API documentation for tradeexecutor.ethereum.enzyme.vault.EnzymeVaultSyncModel Python class in Trading Strategy framework.
- class EnzymeVaultSyncModel[source]#
Update Enzyme vault balances.
- __init__(web3, vault_address, reorg_mon, only_chain_listener=True, hot_wallet=None, generic_adapter_address=None, vault_payment_forwarder_address=None, scan_chunk_size=10000)[source]#
- Parameters:
web3 (Web3) – Web3
vault_address (str) – The address of the vault
reorg_mon (ReorganisationMonitor) – How to deal with block updates
only_chain_listerer –
This is the only adapter using reorg_mon.
Will call
as the partsync_treasury()
.hot_wallet (Optional[HotWallet]) –
Trade executor’s hot wallet used to create transactions.
Only needed when doing trades.
generic_adapter_address (Optional[str]) –
The vault specific deployed GenericAdapter smart contract.
Needed to make trades.
scan_chunk_size – Ethereum eth_getLogs JSON-RPC workaround for a horrible blockchain APIs.
(web3, vault_address, reorg_mon[, ...])- param web3:
Check that the hot wallet has the correct ownership rights to make trades through the vault.
Create event reader for vault deposit/redemption events.
Creates a transaction builder instance to make trades against this asset management model.
(assets[, ...])Read the on-chain asset details.
Read the reserve asset from the vault data.
Get the vault address we are using.
Get the vault address we are using
(portfolio, asset)Map a redemption event asset to an underlying position.
Get the address where tokens are stored.
()Can deposit land only when we tell so.
()Do we need to sync positions when we sync treasuty.
(state)Have we run init command on the vault.
Process the reorgsanisation monitor blocks.
(portfolio, event, ...)Translate Enzyme SharesBought event to our internal deposit storage format.
(portfolio, event, ...)Translate Enzyme SharesBought event to our internal deposit storage format.
(state)Clear out pending withdrawals/deposits events.
Re-read hot wallet nonce before trade execution.
(state[, allow_override])Get the deployment event by scanning the whole chain from the start.
(timestamp, state, universe, ...)Sync interests events.
(timestamp, state, ...)Detect any position balance changes due to deposit/redemptions of vault users.
(state[, allow_override])Reinitiliase the vault.
(strategy_cycle_ts, state[, ...])Apply the balance sync before each strategy cycle.
(state, event, ...)Translate on-chain event data to our persistent format.
- __init__(web3, vault_address, reorg_mon, only_chain_listener=True, hot_wallet=None, generic_adapter_address=None, vault_payment_forwarder_address=None, scan_chunk_size=10000)[source]#
- Parameters:
web3 (Web3) – Web3
vault_address (str) – The address of the vault
reorg_mon (ReorganisationMonitor) – How to deal with block updates
only_chain_listerer –
This is the only adapter using reorg_mon.
Will call
as the partsync_treasury()
.hot_wallet (Optional[HotWallet]) –
Trade executor’s hot wallet used to create transactions.
Only needed when doing trades.
generic_adapter_address (Optional[str]) –
The vault specific deployed GenericAdapter smart contract.
Needed to make trades.
scan_chunk_size – Ethereum eth_getLogs JSON-RPC workaround for a horrible blockchain APIs.
- resync_nonce()[source]#
Re-read hot wallet nonce before trade execution.
Ensures that if the private key is used outside the trade executor, we are not getting wrong nonce error when broadcasting the transaction.
Map a redemption event asset to an underlying position.
- Raises:
UnknownAsset – If we got a redemption event for an asset that does not belong to any of our positions
- Parameters:
portfolio (Portfolio) –
asset (AssetIdentifier) –
- Return type:
tradeexecutor.state.reserve.ReservePosition | tradeexecutor.state.position.TradingPosition
- process_deposit(portfolio, event, strategy_cycle_ts)[source]#
Translate Enzyme SharesBought event to our internal deposit storage format.
- Parameters:
- Return type:
- process_redemption(portfolio, event, strategy_cycle_ts)[source]#
Translate Enzyme SharesBought event to our internal deposit storage format.
In-kind redemption exchanges user share tokens to underlying assets.
User gets whatever strategy reserves there is
User gets share of whatever spot positions there are currently open
- Parameters:
portfolio (Portfolio) –
event (Redemption) –
strategy_cycle_ts (datetime) –
- Return type:
- translate_and_apply_event(state, event, strategy_cycle_ts)[source]#
Translate on-chain event data to our persistent format.
- Parameters:
state (State) –
event (EnzymeBalanceEvent) –
strategy_cycle_ts (datetime) –
- Return type:
- sync_initial(state, allow_override=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Get the deployment event by scanning the whole chain from the start.
Updates state.sync.deployment structure.
You need to give start_block hint of the scanning will take too long because Ethereum design flaws.
sync_model.sync_initial(state, start_block=35_123_123)
- Parameters:
state (State) –
- sync_interests(timestamp, state, universe, pricing_model)[source]#
Sync interests events.
Read interest gained onchain
Apply it to your state
- Returns:
The list of applied interest change events
- Parameters:
timestamp (datetime) –
state (State) –
universe (TradingStrategyUniverse) –
pricing_model (PricingModel) –
- Return type:
- fetch_onchain_balances(assets, filter_zero=True, block_identifier=None)[source]#
Read the on-chain asset details.
Mark the block we are reading at the start
Asset list is sorted to be by address to make sure the return order is deterministic
- Parameters:
filter_zero – Do not return zero balances
block_identifier (Union[Literal['latest', 'earliest', 'pending', 'safe', 'finalized'], ~eth_typing.evm.BlockNumber, ~eth_typing.evm.Hash32, ~eth_typing.encoding.HexStr, ~hexbytes.main.HexBytes, int]) – Cbeck at certain block height.
assets (List[AssetIdentifier]) –
- Returns:
Iterator for assets by the sort order.
- Return type:
- create_event_reader()[source]#
Create event reader for vault deposit/redemption events.
Set up the reader interface for fetch_deployment_event() extract_timestamp is disabled to speed up the event reading, we handle it separately
- Returns:
Tuple (event reader, quick node workarounds).
- Return type:
- sync_treasury(strategy_cycle_ts, state, supported_reserves=None, end_block=None, post_valuation=False)[source]#
Apply the balance sync before each strategy cycle.
- Parameters:
strategy_cycle_ts (datetime) –
The current strategy cycle.
Resevers are synced before executing the strategy cycle.
state (State) – Current state of the execution.
supported_reverses –
List of assets the strategy module wants to use as its reserves.
May be None in testing.
end_block (int | None) – Sync until this block.
post_valuation –
For models where we need to manage the deposit queue ourselves, like Lagoon, make onchain transaction to update the new onchain valuation.
Disabled by default as this needs gas fees.
supported_reserves (Optional[List[AssetIdentifier]]) –
- Returns:
List of balance updates detected.
- Return type:
- sync_reinit(state, allow_override=False, **kwargs)[source]#
Reinitiliase the vault.
Fixes broken accounting. Only needs to be used if internal state and blockchain state have somehow managed to get out of sync: internal state has closed positions that are not in blockchain state or vice versa.
Makes any token balances in the internal state to match the blockchain state.
Assumes all positions are closed (currently artificial limitation).
All position history is deleted, because we do not know whether positions closed for profit or loss.
for details.Note
Currently quite a test code. Make support all positions, different sync models.
- Parameters:
state (State) – Empty state
allow_override – Allow init twice.
kwargs –
Initial sync hints.
Passed to
- create_transaction_builder()[source]#
Creates a transaction builder instance to make trades against this asset management model.
Only needed when trades are being executed.
- Returns:
Depending on the asset management mode.
- Return type:
- check_ownership()[source]#
Check that the hot wallet has the correct ownership rights to make trades through the vault.
Hot wallet must be registered either as
Vault owner
Vault asset manager
- Raises:
AssertionError – If the hot wallet cannot perform trades for the vault