Source code for tradeexecutor.strategy.qstrader.runner

"""Strategy runner for QSTrader based strategies."""
import datetime
from io import StringIO
from typing import List, Optional
import logging

import pandas as pd

from qstrader.portcon.optimiser.fixed_weight import FixedWeightPortfolioOptimiser

from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_context import unit_test_execution_context
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.strategy_input import StrategyInputIndicators
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pricing_model import PricingModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.qstrader.alpha_model import AlphaModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.qstrader.order_sizer import CashBufferedOrderSizer
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import TradingStrategyUniverse, translate_trading_pair

from tradeexecutor.state.state import State
from import TradeExecution
from tradeexecutor.strategy.qstrader.portfolio_construction_model import PortfolioConstructionModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.runner import StrategyRunner, PreflightCheckFailed

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class QSTraderRunner(StrategyRunner): """A live trading executor for QSTrade based algorithm. .. warning:: This is legacy alpha version code and will be deprecated. It is only used in unit testing. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, alpha_model: AlphaModel, max_data_age: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, cash_buffer=0.05, **kwargs): """ :param alpha_model: :param timed_task_context_manager: :param max_data_age: Allow to unit test on old datasets """ # Legacy code, used in tests only kwargs["unit_testing"] = True super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(alpha_model, AlphaModel), f"We got {alpha_model}" self.alpha_model = alpha_model self.max_data_age = max_data_age # TODO: Make starter configuration self.cash_buffer = cash_buffer assert kwargs.get("routing_model"), "Routing model missing"
# def report_strategy_thinking(self, clock: datetime.datetime, universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, state: State, trades: List[TradeExecution], debug_details: dict): # """Report alpha model status.""" # buf = StringIO() # universe = universe.universe # # # TODO: move report_strategy_thinking() to a separate reporter class # # data_start, data_end = universe.candles.get_timestamp_range() # liquidity_start, liquidity_end = universe.liquidity.get_timestamp_range() # # print("Strategy thinking", file=buf) # print("", file=buf) # print("Dataset status:", file=buf) # print("", file=buf) # print(f" Cash buffer: {self.cash_buffer * 100:.2f}%", file=buf) # print(f" Candle dataset: {data_start} - {data_end}", file=buf) # print(f" Liquidity dataset: {liquidity_start} - {liquidity_end}", file=buf) # print("", file=buf) # # # Alpha model weights does not contain zero weight entries # alpha_model_weights = debug_details["alpha_model_weights"] # # # Normalised weights do contain zero weight entries # normalised_weights = debug_details.get("normalised_weights", {}) # # if alpha_model_weights: # print("Alpha model weights:", file=buf) # print("", file=buf) # # for pair_id, weight in alpha_model_weights.items(): # norm_weight = normalised_weights.get(pair_id, weight) # pair = universe.pairs.get_pair_by_id(pair_id) # tp = translate_trading_pair(pair) # link = tp.info_url or "" # if "extra_debug_data" in debug_details: # momentum = debug_details["extra_debug_data"][pair_id]["momentum"] # print(f" {tp.get_human_description()} weight:{norm_weight*100:.2f}%, momentum:{momentum*100:.2f}%", file=buf) # if link: # print(f" link: {link}", file=buf) # print("", file=buf) # else: # print("Error: Could not calculate any momentum! Data missing?", file=buf) # # good_candle_count = debug_details.get("good_candle_count") # problem_candle_count = debug_details.get("problem_candle_count") # low_liquidity_count = debug_details.get("low_liquidity_count") # bad_momentum_count = debug_details.get("bad_momentum_count") # funny_price_count = debug_details.get("funny_price_count") # candle_range_start = debug_details.get("candle_range_start") # candle_range_end = debug_details.get("candle_range_end") # print("", file=buf) # print("Alpha model data quality:", file=buf) # print("", file=buf) # print(f" Evaluated momentum range: {candle_range_start} - {candle_range_end}", file=buf) # print(f" Pairs with good candles data: {good_candle_count}", file=buf) # print(f" Pairs with bad price value: {funny_price_count}", file=buf) # print(f" Pairs with negative momentum result: {bad_momentum_count}", file=buf) # print(f" Pairs with problems in candles data: {problem_candle_count}", file=buf) # print(f" Pairs with low liquidity: {low_liquidity_count}", file=buf) # # def on_data_signal(self): pass
[docs] def on_clock(self, clock: datetime.datetime, executor_universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, pricing_model: PricingModel, state: State, debug_details: dict, indicators: StrategyInputIndicators | None = None, ) -> List[TradeExecution]: """Run one strategy cycle. - Takes universe, pricing model and state as an input - Generates a list of new trades to change the current state """ assert isinstance(executor_universe, TradingStrategyUniverse) universe = executor_universe.data_universe reserve_assets = executor_universe.reserve_assets"QSTrader on_clock %s", clock) optimiser = FixedWeightPortfolioOptimiser() order_sizer = CashBufferedOrderSizer(state, pricing_model, self.cash_buffer) pcm = PortfolioConstructionModel( universe=universe, state=state, order_sizer=order_sizer, optimiser=optimiser, alpha_model=self.alpha_model, pricing_model=pricing_model, reserve_currency=reserve_assets[0], risk_model=None, cost_model=None) rebalance_trades = pcm(pd.Timestamp(clock), stats=None, debug_details=debug_details) return rebalance_trades
[docs] def pretick_check(self, ts: datetime.datetime, universe: TradingStrategyUniverse): """Check the data looks more or less sane.""" assert isinstance(universe, TradingStrategyUniverse) universe = universe.data_universe now_ = ts if len(universe.exchanges) == 0: raise PreflightCheckFailed("Exchange count zero") if universe.pairs.get_count() == 0: raise PreflightCheckFailed("Pair count zero") # Don't assume we have candle or liquidity data e.g. for the testing strategies if universe.candles.get_candle_count() > 0: start, end = universe.get_candle_availability() if self.max_data_age is not None: if now_ - end > self.max_data_age: raise PreflightCheckFailed(f"We do not have up-to-date data for candles. Last candles are at {end}")
# Check that the web3 conneciontion works by doing eth_call to a smart contract # TODO