# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from numpy import maximum as npMaximum
from numpy import minimum as npMinimum
from numpy import nan as npNaN
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
from .rsi import rsi
from pandas_ta.overlap import ma
from pandas_ta.utils import get_drift, get_offset, verify_series
[docs]def qqe(close, length=None, smooth=None, factor=None, mamode=None, drift=None, offset=None, **kwargs):
"""Indicator: Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE)"""
# Validate arguments
length = int(length) if length and length > 0 else 14
smooth = int(smooth) if smooth and smooth > 0 else 5
factor = float(factor) if factor else 4.236
wilders_length = 2 * length - 1
mamode = mamode if isinstance(mamode, str) else "ema"
close = verify_series(close, max(length, smooth, wilders_length))
drift = get_drift(drift)
offset = get_offset(offset)
if close is None: return
# Calculate Result
rsi_ = rsi(close, length)
_mode = mamode.lower()[0] if mamode != "ema" else ""
rsi_ma = ma(mamode, rsi_, length=smooth)
# RSI MA True Range
rsi_ma_tr = rsi_ma.diff(drift).abs()
# Double Smooth the RSI MA True Range using Wilder's Length with a default
# width of 4.236.
smoothed_rsi_tr_ma = ma("ema", rsi_ma_tr, length=wilders_length)
dar = factor * ma("ema", smoothed_rsi_tr_ma, length=wilders_length)
# Create the Upper and Lower Bands around RSI MA.
upperband = rsi_ma + dar
lowerband = rsi_ma - dar
m = close.size
long = Series(0, index=close.index)
short = Series(0, index=close.index)
trend = Series(1, index=close.index)
qqe = Series(rsi_ma.iloc[0], index=close.index)
qqe_long = Series(npNaN, index=close.index)
qqe_short = Series(npNaN, index=close.index)
for i in range(1, m):
c_rsi, p_rsi = rsi_ma.iloc[i], rsi_ma.iloc[i - 1]
c_long, p_long = long.iloc[i - 1], long.iloc[i - 2]
c_short, p_short = short.iloc[i - 1], short.iloc[i - 2]
# Long Line
if p_rsi > c_long and c_rsi > c_long:
long.iloc[i] = npMaximum(c_long, lowerband.iloc[i])
long.iloc[i] = lowerband.iloc[i]
# Short Line
if p_rsi < c_short and c_rsi < c_short:
short.iloc[i] = npMinimum(c_short, upperband.iloc[i])
short.iloc[i] = upperband.iloc[i]
# Trend & QQE Calculation
# Long: Current RSI_MA value Crosses the Prior Short Line Value
# Short: Current RSI_MA Crosses the Prior Long Line Value
if (c_rsi > c_short and p_rsi < p_short) or (c_rsi <= c_short and p_rsi >= p_short):
trend.iloc[i] = 1
qqe.iloc[i] = qqe_long.iloc[i] = long.iloc[i]
elif (c_rsi > c_long and p_rsi < p_long) or (c_rsi <= c_long and p_rsi >= p_long):
trend.iloc[i] = -1
qqe.iloc[i] = qqe_short.iloc[i] = short.iloc[i]
trend.iloc[i] = trend.iloc[i - 1]
if trend.iloc[i] == 1:
qqe.iloc[i] = qqe_long.iloc[i] = long.iloc[i]
qqe.iloc[i] = qqe_short.iloc[i] = short.iloc[i]
# Offset
if offset != 0:
rsi_ma = rsi_ma.shift(offset)
qqe = qqe.shift(offset)
long = long.shift(offset)
short = short.shift(offset)
# Handle fills
if "fillna" in kwargs:
rsi_ma.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
qqe.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
qqe_long.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
qqe_short.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
if "fill_method" in kwargs:
rsi_ma.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
qqe.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
qqe_long.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
qqe_short.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
# Name and Categorize it
_props = f"{_mode}_{length}_{smooth}_{factor}"
qqe.name = f"QQE{_props}"
rsi_ma.name = f"QQE{_props}_RSI{_mode.upper()}MA"
qqe_long.name = f"QQEl{_props}"
qqe_short.name = f"QQEs{_props}"
qqe.category = rsi_ma.category = "momentum"
qqe_long.category = qqe_short.category = qqe.category
# Prepare DataFrame to return
data = {
qqe.name: qqe, rsi_ma.name: rsi_ma,
# long.name: long, short.name: short
qqe_long.name: qqe_long, qqe_short.name: qqe_short
df = DataFrame(data)
df.name = f"QQE{_props}"
df.category = qqe.category
return df
qqe.__doc__ = \
"""Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE)
The Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE) is similar to SuperTrend but uses a Smoothed RSI with an upper and lower bands. The band width is a combination of a one period True Range of the Smoothed RSI which is double smoothed using Wilder's smoothing length (2 * rsiLength - 1) and multiplied by the default factor of 4.236. A Long trend is determined when the Smoothed RSI crosses the previous upperband and a Short trend when the Smoothed RSI crosses the previous lowerband.
Based on QQE.mq5 by EarnForex Copyright © 2010, based on version by Tim Hyder (2008), based on version by Roman Ignatov (2006)
Default Inputs:
length=14, smooth=5, factor=4.236, mamode="ema", drift=1
close (pd.Series): Series of 'close's
length (int): RSI period. Default: 14
smooth (int): RSI smoothing period. Default: 5
factor (float): QQE Factor. Default: 4.236
mamode (str): See ```help(ta.ma)```. Default: 'sma'
drift (int): The difference period. Default: 1
offset (int): How many periods to offset the result. Default: 0
fillna (value, optional): pd.DataFrame.fillna(value)
fill_method (value, optional): Type of fill method
pd.DataFrame: QQE, RSI_MA (basis), QQEl (long), and QQEs (short) columns.