Source code for tradeexecutor.ethereum.balance_update

"""Logic for managing reserve update events.

- Sync between chain, reserve position and portfolio inflow/outflow events

import datetime
from typing import List, Iterable

from tradeexecutor.ethereum.wallet import ReserveUpdateEvent, logger
from tradeexecutor.state.balance_update import BalanceUpdate, BalanceUpdateCause, BalanceUpdatePositionType
from tradeexecutor.state.identifier import AssetIdentifier
from tradeexecutor.state.position import TradingPosition
from import close_position_with_empty_trade
from tradeexecutor.state.reserve import ReservePosition
from tradeexecutor.state.state import State
from tradeexecutor.state.sync import BalanceEventRef
from tradeexecutor.strategy.account_correction import open_missing_spot_position_direct
from tradeexecutor.strategy.asset import AssetToPositionsMapping
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pricing_model import PricingModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.sync_model import OnChainBalance
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import TradingStrategyUniverse

[docs]def apply_reserve_update_events( state: State, reserve_update_events: List[ReserveUpdateEvent], default_price=1.0, ) -> List[BalanceUpdate]: """Apply deposit and withdraws on reserves in the portfolio. - Updates :py:class:`ReservePosition` instance to reflect the latest available balance - Generates balance update events needed to calculate inflows/outflows - Marks the last treasury updated at TODO: This needs to be refactored as is partially the old treasury sync code. :param default_price: Set the reserve currency price for new reserves. """ assert isinstance(state, State) portfolio = state.portfolio treasury_sync = state.sync.treasury balance_update_events = [] "Converting %d reserve update events to balance update events", len(reserve_update_events), ) for evt in reserve_update_events: res_pos = portfolio.reserves.get(evt.asset.get_identifier()) if res_pos is not None: # Update existing res_pos.quantity = evt.new_balance res_pos.last_sync_at = evt.updated_at"Portfolio reserve synced. Asset: %s", evt.asset) else: # Initialise new reserve position res_pos = ReservePosition( asset=evt.asset, quantity=evt.new_balance, last_sync_at=evt.updated_at, reserve_token_price=default_price, last_pricing_at=evt.updated_at, initial_deposit_reserve_token_price=default_price, initial_deposit=evt.new_balance, ) portfolio.reserves[res_pos.get_identifier()] = res_pos "Portfolio initial ReservePosition created. Asset: %s, identifier %s", evt.asset, evt.asset.get_identifier(), ) # Generate related balance events event_id = portfolio.next_balance_update_id portfolio.next_balance_update_id += 1 asset = evt.asset quantity = evt.change cause = BalanceUpdateCause.deposit if quantity > 0 else BalanceUpdateCause.redemption # TODO: Assume stablecoins are 1:1 with dollar usd_value = float(quantity) bu = BalanceUpdate( balance_update_id=event_id, position_type=BalanceUpdatePositionType.reserve, cause=cause, asset=asset, block_mined_at=evt.mined_at, # There is strategy_cycle_included_at=evt.updated_at, chain_id=asset.chain_id, old_balance=evt.past_balance, usd_value=usd_value, quantity=quantity, position_id=None, ) # Store balance update event on the reserve position res_pos.balance_updates[bu.balance_update_id] = bu ref = BalanceEventRef.from_balance_update_event(bu) balance_update_events.append(bu) treasury_sync.balance_update_refs.append(ref) treasury_sync.last_updated_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return balance_update_events
[docs]def perform_balance_update( timestamp: datetime.datetime, state: State, position: TradingPosition, ab: OnChainBalance, mapping: AssetToPositionsMapping, ) -> BalanceUpdate: """ - Very similar to `calculate_account_corrections` """"Applying balance update fo%s position %s", ab, position) assert isinstance(position, TradingPosition), f"{type(position)} is not a TradingPosition" assert position.is_spot() strategy_timestamp = timestamp event_timestamp = ab.timestamp actual_amount = ab.amount expected_amount = mapping.quantity diff = actual_amount - expected_amount portfolio = state.portfolio asset = ab.asset block_number = ab.block_number event_id = portfolio.next_balance_update_id portfolio.next_balance_update_id += 1 usd_value = position.calculate_quantity_usd_value(diff) evt = BalanceUpdate( balance_update_id=event_id, position_type=BalanceUpdatePositionType.open_position, cause=BalanceUpdateCause.vault_flow, asset=asset, block_mined_at=event_timestamp, strategy_cycle_included_at=strategy_timestamp, chain_id=asset.chain_id, old_balance=expected_amount, usd_value=usd_value, quantity=diff, owner_address=None, tx_hash=None, log_index=None, position_id=position.position_id, block_number=block_number, notes=f"Flow event at block {block_number:,}", ) ref = BalanceEventRef.from_balance_update_event(evt) accounting = state.sync.accounting accounting.balance_update_refs.append(ref) position.balance_updates[evt.balance_update_id] = evt # The position has gone to zero if position.can_be_closed(): # In a lot of places we assume that a position with 1 trade cannot be closed # Make a 0-sized trade so that we know the position is closed t = close_position_with_empty_trade(portfolio, position)"Position %s closed with a trade %s", position, t) assert position.is_closed() return evt
[docs]def apply_balance_update_events( timestamp: datetime.datetime, strategy_universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, state: State, pricing_model: PricingModel, asset_balances: Iterable[OnChainBalance], asset_to_position: dict[AssetIdentifier, AssetToPositionsMapping], ) -> list[BalanceUpdate]: """Apply generic balance change events. - Used for Velvet in-kind deposit/withdrawal flows - Reserve position is handled separately by :py:func:`apply_reserve_update_events` """ events = [] block_number = None for ab in asset_balances: asset = ab.asset mapping = asset_to_position[asset] if len(mapping.positions) == 0: # This asset does not have open our closed positions, # but is present in the trading universe"No mapping for asset: %s, amount: %s", ab.asset, ab.amount) if ab.amount == 0: continue # Detected tokens onchain, but we do not have an open position yet"Opening missing position for: %s", ab.asset) position = open_missing_spot_position_direct( strategy_universe=strategy_universe, state=state, pricing_model=pricing_model, timestamp=timestamp, asset=ab.asset, quantity=ab.amount, )"New position created: %s", position) elif mapping.is_one_to_one_asset_to_position(): position = mapping.get_only_position() evt = perform_balance_update( timestamp, state, position, ab, mapping, ) events.append(evt) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Has multiple positions per asset: {ab}") block_number = ab.block_number if block_number: accounting = state.sync.accounting accounting.last_updated_at = datetime.datetime.utcnow() accounting.last_block_scanned = block_number return events