Source code for tradeexecutor.ethereum.one_delta.analysis

from web3 import Web3
from web3.logs import DISCARD
from eth_abi import decode
from decimal import Decimal

from eth_defi.abi import (
from eth_defi.one_delta.deployment import OneDeltaDeployment
from eth_defi.one_delta.constants import TradeOperation, Exchange
from eth_defi.revert_reason import fetch_transaction_revert_reason
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details
from import TradeFail, TradeSuccess
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.deployment import UniswapV3Deployment
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.pool import fetch_pool_details
from eth_defi.aave_v3.deployment import AaveV3Deployment

[docs]def decode_path(encoded_path: bytes) -> list: """Decodes the 1delta path. :param encoded_path: 1delta encoded path :return: Fully decoded path array including addresses, fees and others """ assert isinstance(encoded_path, bytes), "encoded path must be provided as bytes" # drop the flag from last byte since we don't use it encoded_path = encoded_path[:-1] current_position = 0 decoded = [] index = 0 byte_order = { 0: 20, 1: 3, 2: 1, 3: 1, } while True: # stop at the end if current_position == len(encoded_path): break chunk_lenth = byte_order[index] chunk_position = current_position + chunk_lenth chunk = encoded_path[current_position : chunk_position] if chunk_lenth == 20: decoded.append(Web3.to_checksum_address(chunk.hex())) else: fee = int.from_bytes(chunk, "big", signed=False) decoded.append(fee) current_position += chunk_lenth index += 1 if index > 3: index = 0 return decoded
[docs]def analyse_leverage_trade_by_receipt( web3: Web3, one_delta: OneDeltaDeployment, uniswap: UniswapV3Deployment, aave: AaveV3Deployment, tx: dict, tx_hash: str | bytes, tx_receipt: dict, input_args: tuple | None = None, trade_operation: TradeOperation = TradeOperation.OPEN, ) -> tuple[TradeSuccess | TradeFail, int | None]: """Analyse a 1delta margin trade. Figure out - The success of the trade - Output amount :param tx_receipt: Transaction receipt :param input_args: The swap input arguments. If not given automatically decode from `tx`. You need to pass this for Enzyme transactions, because transaction payload is too complex to decode. :return: Tuple of trade result and collateral amount which get supplied or withdrawn to Aave reserve Negative for withdraw, positive for supply """ effective_gas_price = tx_receipt.get("effectiveGasPrice", 0) gas_used = tx_receipt["gasUsed"] # tx reverted if tx_receipt["status"] != 1: reason = fetch_transaction_revert_reason(web3, tx_hash) return TradeFail(gas_used, effective_gas_price, revert_reason=reason), None input_args = input_args[0] if len(input_args) == 3: if trade_operation == TradeOperation.OPEN: encoded_multicall_args = input_args[-1] else: encoded_multicall_args = input_args[0] elif len(input_args) == 1: encoded_multicall_args = input_args[0] else: raise ValueError("Should not happen") _, multicall_args = one_delta.flash_aggregator.decode_function_input(encoded_multicall_args) # amount_in = multicall_args["amountIn"] amount_out_min = multicall_args.get("amountOutMinimum", 0) path = decode_path(multicall_args["path"]) # there should be only 1 swap event swap_event =, errors=DISCARD)[0] props = swap_event["args"] amount0 = props["amount0"] amount1 = props["amount1"] tick = props["tick"] pool_address = swap_event["address"] pool = fetch_pool_details(web3, pool_address) # Depending on the path, the out token can pop up as amount0Out or amount1Out # For complex swaps (unspported) we can have both assert (amount0 > 0 and amount1 < 0) or (amount0 < 0 and amount1 > 0), "Unsupported swap type" if amount0 > 0: amount_in = amount0 amount_out = amount1 else: amount_in = amount1 amount_out = amount0 assert amount_out < 0, "amount out should be negative for uniswap v3" in_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, path[0]) out_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, path[-1]) price = pool.convert_price_to_human(tick) # TODO: this doesn't look quite correct lp_fee_paid = float(amount_in * pool.fee / 10**in_token_details.decimals) # analyse collateral amount if trade_operation == TradeOperation.OPEN: # first supply event supply_event =, errors=DISCARD)[0] collateral_amount = supply_event["args"]["amount"] else: # last withdraw event withdraw_event =, errors=DISCARD)[-1] collateral_amount = -withdraw_event["args"]["amount"] return TradeSuccess( gas_used, effective_gas_price, path=[pool.token1.address, pool.token0.address], amount_in=amount_in, amount_out_min=amount_out_min, amount_out=abs(amount_out), price=price, amount_in_decimals=in_token_details.decimals, amount_out_decimals=out_token_details.decimals, token0=pool.token0, token1=pool.token1, lp_fee_paid=lp_fee_paid, ), collateral_amount
[docs]def analyse_credit_trade_by_receipt( web3: Web3, one_delta: OneDeltaDeployment, uniswap: UniswapV3Deployment, aave: AaveV3Deployment, tx: dict, tx_hash: str | bytes, tx_receipt: dict, input_args: tuple | None = None, trade_operation: TradeOperation = TradeOperation.OPEN, ) -> TradeSuccess | TradeFail: """Analyse a 1delta credit supply trade. Figure out - The success of the trade :param tx_receipt: Transaction receipt :param input_args: The swap input arguments. If not given automatically decode from `tx`. You need to pass this for Enzyme transactions, because transaction payload is too complex to decode. :return: Trade result """ effective_gas_price = tx_receipt.get("effectiveGasPrice", 0) gas_used = tx_receipt["gasUsed"] # tx reverted if tx_receipt["status"] != 1: reason = fetch_transaction_revert_reason(web3, tx_hash) return TradeFail(gas_used, effective_gas_price, revert_reason=reason), None # transferERC20In -> deposit # transferERC20AllIn -> withdraw args = input_args[0][0] _, multicall_args = one_delta.flash_aggregator.decode_function_input(args) if trade_operation == TradeOperation.OPEN: supply_event =, errors=DISCARD)[0] amount_in = supply_event["args"]["amount"] in_token = multicall_args["asset"] in_token_decimals = fetch_erc20_details(web3, in_token).decimals out_token_decimals = 0 amount_out = 0 else: withdraw_event =, errors=DISCARD)[0] amount_out = withdraw_event["args"]["amount"] out_token = multicall_args["asset"] out_token_decimals = fetch_erc20_details(web3, out_token).decimals in_token_decimals = 0 amount_in = 0 return TradeSuccess( gas_used, effective_gas_price, path=None, amount_in=amount_in, amount_out_min=None, amount_out=amount_out, price=Decimal(0), amount_in_decimals=in_token_decimals, amount_out_decimals=out_token_decimals, token0=None, token1=None, lp_fee_paid=None, )
[docs]def analyse_one_delta_trade( web3: Web3, *, tx_hash: str, ) -> None: """Analyse a 1delta trade. """ flash_aggregator = get_deployed_contract( web3, "1delta/FlashAggregator.json", "0x74E95F3Ec71372756a01eB9317864e3fdde1AC53", ) tx = web3.eth.get_transaction(tx_hash) # print(tx) input_args = get_transaction_data_field(tx) if isinstance(input_args, str) and input_args.startswith("0x"): data = bytes.fromhex(input_args[2:]) else: data = input_args (multicall_payload,) = decode(("bytes[]",), data[4:]) print("------- Trade details -------") for call in multicall_payload: selector, params = call[:4], call[4:] function = flash_aggregator.get_function_by_selector(selector) args = decode_function_args(function, params) human_args = humanise_decoded_arg_data(args) symbolic_args = [] for k, v in human_args.items(): if k == "path": path = decode_path(bytes.fromhex(v)) symbolic_args.append(f" {k} = {v}") symbolic_args.append(f" decoded path =") for i, part in enumerate(path): if i in (0, len(path) - 1): token = fetch_erc20_details(web3, part) symbolic_args.append(f" {part} ({token.symbol})") elif i == 1: symbolic_args.append(f" {part} (pool fee: {part/10000}%)") elif i == 2: symbolic_args.append(f" {part} (exchange: {Exchange(part).name})") elif i == 3: symbolic_args.append(f" {part} (trade operation)") elif k == "asset": token = fetch_erc20_details(web3, v) symbolic_args.append(f" {k} = {v} ({token.symbol})") else: symbolic_args.append(f" {k} = {v}") symbolic_args = "\n".join(symbolic_args) print(f"\n{function.fn_name}:\n{symbolic_args}") tx_receipt = web3.eth.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) if tx_receipt["status"] != 0: print("\nThis transaction didn't fail so only debug info is printed") return # build a new transaction to replay: print("\n------- Trying to replay the tx -------") replay_tx = { "to": tx["to"], "from": tx["from"], "value": tx["value"], "data": input_args, } try: result = print(f"Replayed result: {result}") except Exception as e: print(f"Possible reason: {type(e)} {e.args[0]}")