balance_address) "Onchain balance %f, before executing %s with value %s", onchain_treasury_balance, t, needed_usd, ) # Trip wire if we have somehow miscalculated USD allocation for buy trades. # The next transaction would not go through even if we try, so better to abort here # and inspect why is this happening. if t.is_spot(): if t.is_buy(): if onchain_treasury_balance <= needed_usd: trades_done = len(completed_trades) total_sales = sum(t.get_executed_value() for t in completed_trades if t.is_sell()) expected_sales = sum(t.planned_reserve for t in completed_trades if t.is_sell()) total_sales = float(total_sales) expected_sales = float(expected_sales) total_sell_trades = len([t for t in completed_trades if t.is_sell()]) total_sell_trades_failed = len([t for t in completed_trades if t.is_sell() and t.is_failed()]) total_buy_trades = len([t for t in completed_trades if t.is_buy()]) diff = (total_sales - expected_sales) / expected_sales for t in completed_trades: logger.error( "Completed trade: %s, expected reserve: %s, executed reserve: %s, price: %s\nPrice structure: %s", t, t.planned_reserve, t.executed_reserve, t.executed_price, t.price_structure, ) # This is a special type of exception that will cause store.sync() to save state in main loop exit raise ExecutionHaltableIssue( f"Not enough treasury to buy token in the middle of rebalance run, should not happen.\n" \ f"Trades done: {trades_done}, total trades: {len(trades)}, total sell trades: {total_sell_trades}, total sell trades failed: {total_sell_trades_failed}, total buy trades: {total_buy_trades}\n" \ f"Balance: {onchain_treasury_balance:.2f}, USD needed: {needed_usd:.2f}\n" \ f"Total sales: {total_sales:.2f} USD, expected sales: {expected_sales:.2f} USD, diff {diff:.2%}" \ f"Trade: {t}" ) for tx in t.blockchain_transactions: "MEV blocker resolve, tx: %s, nonce %d, trade: #%d, timeout %s", tx.tx_hash, tx.nonce, t.trade_id, confirmation_timeout, ) signed_tx = SignedTransactionWithNonce( rawTransaction=HexBytes(tx.signed_bytes), hash=HexBytes(tx.tx_hash), r=0, # Not needed in this stage s=0, # Not needed in this stage v=0, # Not needed in this stage address=tx.from_address, nonce=tx.nonce, source=tx.details, ) # Fail if we have many txs and looks like we are low on gas. # This is additional check for perform_gas_level_check() that is only a warning gas_balance = web3.eth.get_balance(tx.from_address) if gas_balance < self.min_balance_threshold * 10**18: raise OutOfGasFunds(f"Out of gas - do not attempt to broadcast transactions. {tx.from_address} gas balance is {gas_balance/10**18}, needed {self.min_balance_threshold}") try: receipts = wait_and_broadcast_multiple_nodes_mev_blocker( mev_blocker, [signed_tx], max_timeout=confirmation_timeout, ) except Exception as e: logger.error("MEV blocker failed to broadcast: %s", e) report_failure(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), state, t, stop_on_execution_failure) break current_trade_tx_map[signed_tx.hash.hex()] = (t, tx) current_trade_receipts.update(receipts) else: # No problem with broadcasting, we got receipts t.mark_broadcasted(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), rebroadcast=False) self.resolve_trades(, routing_model, state, current_trade_tx_map, current_trade_receipts, stop_on_execution_failure=stop_on_execution_failure ) completed_trades.append(t)
[docs] def broadcast_and_resolve_multiple_nodes( self, routing_model: RoutingModel, state: State, trades: List[TradeExecution], confirmation_timeout: datetime.timedelta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), confirmation_block_count: int = 0, stop_on_execution_failure=False, rebroadcast=False, ): """Do the live trade execution using multiple nodes. See :py:func:`eth_defi.confirmation.wait_and_broadcast_multiple_nodes` :param state: The current state of the strategy :param trades: List of trades we need to execute on-chain :param confirmation_block_count: How many blocks to wait until marking transaction as confirmed :param confirmation_timeout: Max time to wait for a confirmation. We can use zero or negative values to simulate unconfirmed trades. See `test_broadcast_failed_and_repair_state`. :param stop_on_execution_failure: If any of the transactions fail, then raise an exception. Set for unit test. """ assert isinstance(confirmation_timeout, datetime.timedelta) assert isinstance(routing_model, RoutingModel) web3 = self.web3 "Using multi-node broadcast for %s, mainnet fork flag is %s", web3.provider, self.mainnet_fork, ) # Uncofirmed trade test, never confirm anything if confirmation_timeout == datetime.timedelta(0):"Unit test path of no confirmation") return txs: Set[SignedTransactionWithNonce] = set() tx_map: Dict[HexStr, tuple] = dict() for t in trades: assert len(t.blockchain_transactions) > 0, f"Trade {t} does not have any blockchain transactions prepared" for tx in t.blockchain_transactions: assert tx.signed_bytes, f"Unsigned transaction: {tx}" assert tx.tx_hash is not None signed_tx = SignedTransactionWithNonce( rawTransaction=HexBytes(tx.signed_bytes), hash=HexBytes(tx.tx_hash), r=0, # Not needed in this stage s=0, # Not needed in this stage v=0, # Not needed in this stage address=tx.from_address, nonce=tx.nonce, source=tx.details, ) txs.add(signed_tx)"Broadcasting transaction %s, nonce %s, for trade\n:%s", signed_tx.hash.hex(), signed_tx.nonce, t) tx_map[signed_tx.hash.hex()] = (t, tx) t.mark_broadcasted(datetime.datetime.utcnow(), rebroadcast=rebroadcast)"Normal tx broadcast") receipts = wait_and_broadcast_multiple_nodes( web3, txs, max_timeout=confirmation_timeout, confirmation_block_count=confirmation_block_count, node_switch_timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=1), # Rebroadcast every 1 minute check_nonce_validity=not rebroadcast, mine_blocks=self.mainnet_fork, ) self.resolve_trades(, routing_model, state, tx_map, receipts, stop_on_execution_failure=stop_on_execution_failure )
[docs] def execute_trades( self, ts: datetime.datetime, state: State, trades: List[TradeExecution], routing_model: RoutingModel, routing_state: RoutingState, check_balances=False, rebroadcast=False, triggered=False, ): if self.web3.eth.chain_id not in (ChainId.ethereum_tester.value, ChainId.anvil.value): if not self.mainnet_fork: assert self.confirmation_block_count > 0, f"confirmation_block_count set to {self.confirmation_block_count} " if not rebroadcast: state.start_execution_all( datetime.datetime.utcnow(), trades, max_slippage=self.max_slippage, rebroadcast=rebroadcast, ) routing_model.setup_trades( state=state, routing_state=routing_state, trades=trades, check_balances=check_balances, rebroadcast=rebroadcast, ) force_sequential_broadcast = self.force_sequential_broadcast if isinstance(self.web3.provider, MEVBlockerProvider) or force_sequential_broadcast: self.broadcast_and_resolve_mev_blocker( routing_model, state, trades, # explicitly set to False here to keep execution going stop_on_execution_failure=False, ) elif isinstance(self.web3.provider, (FallbackProvider)): # Multi node broadcast self.broadcast_and_resolve_multiple_nodes( routing_model, state, trades, confirmation_timeout=self.confirmation_timeout, confirmation_block_count=self.confirmation_block_count, rebroadcast=rebroadcast, ) else: # Rebroadcast not supported for the old code path self.broadcast_and_resolve_old( state, trades, routing_model, confirmation_timeout=self.confirmation_timeout, confirmation_block_count=self.confirmation_block_count, ) # Clean up failed trades freeze_position_on_failed_trade(ts, state, trades)
[docs] def get_routing_state_details(self) -> RoutingStateDetails: return { "tx_builder": self.tx_builder, }
[docs] def update_confirmation_status( self, ts: datetime.datetime, tx_map: Dict[HexBytes, Tuple[TradeExecution, BlockchainTransaction]], receipts: Dict[HexBytes, dict] ) -> set[TradeExecution]: """First update the state of all transactions, as we now have receipt for them. Update the transaction confirmation status""" return update_confirmation_status(self.web3, ts, tx_map, receipts)
[docs] def resolve_trades( self, ts: datetime.datetime, routing_model: RoutingModel, state: State, tx_map: Dict[HexStr, Tuple[TradeExecution, BlockchainTransaction]], receipts: Dict[HexBytes, dict], stop_on_execution_failure=True ): """Resolve trade outcome. Read on-chain Uniswap swap data from the transaction receipt and record how it went. Mutates the trade objects in-place. :param tx_map: tx hash -> (trade, transaction) mapping :param receipts: tx hash -> receipt object mapping :param stop_on_execution_failure: Raise an exception if any of the trades failed""" assert isinstance(state, State) assert isinstance(routing_model, RoutingModel) web3 = self.web3 trades = self.update_confirmation_status(ts, tx_map, receipts) # Then resolve trade status by analysis the tx receipt # if the blockchain transaction was successsful. # Also get the actual executed token counts. for trade in trades: routing_model.settle_trade( web3, state, trade, receipts, stop_on_execution_failure=stop_on_execution_failure, )
[docs] def create_default_routing_model( self, strategy_universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, ) -> RoutingModel: """Get the default routing model for this executor. :return: """ web3 = self.web3 configurator = EthereumPairConfigurator(web3, strategy_universe) return GenericRouting(configurator)
# Only usage outside this module is UniswapV2ExecutionModelV0
[docs]def update_confirmation_status( web3: Web3, ts: datetime.datetime, tx_map: Dict[HexBytes, Tuple[TradeExecution, BlockchainTransaction]], receipts: Dict[HexBytes, dict] ) -> set[TradeExecution]: """First update the state of all transactions, as we now have receipt for them. Update the transaction confirmation status""" trades: set[TradeExecution] = set() # First update the state of all transactions, # as we now have receipt for them for tx_hash, receipt in receipts.items(): try: trade, tx = tx_map[tx_hash.hex()] except KeyError as e: raise KeyError(f"{tx_hash.hex()} not in map keys: {list(tx_map.keys())}") from e # Update the transaction confirmation status status = receipt["status"] == 1 block_number = receipt["blockNumber"] f"Resolved as %s tx nonce: %d, hash: %s, function: %s(), contract %s, gas limit %s, block {block_number:,} for trade %s", "success" if status else "reverted", tx.nonce, tx_hash.hex(), tx.function_selector, tx.get_gas_limit(), tx.contract_address, trade) reason = None stack_trace = None # Transaction failed, # try to get as much as information possible if status == 0: reason = fetch_transaction_revert_reason(web3, tx_hash) if web3.eth.chain_id == ChainId.anvil.value: trace_data = trace_evm_transaction(web3, tx_hash) stack_trace = print_symbolic_trace(get_or_create_contract_registry(web3), trace_data) tx.set_confirmation_information( ts, receipt["blockNumber"], receipt["blockHash"].hex(), receipt.get("effectiveGasPrice", 0), receipt["gasUsed"], status, revert_reason=reason, stack_trace=stack_trace, ) trades.add(trade) return trades
# Only usage outside this module is UniswapV2ExecutionModelV0
[docs]def translate_to_naive_swap( web3: Web3, deployment: UniswapV2Deployment, hot_wallet: HotWallet, t: TradeExecution, gas_fees: GasPriceSuggestion, base_token_details: TokenDetails, quote_token_details: TokenDetails, ): """Creates an AMM swap tranasction out of buy/sell. If buy tries to do the best execution for given `planned_reserve`. If sell tries to do the best execution for given `planned_quantity`. Route only between two pools - stablecoin reserve and target buy/sell. Any gas price is set by `web3` instance gas price strategy. :param t: :return: Unsigned transaction """ if t.is_buy(): amount0_in = int(t.planned_reserve * 10**quote_token_details.decimals) path = [quote_token_details.address, base_token_details.address] t.reserve_currency_allocated = t.planned_reserve else: # Reverse swap amount0_in = int(-t.planned_quantity * 10**base_token_details.decimals) path = [base_token_details.address, quote_token_details.address] t.reserve_currency_allocated = 0 args = [ amount0_in, 0, path, hot_wallet.address, FOREVER_DEADLINE, ] # # tx = deployment.router.functions.swapExactTokensForTokens( *args, ).build_transaction({ 'chainId': web3.eth.chain_id, 'gas': 350_000, # Estimate max 350k gas per swap 'from': hot_wallet.address, }) apply_gas(tx, gas_fees) signed = hot_wallet.sign_transaction_with_new_nonce(tx) selector = deployment.router.functions.swapExactTokensForTokens # Create record of this transaction tx_info = t.tx_info = BlockchainTransaction() tx_info.set_target_information( web3.eth.chain_id, deployment.router.address, selector.fn_name, args, tx, ) tx_info.set_broadcast_information(tx["nonce"], signed.hash.hex(), signed.rawTransaction.hex())
[docs]def prepare_swaps( web3: Web3, hot_wallet: HotWallet, uniswap: UniswapV2Deployment, ts: datetime.datetime, state: State, instructions: List[TradeExecution], underflow_check=True) -> Dict[HexAddress, int]: """Prepare multiple swaps to be breoadcasted parallel from the hot wallet. :param underflow_check: Do we check we have enough cash in hand before trying to prepare trades. Note that because when executing sell orders first, we will have more cash in hand to make buys. :return: Token approvals we need to execute the trades """ # Get our starting nonce gas_fees = estimate_gas_fees(web3) for idx, t in enumerate(instructions): base_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, t.pair.base.checksum_address) quote_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, t.pair.quote.checksum_address) assert base_token_details.decimals is not None, f"Bad token at {t.pair.base.address}" assert quote_token_details.decimals is not None, f"Bad token at {t.pair.quote.address}" state.portfolio.check_for_nonce_reuse(hot_wallet.current_nonce) translate_to_naive_swap( web3, uniswap, hot_wallet, t, gas_fees, base_token_details, quote_token_details, ) if t.is_buy(): state.portfolio.move_capital_from_reserves_to_spot_trade(t, underflow_check=underflow_check) t.started_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
[docs]def approve_tokens( web3: Web3, deployment: UniswapV2Deployment, hot_wallet: HotWallet, instructions: List[TradeExecution], ) -> List[SignedTransaction]: """Approve multiple ERC-20 token allowances for the trades needed. Each token is approved only once. E.g. if you have 4 trades using USDC, you will get 1 USDC approval. """ signed = [] approvals = Counter() for t in instructions: base_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, t.pair.base.checksum_address) quote_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, t.pair.quote.checksum_address) # Update approval counters for the whole batch if t.is_buy(): approvals[quote_token_details.address] += int(t.planned_reserve * 10**quote_token_details.decimals) else: approvals[base_token_details.address] += int(-t.planned_quantity * 10**base_token_details.decimals) for tpl in approvals.items(): token_address, amount = tpl assert amount > 0, f"Got a non-positive approval {token_address}: {amount}" token = get_deployed_contract(web3, "IERC20.json", token_address)"approve() ERC20: %s, amount: %s, to router: %s", token_address, deployment.router.address, amount) tx = token.functions.approve( deployment.router.address, amount, ).build_transaction({ 'chainId': web3.eth.chain_id, 'gas': 100_000, # Estimate max 100k per approval 'from': hot_wallet.address, }) signed.append(hot_wallet.sign_transaction_with_new_nonce(tx)) return signed
[docs]def approve_infinity( web3: Web3, deployment: UniswapV2Deployment, hot_wallet: HotWallet, instructions: List[TradeExecution], ) -> List[SignedTransaction]: """Approve multiple ERC-20 token allowances for the trades needed. Each token is approved only once. E.g. if you have 4 trades using USDC, you will get 1 USDC approval. """ signed = [] approvals = Counter() for t in instructions: base_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, t.pair.base.checksum_address) quote_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, t.pair.quote.checksum_address) # Update approval counters for the whole batch if t.is_buy(): approvals[quote_token_details.address] += int(t.planned_reserve * 10**quote_token_details.decimals) else: approvals[base_token_details.address] += int(-t.planned_quantity * 10**base_token_details.decimals) for tpl in approvals.items(): token_address, amount = tpl assert amount > 0, f"Got a non-positive approval {token_address}: {amount}" token = get_deployed_contract(web3, "IERC20.json", token_address)"approve() infinity, ERC20: %s, to router: %s", token.address, deployment.router.address) tx = token.functions.approve( deployment.router.address, amount, ).build_transaction({ 'chainId': web3.eth.chain_id, 'gas': 100_000, # Estimate max 100k per approval 'from': hot_wallet.address, }) signed.append(hot_wallet.sign_transaction_with_new_nonce(tx)) return signed
[docs]def confirm_approvals( web3: Web3, txs: List[SignedTransaction], confirmation_block_count=0, max_timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), ): """Wait until all transactions are confirmed. :param confirmation_block_count: How many blocks to wait for the transaction to settle :raise: If any of the transactions fail """"Confirming %d approvals, confirmation_block_count is %d", len(txs), confirmation_block_count) receipts = broadcast_and_wait_transactions_to_complete( web3, txs, confirmation_block_count=confirmation_block_count, max_timeout=max_timeout, ) return receipts
[docs]def broadcast( web3: Web3, ts: datetime.datetime, instructions: List[TradeExecution], confirmation_block_count: int=0, ganache_sleep=0.5, ) -> Dict[HexBytes, Tuple[TradeExecution, BlockchainTransaction]]: """Broadcast multiple transactions and manage the trade executor state for them. .. note :: The node provider may or may not support broadcasting multiple transactions without confirming existing ones. For example, LlamaNode will give nonce too low error. We will try to deal with this in the middleware. :return: Map of transaction hashes to watch """ warnings.warn('This function is deprecated. Use multi-node broadcasting instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)"Broadcasting %d trades", len(instructions)) res = {} # Another nonce guard nonces: Set[int] = set() broadcast_batch: List[SignedTransactionWithNonce] = [] for t in instructions: assert len(t.blockchain_transactions) > 0, f"Trade {t} does not have any blockchain transactions prepared" for tx in t.blockchain_transactions: assert isinstance(tx.signed_bytes, str), f"Got signed transaction: {t.tx_info.signed_bytes}" assert tx.nonce not in nonces, "Nonce already used" nonces.add(tx.nonce) tx.broadcasted_at = ts res[tx.tx_hash] = (t, tx) # Only SignedTransaction.rawTransaction attribute is intresting in this point signed_tx = tx.get_tx_object() broadcast_batch.append(signed_tx)"Broadcasting transaction for trade %s:\n %s", t, tx) t.mark_broadcasted(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) try: hashes = broadcast_transactions(web3, broadcast_batch, confirmation_block_count=confirmation_block_count) except Exception as e: # Node error: # This happens when Polygon chain is busy. # We want to add more error information here # ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'tx fee (6.23 ether) exceeds the configured cap (1.00 ether)'} for t in instructions: logger.error("Could not transactions for broadcast trade: %s", t) for tx in t.blockchain_transactions: logger.error("Transaction: %s, planned gas price: %s, gas limit: %s", tx, tx.get_planned_gas_price(), tx.get_gas_limit()) raise e assert len(hashes) >= len(instructions), f"We got {len(hashes)} hashes for {len(instructions)} trades" return res
[docs]def wait_trades_to_complete( web3: Web3, trades: List[TradeExecution], confirmation_block_count=0, max_timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=5), poll_delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=1)) -> Dict[HexBytes, dict]: """Watch multiple transactions executed at parallel. :return: Map of transaction hashes -> receipt """"Waiting %d trades to confirm, confirm block count %d, timeout %s", len(trades), confirmation_block_count, max_timeout) assert isinstance(confirmation_block_count, int) tx_hashes = [] for t in trades: tx_hashes.extend(tx.tx_hash for tx in t.blockchain_transactions) receipts = wait_transactions_to_complete(web3, tx_hashes, confirmation_block_count, max_timeout, poll_delay) return receipts
[docs]def get_held_assets(web3: Web3, address: HexAddress, assets: List[AssetIdentifier]) -> Dict[str, Decimal]: """Get list of assets hold by the a wallet .""" result = {} for asset in assets: token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, asset.checksum_address) balance = token_details.contract.functions.balanceOf(address).call() result[token_details.address.lower()] = Decimal(balance) / Decimal(10 ** token_details.decimals) return result