"""Weight allocations of assets.
- Visualise what the strategy portfolio consists of over time
- See :py:func:`visualise_weights` for usage
import pandas as pd
from plotly.graph_objs import Figure
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.colors as colors
from tradeexecutor.state.state import State
[docs]def calculate_asset_weights(
state: State,
) -> pd.Series:
"""Get timeline of asset weights for a backtest.
- Designed for visualisation / human readable output
- Might not handle complex cases correctly
Pandas Series of asset weights
- (DateTime, asset symbol) MultiIndex
- USD value of the asset in the portfolio in the given time
# Add cash rows
reserve_asset, price = state.portfolio.get_default_reserve_asset()
reserve_asset_symbol = reserve_asset.token_symbol
reserve_rows = [{
"timestamp": ps.calculated_at,
"asset": reserve_asset_symbol,
"value": ps.free_cash,
} for ps in state.stats.portfolio]
# Need to look up assets for every position
position_asset_map = {p.position_id: p.pair.base.token_symbol for p in state.portfolio.get_all_positions()}
# Add position values
position_rows = [{
"timestamp": ps.calculated_at,
"asset": position_asset_map[position_id],
"value": ps.value,
} for position_id, position_stats in state.stats.positions.items() for ps in position_stats]
df = pd.DataFrame(reserve_rows + position_rows)
df['timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['timestamp'], unit='s')
df = df.sort_values(by='timestamp')
df = df.set_index(["timestamp", "asset"])
series = df["value"]
# For each timestamp, we may have multiple entries of the same asset
# - in this case take the last one per asset.
# These may cause e.g. by simulated deposit events.
# 2021-06-01 USDC 1.000000e+06
# WBTC 9.840778e+05
# USDC 1.000000e+04
series_deduped = series[~series.index.duplicated(keep='last')]
# Pass to visualisation
series_deduped.attrs["reserve_asset_symbol"] = reserve_asset_symbol
return series_deduped
[docs]def visualise_weights(
weights_series: pd.Series,
) -> Figure:
"""Draw a chart of weights.
:param normalised:
Do 100% stacked chart over time
:param include_reserves:
Include reserve positions like USDC in the output.
Plotly chart
assert isinstance(weights_series, pd.Series)
reserve_asset_symbol = weights_series.attrs["reserve_asset_symbol"]
if not include_reserves:
# Filter out reserve position
reserve_asset_symbol = weights_series.attrs["reserve_asset_symbol"]
weights_series = weights_series[weights_series.index.get_level_values(1) != reserve_asset_symbol]
def sort_key_reserve_first(col_name):
if col_name == reserve_asset_symbol:
return -1000, col_name
return 0, col_name
# Unstack to create DataFrame with asset symbols as columns
df = weights_series.unstack(level=1)
# Make sure reserve is always the lefmost column
df = df[sorted(df.columns, key=sort_key_reserve_first)]
if normalised:
df = df.div(df.sum(axis=1), axis=0) * 100
if include_reserves:
reserve_text = f"{reserve_asset_symbol} reserves included"
reserve_text = f"{reserve_asset_symbol} reserves excluded"
fig = px.area(
title=f'Asset weights (%), {reserve_text}' if normalised else f'Asset weights (USD), {reserve_text}',
'index': 'Time',
'value': '% of portfolio' if normalised else 'US dollar size',
fig.update_traces(fillcolor='#aaa', selector=dict(name=reserve_asset_symbol))
return fig
[docs]def calculate_weights_statistics(
weights: pd.Series,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Get statistics of weights during the portfolio construction.
- Cash positions are excluded
:param weights:
US Dollar weights as series of MultiIndex(timestamp, pair)
Human-readable table of statistics
assert isinstance(weights, pd.Series)
assert isinstance(weights.index, pd.MultiIndex)
stats = []
source_weights = weights
# Filter out reserve position
reserve_asset_symbol = weights.attrs["reserve_asset_symbol"]
weights = weights[weights.index.get_level_values(1) != reserve_asset_symbol]
# Filter out zero values
weights = weights[weights != 0]
max_idx = weights.idxmax()
at, pair = max_idx
value = weights[max_idx]
"Name": f"Max position (excluding {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": at,
"Pair": pair,
"Value": value,
"Unit": "USD",
min_idx = weights.idxmin()
at, pair = min_idx
value = weights[min_idx]
"Name": f"Min position (excluding {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": at,
"Pair": pair,
"Value": value,
"Unit": "USD",
value = weights.mean()
"Name": f"Mean position (excluding {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": "",
"Pair": "",
"Value": value,
"Unit": "USD",
# Normalised weights
normalised = weights.groupby(level='timestamp').transform(lambda x: x / x.sum() * 100)
max_idx = normalised.idxmax()
at, pair = max_idx
value = normalised[max_idx]
"Name": f"Max position (excluding {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": at,
"Pair": pair,
"Value": value,
"Unit": "%",
min_idx = normalised.idxmin()
at, pair = min_idx
value = normalised[min_idx]
"Name": f"Min position (excluding {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": at,
"Pair": pair,
"Value": value,
"Unit": "%",
value = normalised.mean()
"Name": f"Mean position (excluding {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": "",
"Pair": "",
"Value": value,
"Unit": "%",
# Same, but USDC included in the mix
normalised = source_weights \
[source_weights != 0] \
.groupby(level='timestamp') \
.transform(lambda x: x / x.sum() * 100)
max_idx = normalised.idxmax()
at, pair = max_idx
value = normalised[max_idx]
"Name": f"Max position (including {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": at,
"Pair": pair,
"Value": value,
"Unit": "%",
min_idx = normalised.idxmin()
at, pair = min_idx
value = normalised[min_idx]
"Name": f"Min position (including {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": at,
"Pair": pair,
"Value": value,
"Unit": "%",
value = normalised.mean()
"Name": f"Mean position (including {reserve_asset_symbol})",
"At": "",
"Pair": "",
"Value": value,
"Unit": "%",
df = pd.DataFrame(stats)
df = df.set_index("Name")
df["Value"] = df["Value"].apply(lambda x: "{:,.2f}".format(x))
return df