Source code for tradeexecutor.strategy.runner

"""Strategy execution core.

Define the runner model for different strategy types.

import abc
import datetime
import time
from contextlib import AbstractContextManager
import logging
from io import StringIO
from pprint import pformat
from types import NoneType

from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, cast, Callable

from eth_defi.provider.anvil import is_anvil, mine
from tradeexecutor.backtest.backtest_execution import BacktestExecutionFailed
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.ethereum_protocol_adapters import EthereumPairConfigurator
from tradeexecutor.ethereum.tx import TransactionBuilder
from import StateStore
from tradeexecutor.state.types import BlockNumber, Percent
from tradeexecutor.statistics.core import update_statistics
from tradeexecutor.statistics.statistics_table import StatisticsTable
from tradeexecutor.strategy.account_correction import check_accounts, UnexpectedAccountingCorrectionIssue
from tradeexecutor.strategy.approval import ApprovalModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.cycle import CycleDuration
from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_context import ExecutionContext, ExecutionMode
from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_model import ExecutionModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.generic.generic_pricing_model import GenericPricing
from tradeexecutor.strategy.generic.generic_router import GenericRouting
from tradeexecutor.strategy.generic.generic_valuation import GenericValuation
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.indicator import CreateIndicatorsProtocolV1, DiskIndicatorStorage, CreateIndicatorsProtocol
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.strategy_input import StrategyInputIndicators
from tradeexecutor.strategy.parameters import StrategyParameters
from tradeexecutor.strategy.sync_model import SyncMethodV0, SyncModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.run_state import RunState
from tradeexecutor.strategy.output import output_positions, DISCORD_BREAK_CHAR, output_trades
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.position_manager import PositionManager
from tradeexecutor.strategy.pricing_model import PricingModelFactory, PricingModel
from tradeexecutor.strategy.routing import RoutingModel, RoutingState
from tradeexecutor.strategy.stop_loss import check_position_triggers
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trade_pricing import PriceImpactToleranceExceeded
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import TradingStrategyUniverse
from tradeexecutor.strategy.universe_model import StrategyExecutionUniverse

from tradeexecutor.state.state import State
from tradeexecutor.state.position import TradingPosition
from import TradeExecution, TradeFlag
from tradeexecutor.state.reserve import ReservePosition
from tradeexecutor.strategy.valuation import ValuationModelFactory, ValuationModel, revalue_state

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PreflightCheckFailed(Exception):
    """Something was wrong with the datafeeds."""

[docs]class StrategyRunner(abc.ABC): """A base class for a strategy executor. Each different strategy type needs its own runner. Currently we have - :py:class:`tradeexecutor.strategy.pandas_trader.runner.PandasTraderRunner` - :py:class:`tradeexecutor.strategy.qstrader.runner.QSTraderRunner` TODO: Make user_supplied_routing_model non-optional after eliminating legacy code. """
[docs] def __init__( self, timed_task_context_manager: AbstractContextManager, execution_model: ExecutionModel, approval_model: ApprovalModel, valuation_model_factory: ValuationModelFactory, sync_model: Optional[SyncModel], pricing_model_factory: PricingModelFactory, execution_context: ExecutionContext, routing_model: Optional[RoutingModel] = None, routing_model_factory: Callable[[], RoutingModel] = None, run_state: Optional[RunState] = None, accounting_checks=False, unit_testing=False, trade_settle_wait=None, parameters: StrategyParameters = None, create_indicators: CreateIndicatorsProtocol = None,\ visualisation=True, max_price_impact: Percent | None = None, ): """ :param engine_version: Strategy execution version. Changes function arguments based on this. See `StrategyModuleInformation.trading_strategy_engine_version`. """ assert isinstance(execution_context, ExecutionContext) if sync_model is not None: assert isinstance(sync_model, SyncModel) self.timed_task_context_manager = timed_task_context_manager self.execution_model = execution_model self.approval_model = approval_model self.valuation_model_factory = valuation_model_factory self.sync_model = sync_model self.pricing_model_factory = pricing_model_factory self.routing_model = routing_model self.run_state = run_state self.execution_context = execution_context self.accounting_checks = accounting_checks self.unit_testing = unit_testing self.routing_model_factory = routing_model_factory self.parameters = parameters self.create_indicators = create_indicators self.visualisation = visualisation self.max_price_impact = max_price_impact # Avoid fat fingering if self.max_price_impact: assert self.max_price_impact < 0.10, f"max_price_impact set to {self.max_price_impact * 100}%, are you sure this is correct?" # We need 60 seconds wait to read balances # after trades only on a real trading, # Anvil and test nodes are immune for this AFAIK if not trade_settle_wait: if unit_testing or not execution_context.mode.is_live_trading(): self.trade_settle_wait = datetime.timedelta(0) else: self.trade_settle_wait = datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) else: self.trade_settle_wait = trade_settle_wait "Created strategy runner: %s, engine version: %s, running mode: %s, max_price_impact: %s", self.__class__.__name__, self.execution_context.engine_version,, self.max_price_impact ) # If planned and executed price is % off then # make a warning in the post execution output self.execution_warning_tolerance = 0.01
def __repr__(self): """Get a long presentation of internal runner state.""" dump = pformat(self.__dict__) return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}\n" \ f"{dump}\n" \ f">"
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def pretick_check(self, ts: datetime.datetime, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse): """Check the universe for good data before a strategy tick is executed. If there are data errors, then log and abort with helpful error messages. Only relevant for live trading; if backtesting data fails it can be diagnosed in the backtesting itself. :param client: Trading Strategy client to check server versions etc. :param universe: THe currently constructed universe :param ts: Real-time clock signal or past clock timestamp in the case of unit testing :raise PreflightCheckFailed: In the case we cannot go live """ pass
[docs] def is_progress_report_needed(self) -> bool: """Do we log the strategy steps to logger? - Disabled for backtesting to speed up - Can be enabled by hacking this function if backtesting needs debugging """ # return self.execution_context.mode.is_live_trading() or self.execution_context.mode.is_unit_testing() return self.execution_context.mode.is_live_trading() or self.execution_context.mode == ExecutionMode.unit_testing_trading
[docs] def sync_portfolio( self, strategy_cycle_or_trigger_check_ts: datetime.datetime, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, state: State, debug_details: dict, end_block: BlockNumber | NoneType = None, long_short_metrics_latest: StatisticsTable | None = None, ): """Adjust portfolio balances based on the external events. External events include - Deposits - Withdrawals - Interest accrued - Token rebases :param strategy_cycle_or_trigger_check_ts: Timestamp for the event trigger :param universe: Loaded universe :param state: Currnet strategy state :param end_block: Sync until this block. If not given sync to the lateshish. :param debug_details: Dictionary of debug data that will be passed down to the callers :param long_short_metrics_latest: Latest long/short statistics table, if available """ assert isinstance(universe, StrategyExecutionUniverse), f"Universe was {universe}" reserve_assets = list(universe.reserve_assets) assert len(reserve_assets) > 0, "No reserve assets available" assert len(reserve_assets) == 1, f"We only support strategies with a single reserve asset, got {self.reserve_assets}" token = reserve_assets[0] assert token.decimals and token.decimals > 0, f"Reserve asset lacked decimals" if end_block is not None: # Only msg in live executoin"sync_portfolio() starting at block %s", end_block) balance_update_events = self.sync_model.sync_treasury( strategy_cycle_or_trigger_check_ts, state, supported_reserves=reserve_assets, end_block=end_block, ) assert type(balance_update_events) == list if end_block is not None:"Received %d balance update events from the sync", len(balance_update_events)) for e in balance_update_events:"Funding flow event: %s", e) # Update the debug data for tests with our events debug_details["reserve_update_events"] = balance_update_events debug_details["total_equity_at_start"] = state.portfolio.get_total_equity() debug_details["total_cash_at_start"] = state.portfolio.get_cash() # If we have any new deposits, let's refresh our stats right away # to reflect the new balances if len(balance_update_events) > 0: with self.timed_task_context_manager("sync_portfolio_stats_refresh"): routing_state, pricing_model, valuation_model = self.setup_routing(universe) timestamp = strategy_cycle_or_trigger_check_ts # Re-value the portfolio with new deposits self.revalue_state( timestamp, state, valuation_model, ) update_statistics( timestamp, state.stats, state.portfolio, self.execution_context.mode, strategy_cycle_or_wall_clock=timestamp, long_short_metrics_latest=long_short_metrics_latest )
[docs] def revalue_state(self, ts: datetime.datetime, state: State, valuation_model: ValuationModel): """Revalue portfolio based on the latest prices.""" revalue_state(state, ts, valuation_model)"After revaluation at %s our portfolio value is %f USD", ts, state.portfolio.get_total_equity())
[docs] def collect_post_execution_data( self, execution_context: ExecutionContext, pricing_model: PricingModel, trades: List[TradeExecution]): """Collect post execution data for all trades. - Collect prices after the execution - Mostly matters for failed execution only, but we collect for everything """ # Rerun price estimations for the latest block data # after the trade has been executed for t in trades: if execution_context.mode.is_live_trading(): # In live trading, use the current UTC time to fetch # the post execution price info ts = datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: # Backtesting does not yet have a way # to simulate slippage ts = t.strategy_cycle_at"Fetching post-execution price data for %s at %s", t.get_short_label(), ts) # Credit supply pairs do not have pricing ATM if t.pair.is_spot(): if t.is_buy(): t.post_execution_price_structure = pricing_model.get_buy_price(ts, t.pair, t.planned_reserve) else: t.post_execution_price_structure = pricing_model.get_sell_price(ts, t.pair, -t.planned_quantity) elif t.pair.is_leverage() and t.is_short(): spot_pair = t.pair.underlying_spot_pair if t.is_sell(): t.post_execution_price_structure = pricing_model.get_buy_price(ts, spot_pair, t.planned_collateral_consumption) else: t.post_execution_price_structure = pricing_model.get_sell_price(ts, spot_pair, t.planned_quantity) elif t.pair.is_credit_supply(): # For credit supply, no swaps are executed t.post_execution_price_structure = None else: raise AssertionError(f"Unsupported: {t}") # # Check if we got so bad trade execution we should worry about it # if t.planned_reserve and t.executed_reserve: reserve_drift = abs((t.executed_reserve - t.planned_reserve) / t.planned_reserve) else: reserve_drift = 0 if t.planned_quantity and t.executed_quantity: quantity_drift = abs((t.executed_quantity - t.planned_quantity) / t.planned_quantity) else: quantity_drift = 0 if reserve_drift >= self.execution_warning_tolerance or quantity_drift >= self.execution_warning_tolerance: log_level = logging.WARNING else: log_level = logging.INFO logger.log( log_level, "Trade quantity and reserve match for pre an post-execution for: %s\n Estimated reserve %s, executed reserve %s\n Estimated quantity %s, executed quantity %s\n Reserve drift %f %%, quantity drift %f %%", t.get_short_label(), t.planned_reserve, t.executed_reserve, t.planned_quantity, t.executed_quantity, reserve_drift * 100, quantity_drift * 100, )
[docs] def on_clock( self, clock: datetime.datetime, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, pricing_model: PricingModel, state: State, debug_details: dict, indicators:StrategyInputIndicators | None = None, ) -> List[TradeExecution]: """Perform the core strategy decision cycle. :param clock: The current cycle timestamp :param universe: Our trading pairs and such. Refreshed before the cycle. :param pricing_model: When constructing trades, uses pricing model to estimate the cost of a trade. :param state: The current trade execution and portfolio status :return: List of new trades to execute """ return []
def report_after_sync_and_revaluation(self, clock: datetime.datetime, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, state: State, debug_details: dict): buf = StringIO() portfolio = state.portfolio tick = debug_details.get("cycle", 1) print(f"Portfolio status (before rebalance), tick #{tick}", file=buf) print("", file=buf) print(f"Total equity: ${portfolio.get_total_equity():,.2f}, in cash: ${portfolio.get_cash():,.2f}", file=buf) print(f"Life-time positions: {portfolio.next_position_id - 1}, trades: {portfolio.next_trade_id - 1}", file=buf) print(DISCORD_BREAK_CHAR, file=buf) if len(portfolio.open_positions) > 0: print(f"Currently open positions:", file=buf) print("", file=buf) output_positions(portfolio.open_positions.values(), buf) print(DISCORD_BREAK_CHAR, file=buf) else:"No open positions") if portfolio.get_frozen_position_equity() > 0: print(f"Frozen positions (${portfolio.get_frozen_position_equity():,.2f}):", file=buf) print("", file=buf) output_positions(portfolio.frozen_positions.values(), buf) print(DISCORD_BREAK_CHAR, file=buf) else:"No frozen positions") print("Reserves:", file=buf) print("", file=buf) reserve: ReservePosition for reserve in state.portfolio.reserves.values(): print(f" {reserve.quantity:,.2f} {reserve.asset.token_symbol}", file=buf) def report_before_execution(self, clock: datetime.datetime, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, state: State, trades: List[TradeExecution], debug_details: dict): buf = StringIO() if len(trades) > 0: print("New trades to be executed", file=buf) print("", file=buf) position: TradingPosition portfolio = state.portfolio output_trades(trades, portfolio, buf) else: print("No new trades", file=buf) def report_after_execution(self, clock: datetime.datetime, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, state: State, debug_details: dict): buf = StringIO() portfolio = state.portfolio print("Portfolio status (after rebalance)", file=buf) print("", file=buf) print(f"Total equity: ${portfolio.get_total_equity():,.2f}, Cash: ${portfolio.get_cash():,.2f}", file=buf) print(DISCORD_BREAK_CHAR, file=buf) if len(portfolio.open_positions) > 0: print(f"Opened/open positions:", file=buf) print("", file=buf) output_positions(portfolio.open_positions.values(), buf) print(DISCORD_BREAK_CHAR, file=buf) else:"No positions opened") closed_positions = list(portfolio.get_positions_closed_at(clock)) if len(closed_positions) > 0: print(f"Closed positions:", file=buf) output_positions(closed_positions, buf) print(DISCORD_BREAK_CHAR, file=buf) else:"The clock tick %s did not close any positions", clock) print("Reserves:", file=buf) print("", file=buf) reserve: ReservePosition for reserve in state.portfolio.reserves.values(): print(f" {reserve.quantity:,.2f} {reserve.asset.token_symbol}", file=buf)
[docs] def report_strategy_thinking( self, strategy_cycle_timestamp: datetime.datetime, cycle: int, universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, state: State, trades: List[TradeExecution], debug_details: dict ): """Strategy admin helpers to understand a live running strategy. - Post latest variables - Draw the single pair strategy visualisation. :param strategy_cycle_timestamp: real time lock :param cycle: Cycle number :param universe: Currnet trading universe :param trades: Trades executed on this cycle :param state: Current execution state :param debug_details: Dict of random debug stuff """
[docs] def setup_routing( self, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, ) -> Tuple[RoutingState, PricingModel, ValuationModel]: """Setups routing state for this cycle. :param universe: The currently tradeable universe :return: Tuple(routing state, pricing model, valuation model) """ # # Todo: a bit of mess as we support legacy and new generic routing style routing here # routing_model = self.routing_model if routing_model is None: # The new style routing initialisation"Lazily initialised the default routing model, as routing model has not been set up earlier") self.routing_model = routing_model = self.execution_model.create_default_routing_model(universe) assert routing_model, "Routing model not set" # Get web3 connection, hot wallet routing_state_details = self.execution_model.get_routing_state_details() # Lazily initialised routing model # TODO: Add a specific app startup step that downloads # the universe for the first time and initialises here if isinstance(routing_model, GenericRouting): assert self.execution_context.is_version_greater_or_equal_than(0, 3, 0), f"Strategy modules need to be at least 0.3 to support GenericRouting, we got version {self.execution_context.engine_version}" if not routing_model.is_initialised(): tx_builder = cast(TransactionBuilder, routing_state_details["tx_builder"]) web3 = tx_builder.web3 pair_configurator = EthereumPairConfigurator( web3, cast(TradingStrategyUniverse, universe) ) routing_model.initialise(pair_configurator) # Update the pair configuration universe to the latest. # This will be referred when creating # pricing_model and valuation model routing_model.pair_configurator.strategy_universe = universe routing_state = self.routing_model.create_routing_state(universe, routing_state_details) if isinstance(routing_model, GenericRouting): pricing_model = GenericPricing(routing_model.pair_configurator) valuation_model = GenericValuation(routing_model.pair_configurator) else: # Legacy routing logic # Create a pricing model for assets pricing_model = self.pricing_model_factory(self.execution_model, universe, self.routing_model) assert pricing_model, "pricing_model_factory did not return a value" # Create a valuation model for positions valuation_model = self.valuation_model_factory(pricing_model) logger.debug( "setup_routing(): routing_state: %s, pricing_model: %s, valuation_model: %s", routing_state, pricing_model, valuation_model ) return routing_state, pricing_model, valuation_model
[docs] def check_balances_post_execution( self, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, state: State, cycle: int, ): """Check that on-chain balances matches our internal accounting after executing trades. - Crash the execution if the on-chain balance is not what we expect - Call after we have stored the execution state in the database """ # We cannot call account check right after the trades, # as meny low quality nodes might still report old token balances # from eth_call"Waiting on-chain balances to settle for %s before performing accounting checks", self.trade_settle_wait) time.sleep(self.trade_settle_wait.total_seconds()) # Double check we handled incoming trade balances correctly with self.timed_task_context_manager("check_accounts_post_trade"): # end_block = self.execution_model.get_safe_latest_block() # Always use the latest block here, not safe block, # to work around anvil + mainnet fork issues web3 = self.execution_model.web3 if is_anvil(web3): mine(web3) end_block = self.execution_model.web3.eth.block_number else: end_block = self.execution_model.get_safe_latest_block()"Post-trade accounts balance check for block %s, cycle %d", end_block, cycle) self.check_accounts( universe, state, end_block=end_block, cycle=cycle, )
[docs] def tick( self, strategy_cycle_timestamp: datetime.datetime, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, state: State, debug_details: dict, cycle_duration: Optional[CycleDuration] = None, cycle: Optional[int] = None, store: Optional[StateStore] = None, long_short_metrics_latest: StatisticsTable | None = None, indicators: StrategyInputIndicators | None = None, ) -> dict: """Execute the core functions of a strategy. TODO: This function is vulnerable to balance changes in the middle of execution. It's not possible to fix this until we have atomic rebalances. :param strategy_cycle_timestamp: Current timestamp of the execution cycle. :param universe: Loaded trading data :param state: The current state of the strategy (open position, past trades, visualisation) :param debug_details: Internal bunch of data used in unit testing :param cycle_duration: The currenct cycle duration (time between ticks). This may be specific in a strategy module, but also overridden for testing. This is used only for logging purposes. :param cycle: Strategy cycle number :param execution_context: Live or backtesting :param indicators: Precalculated backtest or live calculated indicator values. :return: Debug details dictionary where different subsystems can write their diagnostics information what is happening during the dict. Mostly useful for integration testing. """ assert isinstance(universe, StrategyExecutionUniverse) assert isinstance(strategy_cycle_timestamp, datetime.datetime) if cycle_duration not in (CycleDuration.cycle_unknown, CycleDuration.cycle_1s, None): assert strategy_cycle_timestamp.second == 0, f"Cycle duration {cycle_duration}: Does not look like a cycle timestamp: {strategy_cycle_timestamp}, should be even minutes" end_block = self.execution_model.get_safe_latest_block()"tick() at block %s", end_block) friendly_cycle_duration = cycle_duration.value if cycle_duration else "-" with self.timed_task_context_manager("strategy_tick", clock=strategy_cycle_timestamp, cycle_duration=friendly_cycle_duration): routing_state, pricing_model, valuation_model = self.setup_routing(universe) assert pricing_model, "Routing did not provide pricing_model" # Watch incoming deposits with self.timed_task_context_manager("sync_portfolio"): self.sync_portfolio(strategy_cycle_timestamp, universe, state, debug_details, end_block, long_short_metrics_latest=long_short_metrics_latest) # Double check we handled deposits correctly with self.timed_task_context_manager("check_accounts_pre_trade"):"Pre-trade accounts balance check") self.check_accounts(universe, state, end_block) # Assing a new value for every existing position with self.timed_task_context_manager("revalue_portfolio"): self.revalue_state(strategy_cycle_timestamp, state, valuation_model) # Log output if self.is_progress_report_needed(): self.report_after_sync_and_revaluation(strategy_cycle_timestamp, universe, state, debug_details) # Check if we do have any money yo trade or not. # Otherwise we are going to crash with "not enough USDC to open a trade" errors execution_context = self.execution_context # TODO: Due to the legacy some tests assume they run with zero capital, # and we have a flag to check it for here if state.portfolio.has_trading_capital() or execution_context.mode.is_unit_testing(): old_position_ids = set(state.portfolio.open_positions.keys()) # Run the strategy cycle main trading decision cycle with self.timed_task_context_manager("decide_trades"): rebalance_trades = self.on_clock( strategy_cycle_timestamp, universe, pricing_model, state, debug_details, indicators=indicators, ) assert type(rebalance_trades) == list debug_details["rebalance_trades"] = rebalance_trades # Make some useful diagnostics output for log files to troubleshoot if something # when wrong internally # if self.execution_context.live_trading: # _, last_point_at = state.visualisation.get_timestamp_range() #"We have %d new trades, %d total visualisation points, last visualisation point at %s", # len(rebalance_trades), # state.visualisation.get_total_points(), # last_point_at # ) # Check that we did not get duplicate trades for some reason, # like API bugs trade_set = set() for t in rebalance_trades: assert t not in trade_set, f"decide_trades() returned a duplicate trade: {t}" trade_set.add(t) new_position_ids = set(state.portfolio.open_positions.keys()) if old_position_ids != new_position_ids and len(trade_set) == 0: # Handle user error within decide_trades() that they forget to return trades list. # 1. PositionManager.open_spot() called # 2. Trade is created # 3. This trade is not returned if not state.portfolio.pending_positions: # The strategy might have created market limit positions that do not open on this cycle raise RuntimeError(f"decide_trades() returned empty trade list, but new positions were added.\n" f"This is likely a bug in your decide_trades() - remember to return trades list for any position modifications you do,\n" f"and do not accidentally return empty list when you have made trades.\n" f"Old positions before decide_trades(): {old_position_ids}\n" f"New positions after decide_trades(): {new_position_ids}\n") rebalance_trades = post_process_trade_decision( state, execution_context, rebalance_trades, max_price_impact=self.max_price_impact, ) # Log what our strategy decided if self.is_progress_report_needed(): self.report_strategy_thinking( strategy_cycle_timestamp=strategy_cycle_timestamp, cycle=cycle, universe=universe, state=state, trades=rebalance_trades, debug_details=debug_details) # Shortcut quit here if no trades are needed if len(rebalance_trades) == 0:"No action taken: strategy decided not to open or close any positions") return debug_details # Ask user confirmation for any trades with self.timed_task_context_manager("confirm_trades"): approved_trades = self.approval_model.confirm_trades(state, rebalance_trades) assert type(approved_trades) == list"After approval we have %d trades left", len(approved_trades)) debug_details["approved_trades"] = approved_trades # Log output if self.is_progress_report_needed(): self.report_before_execution(strategy_cycle_timestamp, universe, state, approved_trades, debug_details) # Unit tests can turn this flag to make it easier to see why trades fail check_balances = debug_details.get("check_balances", False) # Physically execute the trades with self.timed_task_context_manager("execute_trades", trade_count=len(approved_trades), check_balances=check_balances): # Make sure our hot wallet nonce is up to date self.sync_model.resync_nonce() # Sync state before broadcasting, # so we have generated tx hashes on the disk # and trades flagged with broadcasting/broadcasted status. # This allows us to recover and rebroadcast, # if the execution crashes e.g. due to blockchain being down, # node issues, or gas fee spikes if self.execution_context.mode.is_live_trading(): if store is not None:"Syncing state before teh trade execution") store.sync(state) try: # Order trades to a natural order, so we have always the correct cash in hand. # Any credit market withdraw will be executed first, then sells, then buys and Aave deposits last. sorted_approved_trades = sorted(approved_trades, key=lambda t: t.get_execution_sort_position()) if approved_trades != sorted_approved_trades:"Trades resorted to: %s", sorted_approved_trades) self.execution_model.execute_trades( strategy_cycle_timestamp, state, sorted_approved_trades, self.routing_model, routing_state, check_balances=check_balances) except BacktestExecutionFailed as e: # Add more diagnostics info to the exception # to make strategy development easier msg = "execute_trades() failed - likely trying to have larger trades than having cash in hand.\n" msg += "Currently open positions:\n" for p in state.portfolio.open_positions.values(): msg += f"{p}\n" msg += "Trade queue:\n" for t in approved_trades: msg += f"{t} - execution order {t.get_execution_sort_position() + 1}.\n" raise BacktestExecutionFailed(msg) from e with self.timed_task_context_manager("post_execution"): self.collect_post_execution_data( self.execution_context, pricing_model, approved_trades, ) else: equity = state.portfolio.get_total_equity()"Strategy has no trading capital and trade decision step was skipped. The total equity is %f USD, execution mode is %s", equity, # Log output if self.is_progress_report_needed(): self.report_after_execution(strategy_cycle_timestamp, universe, state, debug_details) return debug_details
[docs] def check_position_triggers(self, clock: datetime.datetime, state: State, universe: StrategyExecutionUniverse, stop_loss_pricing_model: PricingModel, routing_state: RoutingState, long_short_metrics_latest: StatisticsTable | None = None, ) -> List[TradeExecution]: """Check stop loss/take profit for positions. Unlike trade balancing in tick() - Stop loss/take profit can occur only to any existing positions. No new positions are opened. - Trading Universe cannot change for these triggers, but remains stable between main ticks. - check_position_triggers() is much more lightweight and can be called much more frequently, even once per minute :return: List of generated stop loss trades """ if routing_state is None: # Dummy executoin model return assert isinstance(routing_state, RoutingState) assert isinstance(stop_loss_pricing_model, PricingModel) debug_details = {} end_block = self.execution_model.get_safe_latest_block() if end_block is not None: # Only log in live execution"check_position_triggers() using block %s", end_block) timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow() universe = cast(TradingStrategyUniverse, universe) with self.timed_task_context_manager("check_position_triggers"): # We need to sync interest before we can run check accouts, # as otherwise it will with self.timed_task_context_manager("sync_interest_before_triggers"): if not self.execution_context.mode.is_backtesting(): # Only run in live execution to speed up backtesting interest_events = self.sync_model.sync_interests( timestamp, state, universe, stop_loss_pricing_model, )"Generated %d sync interest events", len(interest_events)) with self.timed_task_context_manager("sync_portfolio_before_triggers"): # Sync treasure before the trigger checks self.sync_portfolio( clock, universe, state, debug_details, end_block=end_block, long_short_metrics_latest=long_short_metrics_latest, ) # Check that our accounting is intact before proceeding with self.timed_task_context_manager("check_accounts_before_triggers"): self.check_accounts( universe, state, report_only=True, end_block=end_block ) # We use PositionManager.close_position() # to generate trades to close stop loss positions position_manager = PositionManager( clock, universe, state, stop_loss_pricing_model, ) triggered_trades = check_position_triggers(position_manager,self.execution_context) triggered_trades = post_process_trade_decision( state, self.execution_context, triggered_trades, max_price_impact=self.max_price_impact, ) approved_trades = self.approval_model.confirm_trades(state, triggered_trades) if approved_trades:"Executing %d stop loss/take profit trades at %s", len(approved_trades), clock) self.execution_model.execute_trades( clock, state, approved_trades, self.routing_model, routing_state, check_balances=False, triggered=True, ) return approved_trades
[docs] def repair_state(self, state: State) -> List[TradeExecution]: """Repair unclean state issues. Currently supports - Fixing unfinished trades :return: List of fixed trades """"Reparing the state") repaired = [] repaired += self.execution_model.repair_unconfirmed_trades(state) return repaired
[docs] def refresh_visualisations(self, state: State, universe: TradingStrategyUniverse): """Update the visualisations in the run state. This will update `RunState.visualisations` for the current strategy. - In-process memory charts are served by webhook - In-process memory charts are posted to Discord, etc. - This is called on the startup, so that we have immediately good visualisation to show over the webhook when the web server boots up - This is called after each strategy thinking cycle is complete. The function is overridden by the child class for actual strategy runner specific implementation. """
[docs] def check_accounts( self, universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, state: State, report_only=False, end_block: BlockNumber | NoneType = None, cycle: int | None = None, ): """Perform extra accounting checks on live trading startup. Must be enabled in the settings. Enabled by default for live trading. :param report_only: Don't crash if we get problems in accounts :param end_block: Check specifically at this block. If not given use the lateshish block. :raise UnexpectedAccountingCorrectionIssue: Aborting execution. """ assert isinstance(universe, TradingStrategyUniverse) # Enzyme tests if len(state.portfolio.reserves) == 0:"No reserves, skipping accounting checks") return if self.accounting_checks: clean, df = check_accounts( universe.data_universe.pairs, [universe.get_reserve_asset()], state, self.sync_model, block_identifier=end_block, ) log_level = logging.INFO if report_only else logging.ERROR address = self.execution_model.get_balance_address() if not clean: block_message = f"{end_block:,}" if end_block else "<latest>" logger.log( log_level, f"Accounting differences detected for: %s at block {block_message}, cycle {cycle}\n" "Differences are:\n" "%s", address, df.to_string() ) if not report_only: logger.error("Aborting execution as we cannot reliable trade with incorrect balances.") raise UnexpectedAccountingCorrectionIssue("Aborting execution as we cannot reliable trade with incorrect balances.") else: # Path taken by some legacy tests # Too noisy #"Accounting checks disabled - skipping") pass
[docs]def post_process_trade_decision( state: State, execution_context: ExecutionContext, trades: List[TradeExecution], max_price_impact: Percent | None = None, ): """Set any extra flags and do extra checks on trades. - Called before trades are send to the execution - Mainly to deal with the fact that if trades close a final position on lending :param max_price_impact: What is the allowed maximum price impact of a single trade. Trades must have their `trade.price_structure` data filled to detect. :raise PriceImpactToleranceExceeded: If any of the trades is detected to have too much price impact. """ if not execution_context.mode.is_backtesting(): # Too noisy for backtesting "post_process_trade_decision(): Post-processing %d trades, max_price_impact: %s", len(trades), max_price_impact, ) # TODO: Write a full logic here, only supports closing shorts now, # assuming everything lending is short lending_positions_open = [p for p in state.portfolio.open_positions.values() if p.is_leverage()] lending_position_closing_trades = [t for t in trades if t.pair.is_leverage() and TradeFlag.close in t.flags] assert len(lending_positions_open) >= len(lending_position_closing_trades), "We cannot close more than we have open" # TODO: Currently we do not pass enough information in :py:class:`TradingPairIdentifier` # so here we take a hack shortcut to set close_protocol_all. if len(lending_position_closing_trades) == len(lending_positions_open) and len(lending_positions_open) > 0: lending_position_closing_trades[-1].flags.add(TradeFlag.close_protocol_last) if max_price_impact is not None: for t in trades: if t.is_credit_supply(): # Credit supply positions do not have price structure continue price_structure = t.price_structure if execution_context.live_trading: # TODO: Why not always filled? # Make sure PositionManager passes trade.price_structure along assert price_structure is not None, f"Live trading running, but trade missing price structure {t}" if price_structure is not None: impact = t.price_structure.get_price_impact() if impact > max_price_impact: raise PriceImpactToleranceExceeded( f"Trade {t} has too much price impact\n" f"Maximum allowed: {max_price_impact * 100} %\n" f"Trade impact: {impact * 100} %\n" f"Trade pricing: {t.price_structure}\n" ) t.price_impact_tolerance = max_price_impact return trades