Source code for tradeexecutor.utils.crossover

"""Provides functions to detect crossovers.

- crossover between two series
- crossover between a series and a constant value

import pandas as pd
import operator

[docs]def contains_cross_over( series1: pd.Series, series2: pd.Series, lookback_period: int = 2, must_return_index: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Detect if the first series has crossed over the second. To be used in decide_trades() :param series1: A pandas.Series object. :param series2: A pandas.Series object. :lookback_period: The number of periods to look back to detect a crossover. :param must_return_index: If True, also returns the index of the crossover. :returns: bool. True if the series has crossed over the other series in the latest iteration, False otherwise. If must_return_index is True, also returns the index of the crossover. Note the index is a negative index e.g. -1 is the latest index, -2 is the second latest etc. """ return _cross_check(series1, series2, lookback_period, must_return_index,,
[docs]def contains_cross_under( series1: pd.Series, series2: pd.Series, lookback_period: int = 2, must_return_index: bool = False, ) -> bool: """Detect if the first series has crossed under the second. To be used in decide_trades() :param series1: A pandas.Series object. :param series2: A pandas.Series object. :lookback_period: The number of periods to look back to detect a crossover. :param must_return_index: If True, also returns the index of the crossover. bool. True if the series has crossed under the other series in the latest iteration, False otherwise. If must_return_index is True, also returns the index of the crossover. Note the index is a negative index e.g. -1 is the latest index, -2 is the second latest etc. """ return _cross_check(series1, series2, lookback_period, must_return_index,,
def _cross_check( series1: pd.Series, series2: pd.Series, lookback_period: int, must_return_index: bool, comparison_operator: callable, unlock_operator: callable, ): """Private function to check whether there has been a crossover or crossunder between two series. :param series1: Series to check for crossover/under :param series2: Series to check for crossover/under :param lookback_period: Number of periods to look back :param must_return_index: Whether to return the index of the crossover :param comparison_operator: Operator to compare for crossover :param unlock_operator: Operator to unlock the crossover (opposite of comparison_operator) """ assert type(series1) == pd.Series, "Series must be pandas.Series" assert type(series2) == pd.Series, "Series must be pandas.Series" assert type(lookback_period) == int, "lookback_period must be int" assert type(must_return_index) == bool, "must_return_index must be bool" assert lookback_period >= 2, "lookback_period must be at least 2" assert len(series1) >= 2, "Series must have at least 2 elements" assert len(series2) >= 2, "Series must have at least 2 elements" assert comparison_operator != unlock_operator, "comparison_operator and unlock_operator must be different" lookback1, lookback2 = _get_lookback(series1, series2, lookback_period) # get index of cross cross_index = None has_crossed = False locked = True for i, (x,y) in enumerate(zip(lookback1, lookback2)): if comparison_operator(x, y) and not locked: has_crossed = True cross_index = -(len(lookback1) - i) locked = True # don't break since we want to get the latest cross if unlock_operator(x, y): locked = False if must_return_index: return has_crossed, cross_index else: return has_crossed def _get_lookback(series1, series2, lookback_period): if len(series1) < lookback_period or len(series2) < lookback_period: lookback_period = min(len(series1), len(series2)) lookback1 = series1.iloc[-lookback_period:] lookback2 = series2.iloc[-lookback_period:] return lookback1,lookback2