Source code for tradeexecutor.state.sync

""""Store information about caught up chain state.

- Treasury understanding is needed in order to reflect on-chain balance changes to the strategy execution

- Most treasury changes are deposits and redemptions

- Interest rate events also change on-chain treasury balances

- See :py:mod:`tradeexecutor.strategy.sync_model` how to on-chain treasuty
import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional, List, Iterable, Dict

from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json

from tradeexecutor.state.interest_distribution import InterestDistributionOperation
from tradeexecutor.state.types import USDollarAmount, BlockNumber
from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId

from tradeexecutor.state.balance_update import BalanceUpdate, BalanceUpdateCause, BalanceUpdatePositionType

[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class Deployment: """Information for the strategy deployment. - Capture information about the vault deployment in the strategy's persistent state - This information can be later used to look up information (e.g deposit transactions) - This information can be later used to look up verify data """ #: Which chain we are deployed chain_id: Optional[ChainId] = None #: Vault smart contract address #: #: For hot wallet execution, the address of the hot wallet address: Optional[str] = None #: When the vault was deployed #: #: Not available for hot wallet based strategies block_number: Optional[int] = None #: When the vault was deployed #: #: Not available for hot wallet based strategies tx_hash: Optional[str] = None #: UTC block timestamp of the vault deployment tx #: #: Not available for hot wallet based strategies block_mined_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: Vault name #: #: Enzyme vault name - same as vault toke name vault_token_name: Optional[str] = None #: Vault token symbol #: #: Enzyme vault name - same as vault toke name vault_token_symbol: Optional[str] = None #: When the initialisation was complete #: initialised_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None def __repr__(self): return f"<Deployment chain:{} address:{self.address} name:{self.vault_token_name} token:{self.vault_token_symbol}>"
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class BalanceEventRef: """Register the balance event in the treasury model. Balance updates can happen for - Treasury - Open trading positions We maintain a list of balance update references across all positions using :py:class:`BalanceEventRef`. This allows us quickly to calculate net inflow/outflow. """ #: Balance event id we are referring to balance_event_id: int #: When this update was made. #: #: Strategy cycle timestamp when the deposit/redemption was included #: in the strategy treasury. #: #: It might be outside the cycle frequency if treasuries were processed #: in a cron job outside the cycle for slow moving strategies. #: strategy_cycle_included_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] #: Cause of the event cause: BalanceUpdateCause #: Reserve currency or underlying position position_type: BalanceUpdatePositionType #: Which trading positions were affected position_id: Optional[int] #: How much this deposit/redemption was worth #: #: Used for deposit/redemption inflow/outflow calculation. #: This is the asset value from our internal price keeping at the time of the event. #: usd_value: Optional[USDollarAmount]
[docs] @staticmethod def from_balance_update_event(evt: BalanceUpdate) -> "BalanceEventRef": """Create a reference to a balance update event stored elsewhere in the state.""" ref = BalanceEventRef( balance_event_id=evt.balance_update_id, strategy_cycle_included_at=evt.strategy_cycle_included_at, cause=evt.cause, position_type=evt.position_type, position_id=evt.position_id, usd_value=evt.usd_value, ) return ref
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class Treasury: """State of syncind deposits and redemptions from the chain. """ #: Wall clock time. timestamp for which we run the last sync #: #: Wall clock time, at the beginning on the sync cycle. last_updated_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: The strategy cycle timestamp for which we run the last sync #: #: Wall clock time, at the beginning on the sync cycle. last_cycle_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: What is the last processed block for deposit #: #: 0 = not scanned yet last_block_scanned: Optional[int] = None #: List of refences to all balance update events. #: #: The actual balance update content is stored on the position itself. balance_update_refs: List[BalanceEventRef] = field(default_factory=list) #: How much pending redemptions we have? #: #: For Lagoon based vaults, we need to sell assets to satisfy redemptions on the next cycle. #: pending_redemptions: Optional[USDollarAmount] = None def __repr__(self): return f"<Treasury updated:{self.last_updated_at} cycle:{self.last_cycle_at} block scanned:{self.last_block_scanned or 0:,} refs:{len(self.balance_update_refs)}>"
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class Accounting: """State of accounting corrections. """ #: Wall clock time. timestamp for which we run the last sync #: #: Wall clock time, at the beginning on the sync cycle. last_updated_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: What is the last processed block for deposit #: #: 0 = not scanned yet last_block_scanned: Optional[int] = None #: List of refernces to all balance update events. #: #: The actual balance update content is stored on the position itself. balance_update_refs: List[BalanceEventRef] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass(slots=True) class InterestSync: """Track the interest sync for on-chain rebase tokens. """ #: When did we perform the last interest sync all all assets #: last_sync_at: datetime.datetime | None = None #: Block number when we synced the portfolio #: #: Backtesting does not use block numbers and has this always set to ``None``. #: last_sync_block: BlockNumber | None = None #: Last operation we did. #: #: Data is not needed. Stored only for diagnostics purposes. #: Always overwritten in the next sync. #: last_distribution: InterestDistributionOperation | None = None
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass class Sync: """On-chain sync state. - Store persistent information about the vault on transactions we have synced, so that the strategy knows its available capital - Updated before the strategy execution step """ deployment: Deployment = field(default_factory=Deployment) treasury: Treasury = field(default_factory=Treasury) accounting: Accounting = field(default_factory=Accounting) interest: InterestSync = field(default_factory=InterestSync)
[docs] def is_initialised(self) -> bool: """Have we scanned the initial deployment event for the sync model.""" return self.deployment.block_number is not None