API documentation for tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search_advanced.calculate_rolling_metrics Python function.
- calculate_rolling_metrics(grid_search_result, visualised_parameters, fixed_parameters, sample_freq='MS', lookback=Timedelta('90 days 00:00:00'), benchmarked_metric=BenchmarkMetric.sharpe)[source]#
Calculate rolling metrics for grid search.
We can have two parameters e.g. - N: size of traded basket - M: number of different pick sizes
For each N: - Calc rolling sharpe using last 3 months of returns (do in pandas) - This will give you an M-sized array or returns
For each quarter: - Look back 3 months and plot - yaxis: sharpe ratios - x-axis: array of Ns
Example output if using a single visualised parameter:
0.50 0.75 0.99 2021-06-01 NaN NaN NaN 2021-07-01 -7.565988 -5.788797 -7.554848 2021-08-01 -3.924643 -1.919256 -3.914840 2021-09-01 -1.807489 -1.050918 -1.798897 2021-10-01 -1.849303 -1.604062 -1.841385 2021-11-01 -3.792905 -3.924210 -3.784793 2021-12-01 -4.156751 -4.186192 -4.148683
Example of 2d heatmap output:
0.50 0.75 0.99 a b a b a b 2021-06-01 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2021-07-01 -7.565988 -7.565988 -5.788797 -5.788797 -7.554848 -7.554848 2021-08-01 -3.924643 -3.924643 -1.919256 -1.919256 -3.914840 -3.914840 2021-09-01 -1.807489 -1.807489 -1.050918 -1.050918 -1.798897 -1.798897 2021-10-01 -1.849303 -1.849303 -1.604062 -1.604062 -1.841385 -1.841385 2021-11-01 -3.792905 -3.792905 -3.924210 -3.924210 -3.784793 -3.784793 2021-12-01 -4.156751 -4.156751 -4.186192 -4.186192 -4.148683 -4.148683
- Parma visualised_parameters:
Single parameter name for a line chart, two parameter name tuple for a heatmap.
- Parameters:
sample_freq (pandas._libs.tslibs.offsets.DateOffset | str) – What is the frequency of calculating rolling value
lookback – For trailing sharpe, how far look back
grid_search_result (list[tradeexecutor.backtest.grid_search.GridSearchResult]) –
fixed_parameters (dict) –
- Returns:
DataFrame where
Index is timestamp, by step
Each column is value of visualisation parameter
Each row value is the visualised metric for that parameter and that timestamp
The first row contains NaNs as it cannot be calculated due to lack of data.
- Return type: