"""Balance update data.
.. note ::
These are not used by legacy wallet sync model, but only vault based wallets.
import datetime
import enum
from _decimal import Decimal
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional
from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json
from eth_defi.aave_v3.rates import SECONDS_PER_YEAR, SECONDS_PER_YEAR_INT
from tradeexecutor.state.identifier import AssetIdentifier
from tradingstrategy.types import USDollarAmount, Percent
DEFAULT_YEAR = datetime.timedelta(seconds=SECONDS_PER_YEAR_INT)
[docs]class BalanceUpdateCause(enum.Enum):
#: Reserve was deposited in the vault
deposit = "deposit"
#: User redeemed assets
redemption = "redemption"
#: Lagoon settles both deposits and redemptions at the same time
deposit_and_redemption = "deposit_and_redemption"
#: Position value has change due to accrued interest
interest = "interest"
#: Accounting correction from on-chain balances to the state (internal ledger)
correction = "correction"
#: Velvet capital which puts deposits/redemptions directly to open positions
#: Positive quantities are for deposits, negative quantities are for redemptions.
vault_flow = "vault_flow"
[docs]class BalanceUpdatePositionType(enum.Enum):
reserve = "reserve"
open_position = "open_position"
class BalanceUpdate:
"""Processed balance update event.
Events that are generated on
- Deposits
- Redemptions
- Interest payments. There will be one event per rebase asset per a trading position.
See :py:meth:`tradeexecutor.strategy.sync_model.SyncModel.sync_interests`.
Events are stored in :py:class:`TradingPosition` and :py:class:`ReservePosition` by their id.
Events are referred in :py:class:`tradeexecutor.sync.Treasury`.
#: Allocated from portfolio
#: This id is referred in :py:class:`tradeexecutor.state.position.TradingPosition` and :py:class:`tradeexecutor.state.reserve.ReservePosition`
balance_update_id: int
#: What caused the balance update event to happen
cause: BalanceUpdateCause
#: What kind of position this event modified
position_type: BalanceUpdatePositionType
#: Asset that was updated
#: If this an interest event, this is aToken/vToken asset
asset: AssetIdentifier
#: When the balance event was generated
#: The block mined timestamp
block_mined_at: datetime.datetime
#: When balance event was included to the strategy's treasury.
#: The strategy cycle timestamp.
#: It might be outside the cycle frequency if treasuries were processed
#: in a cron job outside the cycle for slow moving strategies.
#: For accounting corrections this is set to `None`.
strategy_cycle_included_at: datetime.datetime | None
#: Chain that updated the balance
chain_id: int
#: What was delta of the asset.
#: Positive for deposits, negative for redemptions.
quantity: Decimal
#: What was the total of the asset in the position before this event was applied.
old_balance: Decimal
#: How much this deposit/redemption was worth.
#: Used for deposit/redemption inflow/outflow calculation.
#: This is the asset value from our internal price keeping at the time of the event.
#: Positive for deposits, negative for redemptions.
usd_value: USDollarAmount
#: Wall clock time when this event was created
created_at: datetime.datetime | None = field(default_factory=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
#: What was the event time of the previous update.
#: This allows us to calculate the effective interest rate
#: between the update cycles.
#: This is the same as :py:attr:`block_mined_at` of the previous event.
previous_update_at: datetime.datetime | None = None
#: Investor address that the balance update is related to
owner_address: Optional[str] = None
#: Transaction that updated the balance
#: Set None for interested calculation updates
tx_hash: Optional[str] = None
#: Log that updated the balance
#: Set None for interest rate updates
log_index: Optional[int] = None
#: If this update was for open position
#: Set None for reserve updates
position_id: Optional[int] = None
#: Human-readable notes regarding this event
notes: Optional[str] = None
#: Block number related to the event.
#: Not always available.
block_number: int | None = None
#: Other debug data, e.g. :py:meth:`eth_defi.lagoon.analysis.LagoonSettlementEvent.get_serialiable_diagnostics_data`
other_data: dict | None = None
def __post_init__(self):
# TODO: Not sure what's going on here,
# but temporarily allow negative rebases
# We might get zero quantity events through
# in some cases, though not sure what's the cause
# assert self.quantity >= 0, f"Balance update cannot go negative: {self}"
if self.previous_update_at:
assert self.previous_update_at <= self.block_mined_at, f"Travelling back in time: {self.previous_update_at} - {self.block_mined_at}"
if self.block_number is not None:
assert type(self.block_number) == int, f"Got wrong type: {type(self.block_number)}"
if self.block_mined_at is not None:
assert isinstance(self.block_mined_at, datetime.datetime), f"Got wrong type: {self.block_mined_at.__class__}"
def __repr__(self):
if self.position_id:
position_name = f"position #{self.position_id}"
position_name = "strategy reserves"
block_number = self.block_number or 0
return f"Funding event #{self.balance_update_id} {self.cause.name} {self.quantity} tokens for {position_name} at block {block_number:,} from {self.owner_address}"
def __eq__(self, other: "BalanceUpdate"):
assert isinstance(other, BalanceUpdate), f"Got {other}"
match self.cause:
case BalanceUpdateCause.deposit:
return self.chain_id == other.chain_id and self.tx_hash == other.tx_hash and self.log_index == other.log_index
case BalanceUpdateCause.redemption:
return self.chain_id == other.chain_id and self.tx_hash == other.tx_hash and self.log_index == other.log_index and self.asset == other.asset
case _:
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported")
def __hash__(self):
match self.cause:
case BalanceUpdateCause.deposit:
return hash((self.chain_id, self.tx_hash, self.log_index))
case BalanceUpdateCause.redemption:
return hash((self.chain_id, self.tx_hash, self.log_index, self.asset.address))
case _:
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported")
[docs] def is_reserve_update(self) -> bool:
"""Return whether this event updates reserve balance or open position balance"""
return self.position_type == BalanceUpdatePositionType.reserve
[docs] def get_update_period(self) -> datetime.timedelta | None:
"""How long it was between this event and previous sync event.
None if only inital update made
if not self.previous_update_at:
return None
return (self.block_mined_at - self.previous_update_at)
[docs] def get_effective_yearly_yield(self, year=datetime.timedelta(seconds=SECONDS_PER_YEAR_INT)) -> Percent | None:
"""How much we are gaining % yearly.
- Based on the this balance update and the previous balance update
- Mostly useful for interest rate events
- Calculated in tokens (exchange rate immune)
- See also :py:meth:`get_effective_yield_statistics`
1-based interest.
E.g. 1.02 for 2% yearly gained interest. 0.9 for 10% yearly paid interest.
Positive if we are gaining interest, negative if we are paying interest.
``None`` if no update period available
period = self.get_update_period()
if not period:
return None
gain = self.quantity / self.old_balance
return float(gain) / (period / year)