Source code for tradeexecutor.strategy.parameters

"""Strategy input parameters handlding.

- Handle input parameters in single-run and grid search cases
import datetime
from typing import Tuple, Iterable, TypedDict

from import Dimension
from tabulate import tabulate
from web3.datastructures import MutableAttributeDict

from tradeexecutor.state.types import USDollarAmount, Percent
from tradeexecutor.strategy.cycle import CycleDuration
from tradeexecutor.strategy.default_routing_options import TradeRouting

class StrategyParametersMissing(Exception):
    """Strategy parameters are not well defined."""

[docs]class CoreStrategyParameters(TypedDict): """Describe strategy parameters that are always available. """ cycle_duration: CycleDuration #: Current strategy decision cycle cycle: int #: Trade routing model. #: #: Applies to live strategies only #: routing: TradeRouting #: US dollars at the start of the backtesting initial_cash: USDollarAmount | None backtest_start: datetime.datetime | None backtest_end: datetime.datetime | None #: Live trading needed history #: #: How much data load for each strategy cycle in live trading #: required_history_period: datetime.timedelta | None #: Live trading setting for the maximum price impact. #: #: A tripwire check. #: #: If we exceed this price impact for any trade, #: crash the trade-executor before executing the trades. #: This is to protect the capital in the case #: some pool liquidity action is funny when a major single #: LP withdraws the liquidity. #: #: The parameter must be LP fee inclusive #: e.g. for the 5 BPS pool ever set this value lower than `0.0005`. #: #: See :py:class:`PriceImpactToleranceExceeded` #: maximum_price_impact: Percent | None
[docs]class StrategyParameters(MutableAttributeDict): """Strategy parameters. These parameters may present - Individual constant parameters for the strategy, like indicators threshold levels: `rsi_low`, `rsi_high` - Parameters about the backtesting itself: `backtest_start`, `backtest_end` - Parameters about strategy execution: `cycle_duration`. - See :py:class:`CoreStrategyParameters` for the always present parameters. Due to Python limitations these cannot be automatically type hinted. The parameters are presented as attributed dict and are accessible using both dotted attribe access and dict access: .. code-block:: python value = parameters.rsi_low value = parameters["rsi_low"] # Are equal Example parameter definition: .. code-block:: python from tradeexecutor.strategy.cycle import CycleDuration from tradeexecutor.backtest.backtest_runner import run_backtest_inline class Parameters: cycle_duration = CycleDuration.cycle_1d rsi_bars = 5 # 5 days = 15 8 hour bars eth_btc_rsi_bars = 20 # The length of ETH/BTC RSI rsi_high = 77 # RSI trigger threshold for decision making rsi_low = 60 # RSI trigger threshold for decision making allocation = 0.85 # Allocate 90% of cash to each position lookback_candles = 140 minimum_rebalance_trade_threshold = 500.00 # Don't do trades that would have less than 500 USD value change initial_cash = 10_000 # Start with 10k USD trailing_stop_loss = 0.875 shift = 0 state, universe, debug_dump = run_backtest_inline( name="RSI multipair", engine_version="0.4", decide_trades=decide_trades, client=client, universe=strategy_universe, parameters=Parameters, strategy_logging=False, ) trade_count = len(list(state.portfolio.get_all_trades())) print(f"Backtesting completed, backtested strategy made {trade_count} trades") You can use `StrategyParameters` with inline backtest as a dict: .. code-block:: python def decide_trades( timestamp: pd.Timestamp, parameters: StrategyParameters, strategy_universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, state: State, pricing_model: PricingModel) -> List[TradeExecution]: assert parameters.test_val == 111 # ... parameters = StrategyParameters({ "test_val": 111, }) # Run the test state, universe, debug_dump = run_backtest_inline( parameters=parameters, ) When dealing with grid search input, every parameter is assumed to be a list of potential grid search combination values. `decide_trades` function gets called with every single combination of the list. .. code-block:: python from tradeexecutor.strategy.cycle import CycleDuration from pathlib import Path from tradeexecutor.backtest.grid_search import prepare_grid_combinations # This is the path where we keep the result files around storage_folder = Path("/tmp/v5-grid-search.ipynb") class StrategyParameters: cycle_duration = CycleDuration.cycle_1d rsi_days = [5, 6, 9, 8, 20] # The length of RSI indicator eth_btc_rsi_days = 60 # The length of ETH/BTC RSI rsi_high = [60, 70, 80] # RSI trigger threshold for decision making rsi_low = [30, 40, 50] # RSI trigger threshold for decision making allocation = 0.9 # Allocate 90% of cash to each position lookback_candles = 120 minimum_rebalance_trade_threshold = 500.00 # Don't do trades that would have less than 500 USD value change combinations = prepare_grid_combinations(StrategyParameters, storage_folder) print(f"We prepared {len(combinations)} grid search combinations") # Then pass the combinations to a grid search from tradeexecutor.backtest.grid_search import perform_grid_search grid_search_results = perform_grid_search( decide_trades, strategy_universe, combinations, max_workers=8, trading_strategy_engine_version="0.4", multiprocess=True, ) When working with optimiser, the optimiser search space must be defined using :py:class:`` instances like :py:class:``, :py:class:`` or :py:class:``. .. code-block:: python from skopt import space class Parameters: stop_loss = space.Real(0.85, 0.99) max_asset_amount = space.Integer(3, 4) regime_filter_type = space.Categorical(["bull", "bull_and_bear"]) """ def __getattribute__(self, name): # Only implemented to make type hinting to stop complaining # try: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) except AttributeError: all_params = ", ".join(key for key, val in self.iterate_parameters()) raise AttributeError(f"Strategy parameters lacks parameter: {name}\nWe have: {all_params}")
[docs] def iterate_parameters(self) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, any]]: """Iterate over parameter definitions.""" return self.items()
[docs] def is_single_run(self) -> bool: """Are these parameters for a single backtest run. As opposite to the grid search. """ for key, value in self.iterate_parameters(): if type(value) == list: return True
[docs] def validate_backtest(self): """Do a basic validation for backtesting parameters.""" if "initial_cash" not in self: raise StrategyParametersMissing("initial_cash parameter missing") if "cycle_duration" not in self: raise StrategyParametersMissing("cycle_duration parameter missing")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_class(c: type, grid_search=False) -> "StrategyParameters": """Create parameter dict out from a class object. - Convert inlined class-style strategy parameter input to dictionary TODO: Write separate methdods `from_class_for_backtest`, `from_class_for_grid_search`, `from_class_for_optimiser`, as we cannot otherwisde detect all human input errors. :param grid_search: Make grid-search style parameters. Every scalar input is converted to a single item list if set. """ # keys = [attr for attr in dir(c) if not callable(getattr(c, attr)) and not attr.startswith("__")] params = {k: getattr(c, k) for k in keys} params["grid_search"] = grid_search if not grid_search: return StrategyParameters(params) # Convert single variable declarations to a list output = {} for k, v in params.items(): if not type(v) in (list, tuple): v = [v] output[k] = v return StrategyParameters(output)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_dict(other_parameters: dict | MutableAttributeDict) -> "StrategyParameters": """Create parameter dict out from another dict. - Convert scikit-optimizer parameteres to astrategy parameter input to dictionary """ return StrategyParameters(other_parameters)
[docs]def dump_parameters(parameters: StrategyParameters) -> str: """Format strategy parameters for the output.""" assert isinstance(parameters, StrategyParameters), f"Got {parameters}" data = [[key, value] for key, value in parameters.iterate_parameters()] out = tabulate( data, headers=("Parameter", "Value"), ) return out