Source code for tradeexecutor.strategy.summary

"""Strategy status summary."""
import datetime
import enum
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Set

from dataclasses_json import dataclass_json

from tradeexecutor.state.metadata import OnChainData
from tradeexecutor.state.types import USDollarAmount, UnixTimestamp, Percent
from tradeexecutor.strategy.cycle import CycleDuration
from tradeexecutor.strategy.tag import StrategyTag

[docs]class KeyMetricKind(enum.Enum): """What key metrics we have available on a strategy summary card. All othe metrics will be available as well, but we do not cache them for the quick frontend rendering. """ #: Sharpe ratio for the execution sharpe = "sharpe" #: Sortino ratio for the execution sortino = "sortino" #: Negative value 0...-1 max_drawdown = "max_drawdown" #: UNIX timestamp when the first trade was executd started_at = "started_at" #: CAGR #: #: See :term:`CAGR` cagr = "cagr" #: All-time profitability profitability = "profitability" #: Total equity total_equity = "total_equity" #: Last trade last_trade = "last_trade" #: Trades last week trades_last_week = "trades_last_week" #: Trades per month estimate trades_per_month = "trades_per_month" #: Duration of the trading period trading_period_length = "trading_period_length" #: Percentage return over the trading period return_percent = "return_percent" #: Annualized percentage return, adjusted for the length of the trading period annualised_return_percent = "annualised_return_percent" #: Initial cash amount at the start of the trading period cash_at_start = "cash_at_start" #: Portfolio value at the end of the trading period value_at_end = "value_at_end" #: Total value of all trades conducted trade_volume = "trade_volume" #: Percentage of positions that were profitable position_win_percent = "position_win_percent" #: Total number of trading positions taken total_positions = "total_positions" #: Number of positions that resulted in a profit won_positions = "won_positions" #: Number of positions that resulted in a loss lost_positions = "lost_positions" #: Number of times stop losses were triggered stop_losses_triggered = "stop_losses_triggered" #: Percentage of all positions where stop losses were triggered stop_loss_percent_of_all = "stop_loss_percent_of_all" #: Percentage of losing positions where stop losses were triggered stop_loss_percent_of_lost = "stop_loss_percent_of_lost" #: Number of winning positions where stop losses were set winning_stop_losses = "winning_stop_losses" #: Percentage of winning positions where stop losses were set winning_stop_losses_percent = "winning_stop_losses_percent" #: Number of losing positions where stop losses were triggered losing_stop_losses = "losing_stop_losses" #: Percentage of losing positions where stop losses were triggered losing_stop_losses_percent = "losing_stop_losses_percent" #: Number of times take profits were triggered take_profits_triggered = "take_profits_triggered" #: Percentage of all positions where take profits were triggered take_profit_percent_of_all = "take_profit_percent_of_all" #: Percentage of winning positions where take profits were triggered take_profit_percent_of_won = "take_profit_percent_of_won" #: Number of positions closed with zero profit or loss zero_profit_positions = "zero_profit_positions" #: Number of positions still open at the end of the trading period positions_open_at_the_end = "positions_open_at_the_end" #: Total realized profit and loss from all closed positions realised_profit_and_loss = "realised_profit_and_loss" #: Unrealized profit and loss from positions still open unrealised_profit_and_loss = "unrealised_profit_and_loss" #: Unrealized value of the portfolio portfolio_unrealised_value = "portfolio_unrealised_value" #: Extra returns earned from lending pool interest extra_returns_on_lending_pool_interest = "extra_returns_on_lending_pool_interest" #: Cash amount remaining at the end of the trading period cash_left_at_the_end = "cash_left_at_the_end" #: Average profit percentage for winning positions average_winning_position_profit_percent = "average_winning_position_profit_percent" #: Average loss percentage for losing positions average_losing_position_loss_percent = "average_losing_position_loss_percent" #: Largest percentage profit for a single position biggest_winning_position_percent = "biggest_winning_position_percent" #: Largest percentage loss for a single position biggest_losing_position_percent = "biggest_losing_position_percent" #: Average duration for positions that ended in profit average_duration_of_winning_positions = "average_duration_of_winning_positions" #: Average duration for positions that ended in loss average_duration_of_losing_positions = "average_duration_of_losing_positions" #: Average number of price bars for winning positions average_bars_of_winning_positions = "average_bars_of_winning_positions" #: Average number of price bars for losing positions average_bars_of_losing_positions = "average_bars_of_losing_positions" #: Total liquidity provider fees paid lp_fees_paid = "lp_fees_paid" #: Percentage of trade volume spent on liquidity provider fees lp_fees_paid_percent_of_volume = "lp_fees_paid_percent_of_volume" #: Average profit or loss for all positions average_position = "average_position" #: Median profit or loss for all positions median_position = "median_position" #: Highest number of consecutive winning trades most_consecutive_wins = "most_consecutive_wins" #: Highest number of consecutive losing trades most_consecutive_losses = "most_consecutive_losses" #: Largest risk realized in a single trade biggest_realised_risk = "biggest_realised_risk" #: Average risk realized across all trades avg_realised_risk = "avg_realised_risk" #: Maximum percentage pullback from peak capital max_pullback_of_total_capital = "max_pullback_of_total_capital" #: Maximum loss risked at the opening of a position max_loss_risk_at_opening_of_position = "max_loss_risk_at_opening_of_position" average_interest_paid_usd = "average_interest_paid_usd" median_interest_paid_usd = "median_interest_paid_usd" max_interest_paid_usd = "max_interest_paid_usd" min_interest_paid_usd = "min_interest_paid_usd" total_interest_paid_usd = "total_interest_paid_usd" average_duration_between_position_openings = "average_duration_between_position_openings" average_position_frequency = "average_position_frequency" time_in_market = "time_in_market" decision_cycle_duration = "decision_cycle_duration" def get_help_link(self) -> Optional[str]: return _KEY_METRIC_HELP[self]
[docs]class KeyMetricSource(enum.Enum): """Did we calcualte a key metric based on backtesting data or live trading data.""" backtesting = "backtesting" live_trading = "live_trading" missing = "missing"
[docs]class KeyMetricCalculationMethod(enum.Enum): """How this key metric is calculated. Will have effect on the frontend displaying of the value. """ #: We just take the latest value e.g. for total assets latest_value = "latest_value" #: We calculae over the period of time historical_data = "historical_data"
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True) class KeyMetric: """One of available key metrics on the summary card.""" #: What is this metric kind: KeyMetricKind #: Did we calculate this metric based on live trading or backtesting data source: KeyMetricSource #: What's the time period for which this metric was calculated. #: #: Different Python value types supported, #: but everything is serialised to JavaScript Number type #: in for JSON. #: #: Set to `None` when unavailable. In this case this should be #: presented as "N/A" in the frontend. #: value: float | datetime.datetime | datetime.timedelta | None #: What's the time period for which this metric was calculated calculation_window_start_at: datetime.datetime | None = None #: What's the time period for which this metric was calculated calculation_window_end_at: datetime.timedelta | None = None #: How this key metric is calculated #: #: Hint for the frontend calculation_method: KeyMetricCalculationMethod | None = None #: Unavaiability reason. #: #: Human readable error message why this metric is not available. #: Useful for tooltips. #: unavailability_reason: str | None = None #: Help link #: #: Read more link. #: #: Does not need to be part of the state, #: but we make the frontend dev life easy. #: help_link: str | None = None #: Name of the metric #: #: Should be in human readable format name: str | None = None def __post_init__(self): assert isinstance(self.source, KeyMetricSource) assert isinstance(self.kind, KeyMetricKind)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_na(kind: KeyMetricKind, reason: str) -> "KeyMetric": """Create missing value placeholder.""" return KeyMetric( kind, KeyMetricSource.missing, None, unavailability_reason=reason, help_link=_KEY_METRIC_HELP.get(kind), )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_metric( kind: KeyMetricKind, source: KeyMetricSource, value: Any, calculation_window_start_at: datetime.datetime, calculation_window_end_at: datetime.datetime, method: KeyMetricCalculationMethod, ) -> "KeyMetric": """Create a metric value. Automatically fill in the help text link from our hardcoded mapping. """ return KeyMetric( kind, source, value, calculation_window_start_at=calculation_window_start_at, calculation_window_end_at=calculation_window_end_at, help_link=_KEY_METRIC_HELP.get(kind), calculation_method=method, )
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass(frozen=True) class StrategySummaryStatistics: """Performance statistics displayed on the tile cards.""" #: When these stats where calculated #: calculated_at: datetime.datetime = field(default_factory=datetime.datetime.utcnow) #: When this trade executor was launched first time. #: #: If the trade-executor needs reset, this value is reset as well. launched_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: When this strategy truly started. #: #: We mark the time of the first trade when the strategy #: started to perform. first_trade_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: When was the last time this strategy made a trade #: last_trade_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: Has the strategy been running 90 days so that the annualised profitability #: can be correctly calcualted. #: enough_data: Optional[bool] = None #: Total equity of this strategy. #: #: Also known as Total Value locked (TVL) in DeFi. #: It's cash + open hold positions current_value: Optional[USDollarAmount] = None #: Profitability of last 90 days #: #: #: If :py:attr:`enough_data` is set we can display this annualised, #: otherwise we can say so sar. #: #: Based on :ref:`compounding realised positions profit`. profitability_90_days: Optional[Percent] = None #: All time returns, % #: #: Based on :ref:`compounding realised positions profit`. return_all_time: Optional[Percent] = None #: Annualised returns, % #: #: Based on :ref:`compounding realised positions profit`. return_annualised: Optional[Percent] = None #: Performance chart used in the summary card. #: #: - Contains frequenetly snapshotted performance #: #: Contains (UNIX time, performance %) tuples. #: compounding_unrealised_trading_profitability: Optional[List[Tuple[UnixTimestamp, Percent]]] = None #: OLD Data for the performance chart used in the summary card. #: #: - Contains only samples at position close events #: #: Contains (UNIX time, performance %) tuples. #: #: Relative performance -1 ... 1 (100%) up and #: 0 is no gains/no losses. #: #: One point per day. #: Note that we might have 90 or 91 points because date ranges #: are inclusive. #: #: Based on :ref:`compounding realised positions profit`. performance_chart_90_days: Optional[List[Tuple[UnixTimestamp, Percent]]] = None #: Strategy performance metrics to be displayed on the summary card #: #: We use :py:class:`KeyMetricKind` value as the key. #: key_metrics: Dict[str, KeyMetric] = field(default_factory=dict) #: After which period the default metrics will switch from backtested data to live data. #: #: This mostly affects strategy summary tiles. #: backtest_metrics_cut_off_period: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None #: Duration of each trade cycle cycle_duration: Optional[CycleDuration] = None
[docs]@dataclass_json @dataclass(frozen=True) class StrategySummary: """Strategy summary. - Helper class to render strategy tiles data - Contains mixture of static metadata, trade executor crash status, latest strategy performance stats and visualisation - Is not stored as the part of the strategy state. In the case of a restart, summary statistics are calculated again. - See /summary API endpoint where it is constructed before returning to the client """ #: Strategy name name: str #: 1 sentence short_description: Optional[str] #: Multiple paragraphs. long_description: Optional[str] #: For <img src> icon_url: Optional[str] #: List of smart contracts and related web3 interaction information for this strategy. #: on_chain_data: OnChainData #: When the instance was started last time #: #: Unix timestamp, as UTC started_at: float #: Is the executor main loop running or crashed. #: #: Use /status endpoint to get the full exception info. #: #: Not really a part of metadata, but added here to make frontend #: queries faster. See also :py:class:`tradeexecutor.state.executor_state.ExecutorState`. executor_running: bool #: Number of frozen positions this strategy has and need to manual intervention frozen_positions: int #: Strategy statistics for summary tiles #: #: Helps rendering the web tiles. summary_statistics: StrategySummaryStatistics = field(default_factory=StrategySummaryStatistics) #: Exception message from the run-time loop #: error_message: str | None = None #: Can the server server backtest files #: #: backtest_available: bool = False #: When the executor bailed out with an exception #: crashed_at: datetime.datetime | None = None #: List of strategy tile badges #: #: See `Metadata.badges` for description. #: badges: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) #: List of strategy tile badges #: #: See `Metadata.tags` for description. #: tags: Set[StrategyTag] = field(default_factory=set)
#: Help links for different metrics _KEY_METRIC_HELP = { KeyMetricKind.cagr: "", KeyMetricKind.sharpe: "", KeyMetricKind.sortino: "", KeyMetricKind.max_drawdown: "", KeyMetricKind.profitability: "", KeyMetricKind.total_equity: "", KeyMetricKind.started_at: "", KeyMetricKind.last_trade: "", KeyMetricKind.trades_last_week: "", KeyMetricKind.trades_per_month: "", KeyMetricKind.decision_cycle_duration: "", }