# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from pandas import date_range, DataFrame, RangeIndex, Timedelta
from .midprice import midprice
from pandas_ta.utils import get_offset, verify_series
[docs]def ichimoku(high, low, close, tenkan=None, kijun=None, senkou=None, include_chikou=True, offset=None, **kwargs):
"""Indicator: Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō (Ichimoku)"""
tenkan = int(tenkan) if tenkan and tenkan > 0 else 9
kijun = int(kijun) if kijun and kijun > 0 else 26
senkou = int(senkou) if senkou and senkou > 0 else 52
_length = max(tenkan, kijun, senkou)
high = verify_series(high, _length)
low = verify_series(low, _length)
close = verify_series(close, _length)
offset = get_offset(offset)
if not kwargs.get("lookahead", True):
include_chikou = False
if high is None or low is None or close is None: return None, None
# Calculate Result
tenkan_sen = midprice(high=high, low=low, length=tenkan)
kijun_sen = midprice(high=high, low=low, length=kijun)
span_a = 0.5 * (tenkan_sen + kijun_sen)
span_b = midprice(high=high, low=low, length=senkou)
# Copy Span A and B values before their shift
_span_a = span_a[-kijun:].copy()
_span_b = span_b[-kijun:].copy()
span_a = span_a.shift(kijun)
span_b = span_b.shift(kijun)
chikou_span = close.shift(-kijun)
# Offset
if offset != 0:
tenkan_sen = tenkan_sen.shift(offset)
kijun_sen = kijun_sen.shift(offset)
span_a = span_a.shift(offset)
span_b = span_b.shift(offset)
chikou_span = chikou_span.shift(offset)
# Handle fills
if "fillna" in kwargs:
span_a.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
span_b.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
chikou_span.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
if "fill_method" in kwargs:
span_a.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
span_b.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
chikou_span.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
# Name and Categorize it
span_a.name = f"ISA_{tenkan}"
span_b.name = f"ISB_{kijun}"
tenkan_sen.name = f"ITS_{tenkan}"
kijun_sen.name = f"IKS_{kijun}"
chikou_span.name = f"ICS_{kijun}"
chikou_span.category = kijun_sen.category = tenkan_sen.category = "trend"
span_b.category = span_a.category = chikou_span
# Prepare Ichimoku DataFrame
data = {
span_a.name: span_a,
span_b.name: span_b,
tenkan_sen.name: tenkan_sen,
kijun_sen.name: kijun_sen,
if include_chikou:
data[chikou_span.name] = chikou_span
ichimokudf = DataFrame(data)
ichimokudf.name = f"ICHIMOKU_{tenkan}_{kijun}_{senkou}"
ichimokudf.category = "overlap"
# Prepare Span DataFrame
last = close.index[-1]
if close.index.dtype == "int64":
ext_index = RangeIndex(start=last + 1, stop=last + kijun + 1)
spandf = DataFrame(index=ext_index, columns=[span_a.name, span_b.name])
_span_a.index = _span_b.index = ext_index
df_freq = close.index.value_counts().mode()[0]
tdelta = Timedelta(df_freq, unit="d")
new_dt = date_range(start=last + tdelta, periods=kijun, freq="B")
spandf = DataFrame(index=new_dt, columns=[span_a.name, span_b.name])
_span_a.index = _span_b.index = new_dt
spandf[span_a.name] = _span_a
spandf[span_b.name] = _span_b
spandf.name = f"ICHISPAN_{tenkan}_{kijun}"
spandf.category = "overlap"
return ichimokudf, spandf
ichimoku.__doc__ = \
"""Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō (ichimoku)
Developed Pre WWII as a forecasting model for financial markets.
Default Inputs:
tenkan=9, kijun=26, senkou=52
MIDPRICE = Midprice
TENKAN_SEN = MIDPRICE(high, low, close, length=tenkan)
KIJUN_SEN = MIDPRICE(high, low, close, length=kijun)
CHIKOU_SPAN = close.shift(-kijun)
SPAN_A = SPAN_A.shift(kijun)
SPAN_B = MIDPRICE(high, low, close, length=senkou)
SPAN_B = SPAN_B.shift(kijun)
high (pd.Series): Series of 'high's
low (pd.Series): Series of 'low's
close (pd.Series): Series of 'close's
tenkan (int): Tenkan period. Default: 9
kijun (int): Kijun period. Default: 26
senkou (int): Senkou period. Default: 52
include_chikou (bool): Whether to include chikou component. Default: True
offset (int): How many periods to offset the result. Default: 0
fillna (value, optional): pd.DataFrame.fillna(value)
fill_method (value, optional): Type of fill method
pd.DataFrame: Two DataFrames.
For the visible period: spanA, spanB, tenkan_sen, kijun_sen,
and chikou_span columns
For the forward looking period: spanA and spanB columns