Source code for tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search_basic

"""Visualise grid search results.

- Different visualisation tools to compare grid search results
from typing import List, Callable

import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.graph_objs import Figure, Scatter

from tradeexecutor.analysis.curve import CurveType, DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_COLOURS
from tradeexecutor.analysis.grid_search import _get_hover_template, order_grid_search_results_by_metric
from tradeexecutor.analysis.multi_asset_benchmark import get_benchmark_data
from tradeexecutor.backtest.grid_search import GridSearchResult
from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import TradingStrategyUniverse
from tradeexecutor.visual.benchmark import visualise_equity_curves
from tradingstrategy.types import USDollarAmount

[docs]def visualise_single_grid_search_result_benchmark( result: GridSearchResult, strategy_universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, initial_cash: USDollarAmount | None = None, name="Picked search result", log_y=False, asset_count=3, ) -> go.Figure: """Draw one equity curve from grid search results. - Compare the equity curve againt buy and hold assets from the trading universe - Used to plot "the best" equity curve - Use :func:`find_best_grid_search_results` to find some equity curves. See also - :py:func:`visualise_grid_search_equity_curves` - :py:func:`tradeexecutor.visual.benchmark.visualise_equity_curves` - :py:func:`tradeexecutor.analysis.multi_asset_benchmark.get_benchmark_data` - :py:func:`tradeexecutor.analysis.grid_search.find_best_grid_search_results` Example: .. code-block:: python from tradeexecutor.analysis.grid_search import find_best_grid_search_results from tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search import visualise_single_grid_search_result_benchmark # Show the equity curve of the best grid search performer best_results = find_best_grid_search_results(grid_search_results) fig = visualise_single_grid_search_result_benchmark(best_results.cagr[0], strategy_universe) :param result: Picked grid search result :param strategy_universe: Used to get benechmark indexes :param name: Chart title :param initial_cash: Not needed. Automatically filled in by grid search. Legacy param. :param asset_count: Draw this many comparison buy-and-hold curves from well-known assets. :return: Plotly figure """ assert isinstance(result, GridSearchResult) assert isinstance(strategy_universe, TradingStrategyUniverse) # Get daily returns equity = result.equity_curve equity.attrs["name"] = result.get_truncated_label() equity.attrs["curve"] = CurveType.equity equity.attrs["colour"] = DEFAULT_BENCHMARK_COLOURS["Strategy"] if result.state is not None: start_at = result.state.get_trading_time_range()[0] else: start_at = equity.index[0] benchmarks = get_benchmark_data( strategy_universe, cumulative_with_initial_cash=initial_cash or getattr(result, "initial_cash", None), # Legacy support hack start_at=start_at, max_count=asset_count, ) benchmark_series = [v for k, v in benchmarks.items()] fig = visualise_equity_curves( [equity] + benchmark_series, name=name, log_y=log_y, start_at=start_at, ) return fig
[docs]def visualise_grid_search_equity_curves( results: List[GridSearchResult], name: str | None = None, benchmark_indexes: pd.DataFrame | None = None, height=1200, colour=None, log_y=False, alpha=0.7, label_func: Callable = None, annotation_xshift=200, ) -> Figure: """Draw multiple equity curves in the same chart. - See how all grid searched strategies work - Benchmark against buy and hold of various assets - Benchmark against hold all cash TODO: A lot of parameter descriptions are not up-to-date. .. note :: Only good up to ~hundreds results. If more than thousand result, rendering takes too long time. Example that draws equity curve comparison with custom labels: .. code-block:: python from tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search_basic import visualise_grid_search_equity_curves from tradeexecutor.analysis.multi_asset_benchmark import get_benchmark_data # Automatically create BTC and ETH buy and hold benchmark if present # in the trading universe benchmark_indexes = get_benchmark_data( strategy_universe, cumulative_with_initial_cash=Parameters.initial_cash, ) fig = visualise_grid_search_equity_curves( grid_search_results, benchmark_indexes=benchmark_indexes, log_y=False, label_func=lambda x: f"Decision cycle {x.get_parameter('cycle_duration').value}, CARG {x.get_cagr():.0%}, Sharpe {x.get_sharpe():.1f}", ) Example that draws equity curves of a grid search results. .. code-block:: python from tradeexecutor.visual.grid_search_basic import visualise_grid_search_equity_curves from tradeexecutor.analysis.multi_asset_benchmark import get_benchmark_data # Automatically create BTC and ETH buy and hold benchmark if present # in the trading universe benchmark_indexes = get_benchmark_data( strategy_universe, cumulative_with_initial_cash=ShiftedStrategyParameters.initial_cash, ) fig = visualise_grid_search_equity_curves( grid_search_results, name="8h clock shift, stop loss added and adjusted momentum", benchmark_indexes=benchmark_indexes, log_y=False, ) :param results: Results from the grid search. :param benchmark_indexes: List of other asset price series displayed on the timeline besides equity curve. DataFrame containing multiple series. - Asset name is the series name. - Setting `colour` for `pd.Series.attrs` allows you to override the colour of the index :param height: Chart height in pixels :param colour: Colour of the equity curve e.g. "rgba(160, 160, 160, 0.5)". If provided, all equity curves will be drawn with this colour. :param start_at: When the backtest started :param end_at: When the backtest ended :param additional_indicators: Additional technical indicators drawn on this chart. List of indicator names. The indicators must be plotted earlier using `state.visualisation.plot_indicator()`. **Note**: Currently not very useful due to Y axis scale :param log_y: Use logarithmic Y-axis. Because we accumulate larger treasury over time, the swings in the value will be higher later. We need to use a logarithmic Y axis so that we can compare the performance early in the strateg and late in the strategy. :param label_func: Create custom legend to compare """ if name is None: name = "Grid search equity curve comparison" fig = Figure() colors = _generate_grey_alpha(len(results)) results = order_grid_search_results_by_metric(results) for result in results: curve = result.equity_curve label = result.get_truncated_label() template =_get_hover_template(result) if label_func is not None: text = label_func(result) else: text = None scatter = Scatter( x=curve.index, y=curve, mode="lines", name="", # Hides hover legend, use hovertext only line=dict(color=colors.pop(0)), showlegend=False, ) fig.add_trace(scatter) if text: text_color = "red" fig.add_annotation( x=curve.index[-1], y=curve.iloc[-1], text=text, showarrow=True, arrowhead=2, arrowsize=1, arrowwidth=2, arrowcolor=text_color, ax=20 + annotation_xshift, ay=-20, font=dict(size=12, color=text_color, weight='bold'), xshift=0, # Small shift to avoid overlap with line end yshift=0 ) if benchmark_indexes is not None: for benchmark_name, curve in benchmark_indexes.items(): benchmark_colour = curve.attrs.get("colour", "black") scatter = Scatter( x=curve.index, y=curve, mode="lines", name=benchmark_name, line=dict(color=benchmark_colour), showlegend=True, ) fig.add_trace(scatter) fig.update_layout(title=f"{name}", height=height) if log_y: fig.update_yaxes(title="Value $ (logarithmic)", showgrid=False, type="log") else: fig.update_yaxes(title="Value $", showgrid=False) fig.update_xaxes(rangeslider={"visible": False}) # Move legend to the bottom so we have more space for # time axis in narrow notebook views # fig.update_layout(legend=dict( orientation="h", yanchor="bottom", y=1.02, xanchor="right", x=1 )) return fig
def _generate_broad_bluered_colors(num_colors, alpha): """ Generate a list of RGBA colors along a broad blue-purple-red color scale. Parameters: num_colors (int): Number of colors to generate. alpha (float): Alpha value for the colors (0 to 1). Returns: list: List of RGBA color tuples. """ colors = [] for i in range(num_colors): ratio = i / (num_colors - 1) if ratio < 0.7: red = int(255 * (1.5 * ratio)) blue = 255 else: red = 255 blue = int(255 * (2 * (1 - ratio))) green = max(0, int(255 * (1 - abs(ratio - 0.7) * 2))) color = (red, green, blue, alpha) colors.append(f"rgba{color}") return colors def _generate_grey_alpha(num_colors): colors = [] for i in range(num_colors): red = 33 + 128 * i / num_colors green = red blue = red alpha = red color = (red, green, blue, alpha) colors.append(f"rgba{color}") return colors