Source code for tradeexecutor.analysis.grid_search

"""Grid search result analysis.

- Breaddown of performance of different grid search combinations

- Heatmap and other comparison methods

import textwrap
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import as px
from plotly.graph_objs import Figure

from tradeexecutor.backtest.grid_search import GridSearchResult
from tradeexecutor.utils.sort import unique_sort

VALUE_COLS = ["Optim", "CAGR", "Max DD", "Sharpe", "Sortino", "Avg pos", "Med pos", "Win rate", "Time in market"]

PERCENT_COLS = ["CAGR", "Max DD", "Avg pos", "Med pos", "Time in market", "Win rate"]

DATA_COLS = ["Positions", "Trades"]

[docs]def analyse_combination( r: GridSearchResult, min_positions_threshold: int, ) -> dict: """Create a grid search result table row. - Create columns we can use to compare different grid search combinations :param min_positions_threshold: If we did less positions than this amount, do not consider this a proper strategy. Filter out one position outliers. """ row = {} param_names = [] for param in r.combination.parameters: # Skip parameters that are single fixed value # and do not affect the grid search results if param.single and not param.optimise: continue row[] = param.value param_names.append( def clean(x): if x == "-": return np.NaN elif x == "": return np.NaN if type(x) == int: return float(x) return x row.update({ "Positions": r.summary.total_positions, "Trades": r.summary.total_trades, }) if r.optimiser_search_value is not None: # Display raw optimiser search values # See analyse_optimiser_result() row.update({ "Optim": clean(r.optimiser_search_value), }) row.update({ # "Return": r.summary.return_percent, # "Return2": r.summary.annualised_return_percent, #"Annualised profit": clean(r.metrics.loc["Expected Yearly"][0]), "CAGR": clean(r.metrics.loc["Annualised return (raw)"][0]), "Max DD": clean(r.metrics.loc["Max Drawdown"][0]), "Sharpe": clean(r.metrics.loc["Sharpe"][0]), "Sortino": clean(r.metrics.loc["Sortino"][0]), # "Combination": r.combination.get_label(), "Time in market": clean(r.metrics.loc["Time in Market"][0]), "Win rate": clean(r.get_win_rate()), "Avg pos": r.summary.average_trade, # Average position "Med pos": r.summary.median_trade, # Median position }) # Clear all values except position count if this is not a good trade series if r.summary.total_positions < min_positions_threshold: for k in row.keys(): if k != "Positions" and k not in param_names: row[k] = np.NaN return row
[docs]def analyse_grid_search_result( results: List[GridSearchResult], min_positions_threshold: int = 5, drop_duplicates=True, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create aa table showing grid search result of each combination. - Each row have labeled parameters of its combination - Each row has some metrics extracted from the results by :py:func:`analyse_combination` The output has the following row for each parameter combination: - Combination parameters - Positions and trade counts - CAGR (Communicative annualized growth return, compounding) - Max drawdown - Sharpe - Sortino See also :py:func:`analyse_combination`. :param results: Output from :py:meth:`tradeexecutor.backtest.grid_search.perform_grid_search`. :param min_positions_threshold: If we has less closed positions than this amount, do not consider this a proper trading strategy. It is just random noise. Do not write a result line for such parameter combinations. :return: Table of grid search combinations """ assert len(results) > 0, "No results" rows = [analyse_combination(r, min_positions_threshold) for r in results] df = pd.DataFrame(rows) duplicate_cols_count = df.columns.duplicated(keep='first').sum() if duplicate_cols_count > 0: raise RuntimeError(f"Duplicate columns: {df.columns}") r = results[0] param_names = [ for p in r.combination.searchable_parameters] # display(df) df = df.set_index(param_names) # Optimiser may result to the duplicate grid combinations # as the optimiser searches are down in parallel # - however this would break styles of this df. # We remove duplicates here. if drop_duplicates: df = df.drop_duplicates(keep="first") # duplicates = df[df.index.duplicated(keep='first')] # if len(duplicates)> 0: # for r in duplicates.iterrows(): # print(f"Row: {r}") # raise RuntimeError(f"Duplicate indexes found: {duplicates}") df = df.sort_index() return df
[docs]def visualise_table(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn('This function is deprecated. Use render_grid_search_result_table() instead', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) return render_grid_search_result_table(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def render_grid_search_result_table(results: pd.DataFrame | list[GridSearchResult]) -> pd.DataFrame: """Render a grid search combination table to notebook output. - Highlight winners and losers - Gradient based on the performance of a metric - Stripes for the input Example: .. code-block:: python grid_search_results = perform_grid_search( decide_trades, strategy_universe, combinations, max_workers=get_safe_max_workers_count(), trading_strategy_engine_version="0.5", multiprocess=True, ) render_grid_search_result_table(grid_search_results) :param results: Output from :py:func:`perform_grid_search`. :return: Styled DataFrame for the notebook output """ if isinstance(results, pd.DataFrame): df = results else: df = analyse_grid_search_result(results) # # TODO: # Diverge color gradient around zero # # Optimised column is not alwqys present value_cols = [v for v in VALUE_COLS if v in df.columns] format_dict = {} for v in value_cols: format_dict[v] = "{:.2}" for v in PERCENT_COLS: format_dict[v] = "{:.2%}" for v in DATA_COLS: # # format_dict[v] = "{0:g}" formatted = axis = 0, subset = value_cols, ).highlight_min( color = 'pink', axis = 0, subset = value_cols, ).highlight_max( color = 'darkgreen', axis = 0, subset = value_cols, ).format( format_dict ) return formatted
[docs]def visualise_heatmap_2d( result: pd.DataFrame, parameter_1: str, parameter_2: str, metric: str, color_continuous_scale='Bluered_r', continuous_scale: bool | None = None, ) -> Figure: """Draw a heatmap square comparing two different parameters. Directly shows the resulting matplotlib figure. :param parameter_1: Y axis :param parameter_2: X axis :param metric: Value to examine :param result: Grid search results as a DataFrame. Created by :py:func:`analyse_grid_search_result`. :param color_continuous_scale: The name of Plotly gradient used for the colour scale. :param continuous_scale: Are the X and Y scales continuous. X and Y scales cannot be continuous if they contain values like None or NaN. This will stretch the scale to infinity or zero. Set `True` to force continuous, `False` to force discreet steps, `None` to autodetect. :return: Plotly Figure object """ # Reset multi-index so we can work with parameter 1 and 2 as series df = result.reset_index() # Backwards compatibiltiy if metric == "Annualised return" and ("Annualised return" not in df.columns) and "CAGR" in df.columns: metric = "CAGR" # Detect any non-number values on axes if continuous_scale is None: continuous_scale = not(df[parameter_1].isna().any() or df[parameter_2].isna().any()) # setting all column values to string will hint # Plotly to make all boxes same size regardless of value if not continuous_scale: df[parameter_1] = df[parameter_1].astype(str) df[parameter_2] = df[parameter_2].astype(str) df = df.pivot(index=parameter_1, columns=parameter_2, values=metric) # Format percents inside the cells and mouse hovers if metric in PERCENT_COLS: text = df.applymap(lambda x: f"{x * 100:,.2f}%") else: text = df.applymap(lambda x: f"{x:,.2f}") fig = px.imshow( df, labels=dict(x=parameter_2, y=parameter_1, color=metric), aspect="auto", title=metric, color_continuous_scale=color_continuous_scale, ) fig.update_traces(text=text, texttemplate="%{text}") fig.update_layout( title={"text": metric}, height=600, ) return fig
[docs]def visualise_3d_scatter( flattened_result: pd.DataFrame, parameter_x: str, parameter_y: str, parameter_z: str, measured_metric: str, color_continuous_scale="Bluered_r", # Reversed, blue = best height=600, ) -> Figure: """Draw a 3D scatter plot for grid search results. Create an interactive 3d chart to explore three different parameters and one performance measurement of the grid search results. Example: .. code-block:: python from tradeexecutor.analysis.grid_search import analyse_grid_search_result table = analyse_grid_search_result(grid_search_results) flattened_results = table.reset_index() flattened_results["Annualised return %"] = flattened_results["Annualised return"] * 100 fig = visualise_3d_scatter( flattened_results, parameter_x="rsi_days", parameter_y="rsi_high", parameter_z="rsi_low", measured_metric="Annualised return %" ) :param flattened_result: Grid search results as a DataFrame. Created by :py:func:`analyse_grid_search_result`. :param parameter_x: X axis :param parameter_y: Y axis :param parameter_z: Z axis :param parameter_colour: Output we compare. E.g. `Annualised return` :param color_continuous_scale: The name of Plotly gradient used for the colour scale. `See the Plotly continuos scale color gradient options <>`__. :return: Plotly figure to display """ assert isinstance(flattened_result, pd.DataFrame) assert type(parameter_x) == str assert type(parameter_y) == str assert type(parameter_z) == str assert type(measured_metric) == str fig = px.scatter_3d( flattened_result, x=parameter_x, y=parameter_y, z=parameter_z, color=measured_metric, color_continuous_scale=color_continuous_scale, height=height, ) return fig
def _get_hover_template( result: GridSearchResult, key_metrics = ("CAGR﹪", "Max Drawdown", "Time in Market", "Sharpe", "Sortino"), # See quantstats percent_metrics = ("CAGR﹪", "Max Drawdown", "Time in Market"), ): # Get metrics calculated with QuantStats data = result.metrics["Strategy"] metrics = {} for name in key_metrics: metrics[name] = data[name] template = textwrap.dedent(f"""<b>{result.get_label()}</b><br><br>""") for k, v in metrics.items(): if type(v) == int: v = float(v) if v in ("", None, "-"): # Messy third party code does not know how to mark no value template += f"{k}: -<br>" elif k in percent_metrics: assert type(v) == float, f"Got unknown type: {k}: {v} ({type(v)}" v *= 100 template += f"{k}: {v:.2f}%<br>" else: assert type(v) == float, f"Got unknown type: {k}: {v} ({type(v)}" template += f"{k}: {v:.2f}<br>" # Get trade metrics for k, v in result.summary.get_trading_core_metrics().items(): template += f"{k}: {v}<br>" return template
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class TopGridSearchResult: """Sorted best grid search results.""" #: Top returns cagr: list[GridSearchResult] #: Top Sharpe sharpe: list[GridSearchResult]
[docs]def find_best_grid_search_results(grid_search_results: list[GridSearchResult], count=20, unique_only=True) -> TopGridSearchResult: """From all grid search results, filter out the best one to be displayed. :param unique_only: Return unique value matches only. If multiple grid search results share the same metric (CAGR), filter out duplicates. Otherwise the table will be littered with duplicates. :return: Top lists """ if unique_only: sorter = unique_sort else: sorter = sorted result = TopGridSearchResult( cagr=sorter(grid_search_results, key=lambda r: r.get_cagr(), reverse=True)[0: count], sharpe=sorter(grid_search_results, key=lambda r: r.get_sharpe(), reverse=True)[0: count], ) return result
[docs]def visualise_grid_search_equity_curves(*args, **kwags): """Deprecated.""" warnings.warn("use tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search.visualise_grid_search_equity_curves instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) from tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search import visualise_grid_search_equity_curves return visualise_grid_search_equity_curves(*args, **kwags)
[docs]def order_grid_search_results_by_metric(results: List[GridSearchResult], metric: str = 'Cumulative Return') -> List[GridSearchResult]: """Order grid search results by a metric. Default is Cumulative Return. :param results: List of GridSearchResult :param metric: Metric to order by. Default is 'Cumulative Return' :return: List of GridSearchResult ordered by the metric """ return sorted(results, key=lambda x: x.get_metric(metric), reverse=True)