Source code for tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.rebalance

"""Alpha model rebalancing.

Based on the new alpha model weights, rebalance the existing portfolio.
import logging
from _decimal import Decimal
from typing import List, Dict

from tradeexecutor.state.portfolio import Portfolio
from import TradeExecution
from tradeexecutor.state.types import USDollarAmount
from tradeexecutor.strategy.alpha_model import AlphaModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.position_manager import PositionManager
from tradeexecutor.strategy.weighting import check_normalised_weights

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_existing_portfolio_weights(portfolio: Portfolio) -> Dict[int, float]: """Calculate the existing portfolio weights. Cash is not included in the weighting. """ total = portfolio.get_position_equity_and_loan_nav() result = {} for position in portfolio.open_positions.values(): result[position.pair.internal_id] = position.get_value() / total return result
[docs]def get_weight_diffs( existing_weights: Dict[int, float], new_weights: Dict[int, float], ) -> Dict[int, float]: """Get the weight diffs. The diffs include one entry for each token in existing or new portfolio. """ # Check that both inputs are sane check_normalised_weights(new_weights) check_normalised_weights(existing_weights) diffs = {} for id, new_weight in new_weights.items(): diffs[id] = new_weight - existing_weights.get(id, 0) # Refill gaps of old assets that did not appear # in the new portfolio for id, old_weight in existing_weights.items(): if id not in diffs: # Sell all diffs[id] = -old_weight return diffs
[docs]def rebalance_portfolio_old( position_manager: PositionManager, new_weights: Dict[int, float], portfolio_total_value: USDollarAmount, min_trade_threshold: USDollarAmount = 10.0, ) -> List[TradeExecution]: """Rebalance a portfolio based on alpha model weights. .. warning :: This is old deprecated method. Do not use anymore. This will generate - Sells for the existing assets - Buys for new assetes or assets where we want to increase our position :param portfolio: Portfolio of our existing holdings :param weights: Each weight tells how much a certain trading pair we should hold in our portfolio. Pair id -> weight mappings. Each weight must be normalised in the range of 0...1 and the total sum of the weights must be 1. :param portfolio_total_value: Target portfolio value in USD :param min_trade_threshold: If the notional value of a rebalance trade is smaller than this USD amount don't make a trade. :return: List of trades we need to execute to reach the target portfolio. The sells are sorted always before buys. """ portfolio = position_manager.state.portfolio assert isinstance(portfolio, Portfolio) existing_weights = get_existing_portfolio_weights(portfolio) diffs = get_weight_diffs(existing_weights, new_weights) dollar_values = {pair_id: weight * portfolio_total_value for pair_id, weight in diffs.items()} # Generate trades trades: List[TradeExecution] = [] for pair_id, value in dollar_values.items(): pair = position_manager.get_trading_pair(pair_id) weight = new_weights.get(pair.internal_id, 0) dollar_diff = value if dollar_diff < 0: # Calculate token amount quantity_diff = Decimal(position_manager.estimate_asset_quantity(pair, dollar_diff)) else: quantity_diff = None "Rebalancing %s, old weight: %s, new weight: %s, diff: %s USD %s %s", pair, existing_weights.get(pair_id, 0), weight, dollar_diff, quantity_diff, pair.base.token_symbol, ) if abs(dollar_diff) < min_trade_threshold:"Not doing anything, value %f below trade threshold %f", value, min_trade_threshold) else: position_rebalance_trades = position_manager.adjust_position(pair, dollar_diff, quantity_diff, weight) assert len(position_rebalance_trades) == 1, "Assuming always on trade for rebalance" trade_str = " ,".join(t.get_human_description() for t in position_rebalance_trades)"Rebalancing token %s with trades %s", pair.base.token_symbol, trade_str) trades += position_rebalance_trades trades.sort(key=lambda t: t.get_execution_sort_position()) # Return all rebalance trades return trades