API documentation for tradeexecutor.ethereum.aave_v3.aave_v3_routing.AaveV3Routing Python class in Trading Strategy framework.
- class AaveV3Routing[source]#
A simple router that does not optimise the trade execution cost.
Able to trade on multiple exchanges
Able to three-way trades through predefined intermediary hops, either on the exchange itself or some outside exchange
- __init__(address_map, allowed_intermediary_pairs, reserve_token_address, chain_id=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
address_map (Dict[str, HexAddress]) – Defines router smart contracts to be used with each DEX. Address map is a dict of factory, router, position_manager, and quoter addresses
allowed_intermediary_pairs (Dict[str, str]) –
Quote token address -> pair smart contract address mapping.
Because we hold our reserves only in one currecy e.g. BUSD and we want to trade e.g. Cake/BNB pairs, we need to whitelist BNB as an allowed intermediary token. This makes it possible to do BUSD -> BNB -> Cake trade. This set is the list of pair smart contract addresses that are allowed to be used as a hop.
chain_id (Optional[ChainId]) – Store the chain id for which these routes were generated for.
reserve_token_address (str) – Token address of our reserve currency. Relevent for buy/sell routing. Lowercase.
(address_map, ...[, chain_id])- param address_map:
(address_dict)Convert all key addresses to lowercase to avoid mix up with Ethereum address checksums
(universe, execution_details)Create a new routing state for this cycle.
(pair_universe, ...)Split for testability.
()Get the trading/LP fee applied to all trading pairs.
(pair_universe)Translate our reserve token address tok an asset description.
(routing_state, ...)make_direct_trade
(routing_state, ...[, ...])Prepare a trade where target pair has out reserve asset as a quote token.
(routing_state, ...[, ...])Prepare a short trade where target pair has out reserve asset as a quote token.
(routing_state, ...[, ...])Prepare a trade where target pair has out reserve asset as a quote token.
"Checks the integrity of the routing.
(reserve_asset_amount, ...)Some basic assertions made at the beginning of the trade() method on child class.
(pair_universe, trading_pair[, ...])Return Uniswap routing information (path components) for a trading pair.
(trading_pair, ...)route_trade
(pair_universe, trade)Figure out how to map an abstract trade to smart contracts.
(web3, state, trade, receipts[, ...])Post-trade executed price analysis.
(state, routing_state, trades[, ...])Strategy and live execution connection.
(routing_state, target_pair, ...[, ...])- param routing_state:
- __init__(address_map, allowed_intermediary_pairs, reserve_token_address, chain_id=None)[source]#
- Parameters:
address_map (Dict[str, HexAddress]) – Defines router smart contracts to be used with each DEX. Address map is a dict of factory, router, position_manager, and quoter addresses
allowed_intermediary_pairs (Dict[str, str]) –
Quote token address -> pair smart contract address mapping.
Because we hold our reserves only in one currecy e.g. BUSD and we want to trade e.g. Cake/BNB pairs, we need to whitelist BNB as an allowed intermediary token. This makes it possible to do BUSD -> BNB -> Cake trade. This set is the list of pair smart contract addresses that are allowed to be used as a hop.
chain_id (Optional[ChainId]) – Store the chain id for which these routes were generated for.
reserve_token_address (str) – Token address of our reserve currency. Relevent for buy/sell routing. Lowercase.
- create_routing_state(universe, execution_details)[source]#
Create a new routing state for this cycle.
Connect routing to web3 and hot wallet
Read on-chain data on what gas fee we are going to use
Setup transaction builder based on this information
- Parameters:
universe (StrategyExecutionUniverse) –
execution_details (dict) –
- Return type:
- perform_preflight_checks_and_logging(pair_universe)[source]#
“Checks the integrity of the routing.
Called from check-wallet to see our routing and balances are good
- Parameters:
pair_universe (PandasPairUniverse) –
- settle_trade(web3, state, trade, receipts, stop_on_execution_failure=False)[source]#
Post-trade executed price analysis.
Read on-chain data about the tx receipt of Enso swap
- Parameters:
state (State) – Strategy state
web3 (Web3) – Web3 connection.
trade (TradeExecution) – Trade executed in this execution batch
Blockchain receipts we received in this execution batch.
Hash -> receipt mapping.
stop_on_execution_failure –
Raise an error if the trade failed.
Used in unit testing.