Source code for tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2.uniswap_v2_live_pricing

"""Uniswap v2 live pricing.

Directly asks Uniswap v2 asset price from Uniswap pair contract
import logging
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Optional, Dict

from web3 import Web3

from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.deployment import UniswapV2Deployment
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.fees import estimate_buy_received_amount_raw, estimate_sell_received_amount_raw

from tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2.uniswap_v2_execution import UniswapV2Execution
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2.uniswap_v2_execution_v0 import UniswapV2ExecutionModelVersion0
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.uniswap_v2.uniswap_v2_routing import UniswapV2Routing, route_tokens, get_uniswap_for_pair
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.eth_pricing_model import EthereumPricingModel, LP_FEE_VALIDATION_EPSILON
from tradeexecutor.state.identifier import TradingPairIdentifier
from tradeexecutor.strategy.dummy import DummyExecutionModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_model import ExecutionModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trade_pricing import TradePricing
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import TradingStrategyUniverse

from tradingstrategy.pair import PandasPairUniverse

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class UniswapV2LivePricing(EthereumPricingModel): """Always pull the latest dollar price for an asset from Uniswap v2 deployment. Supports - Two-way BUSD -> Cake - Three-way trades BUSD -> BNB -> Cake ... within a single exchange. .. note :: If a trade quantity/currency amount is not given uses a "default small value" that is 0.1. Depending on the token, this value might be too much/too little, as Uniswap fixed point math starts to break for very small amounts. For example, for USDC trade 10 cents is already quite low. More information - `About ask and bid <>`_: """
[docs] def __init__(self, web3: Web3, pair_universe: PandasPairUniverse, routing_model: UniswapV2Routing, very_small_amount=Decimal("0.10"), epsilon: Optional[float] = LP_FEE_VALIDATION_EPSILON, ): assert isinstance(routing_model, UniswapV2Routing) self.uniswap_cache: Dict[TradingPairIdentifier, UniswapV2Deployment] = {} super().__init__( web3, pair_universe, routing_model, very_small_amount, epsilon, )
[docs] def get_uniswap(self, target_pair: TradingPairIdentifier) -> UniswapV2Deployment: """Helper function to speed up Uniswap v2 deployment resolution.""" if target_pair not in self.uniswap_cache: self.uniswap_cache[target_pair] = get_uniswap_for_pair(self.web3, self.routing_model.factory_router_map, target_pair) return self.uniswap_cache[target_pair]
[docs] def get_sell_price(self, ts: datetime.datetime, pair: TradingPairIdentifier, quantity: Optional[Decimal], ) -> TradePricing: """Get live price on Uniswap.""" if quantity is None: quantity = Decimal(self.very_small_amount) assert isinstance(quantity, Decimal) target_pair, intermediate_pair = self.routing_model.route_pair(self.pair_universe, pair) base_addr, quote_addr, intermediate_addr = route_tokens(target_pair, intermediate_pair) uniswap = self.get_uniswap(target_pair) # In three token trades, be careful to use the correct reserve token quantity_raw = target_pair.base.convert_to_raw_amount(quantity) fee = self.get_pair_fee(ts, pair) assert fee is not None, f"Uniswap v2 fee data missing: {uniswap}" bps_fee = int(fee * 10000) received_raw = estimate_sell_received_amount_raw( uniswap, base_addr, quote_addr, quantity_raw, intermediate_token_address=intermediate_addr, fee=bps_fee, ) if intermediate_pair: received = intermediate_pair.quote.convert_to_decimal(received_raw) fee2 = self.get_pair_fee(ts, intermediate_pair) assert fee2 == fee, "Pairs for Uniswap V2 should have same fee" fees = [fee, fee2] total_fee_pct = 1 - (1-fees[0]) * (1-fees[1]) else: received = target_pair.quote.convert_to_decimal(received_raw) fees = [fee] total_fee_pct = 1 - (1 - fees[0]) price = float(received / quantity) if intermediate_pair: mid_price = price / (1 - fee) / (1 - fee) path = [intermediate_pair, target_pair] else: mid_price = price / (1 - fee) path = [target_pair] lp_fee = float(quantity) * total_fee_pct assert price <= mid_price, f"Bad pricing: {price}, {mid_price}" # self.validate_mid_price_for_sell(lp_fee, mid_price, price, quantity) return TradePricing( price=price, mid_price=mid_price, lp_fee=[lp_fee], pair_fee=fees, side=False, path=path )
[docs] def get_buy_price(self, ts: datetime.datetime, pair: TradingPairIdentifier, reserve: Optional[Decimal], ) -> TradePricing: """Get live price on Uniswap. :param reserve: The buy size in quote token e.g. in dollars :return: Price for one reserve unit e.g. a dollar """ if reserve is None: reserve = Decimal(self.very_small_amount) else: assert isinstance(reserve, Decimal), f"Reserve must be decimal, got {reserve.__class__}: {reserve}" target_pair, intermediate_pair = self.routing_model.route_pair(self.pair_universe, pair) base_addr, quote_addr, intermediate_addr = route_tokens(target_pair, intermediate_pair) uniswap = get_uniswap_for_pair(self.web3, self.routing_model.factory_router_map, target_pair) fee = self.get_pair_fee(ts, pair) assert fee is not None, f"Uniswap v2 fee data missing: exchange:{uniswap} pair:{pair}" # In three token trades, be careful to use the correct reserve token if intermediate_pair: reserve_raw = intermediate_pair.quote.convert_to_raw_amount(reserve) self.check_supported_quote_token(intermediate_pair) else: reserve_raw = target_pair.quote.convert_to_raw_amount(reserve) self.check_supported_quote_token(pair) bps_fee = int(fee * 10000) # Calculate base token received token_raw_received = estimate_buy_received_amount_raw( uniswap, base_addr, quote_addr, reserve_raw, intermediate_token_address=intermediate_addr, fee=bps_fee, ) token_received = target_pair.base.convert_to_decimal(token_raw_received) price = float(reserve / token_received) if intermediate_pair: fee2 = self.get_pair_fee(ts, intermediate_pair) assert fee2 == fee, "Pairs for Uniswap V2 should have same fee" # TODO: Verify calculation mid_price = price * (1 - fee) * (1 - fee) path = [intermediate_pair, target_pair] fees = [fee, fee2] total_fee_pct = 1 - (1-fees[0]) * (1-fees[1]) else: mid_price = price * (1 - fee) path = [target_pair] fees = [fee] total_fee_pct = 1 - (1 - fees[0]) # Reserve is not necessarily a dollar amount (quote token doesn't have to be dollars), so we need to calculate lp_fee = float(reserve) * total_fee_pct assert price >= mid_price, f"Bad pricing: {price}, {mid_price}" # self.validate_mid_price_for_buy(lp_fee, price, mid_price, reserve) return TradePricing( price=float(price), mid_price=float(mid_price), lp_fee=[lp_fee], pair_fee=fees, market_feed_delay=datetime.timedelta(seconds=0), side=True, path=path )
[docs]def uniswap_v2_live_pricing_factory( execution_model: ExecutionModel, universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, routing_model: UniswapV2Routing) -> UniswapV2LivePricing: assert isinstance(universe, TradingStrategyUniverse) assert isinstance(execution_model, (UniswapV2ExecutionModelVersion0, UniswapV2Execution, DummyExecutionModel)), f"Execution model not compatible with this execution model. Received {execution_model}" assert isinstance(routing_model, UniswapV2Routing), f"This pricing method only works with Uniswap routing model, we received {routing_model}" web3 = execution_model.web3 return UniswapV2LivePricing( web3, universe.data_universe.pairs, routing_model)