Source code for tradeexecutor.visual.palette

"""Various palettes for charts."""

[docs]def generate_sepia_palette(n=40): colors = [] # Base sepia colors from light to dark sepia_base = [ '#fff4e6', # Very light sepia '#ffe4c4', # Bisque '#deb887', # Burlywood '#d2b48c', # Tan '#bc8f8f', # Rosy brown '#a0522d', # Sienna '#8b4513', # Saddle brown '#654321', # Dark brown ] # Create variations by interpolating between base colors from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, to_hex import numpy as np # Create a colormap from our sepia colors sepia_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('sepia', sepia_base) # Generate n colors values = np.linspace(0, 1, n) colors = [to_hex(sepia_cmap(v)) for v in values] return colors
[docs]def hacker_crt_green_palette(num_colors): """ Generates a Plotly color palette in hacker CRT green style with varying brightness. Parameters: num_colors (int): Number of colors to generate. Returns: list: A list of color strings in hexadecimal format. """ palette = [] for i in range(num_colors): if i % 2 == 0: # Brighter green with varying intensity intensity = 255 - int((i / num_colors) * 100) # Adjust intensity based on position brighter_green = f"#00{intensity:02X}00" palette.append(brighter_green) else: # Darker green (fixed for contrast) darker_green = "#007700" palette.append(darker_green) return palette
[docs]def format_blog_post_figure(fig, show_legend=True, font_color="#888"): """Better formatting for blog post images from charts. Example: .. code-block:: python import pandas as pd from tradeexecutor.analysis.multi_asset_benchmark import get_benchmark_data from tradeexecutor.visual.benchmark import visualise_equity_curve_benchmark from tradeexecutor.utils.notebook import set_large_plotly_chart_font from tradeexecutor.visual.palette import hacker_crt_green_palette, format_blog_post_figure benchmark_indexes = get_benchmark_data( strategy_universe, cumulative_with_initial_cash=state.portfolio.get_initial_cash(), max_count=4, start_at=state.get_trading_time_range()[0], interesting_assets=["WETH", "PEPE"], ) set_large_plotly_chart_font( base_template="plotly_dark", ) fig = visualise_equity_curve_benchmark( name="Strategy (Buy all time high)", state=state, benchmark_indexes=benchmark_indexes, height=800, log_y=True, ) format_blog_post_figure(fig, show_legend=True) """ num_columns = 10 fig.update_layout( # Move legend to bottom legend=dict( yanchor="top", y=-0.1, # Adjust this value to move legend up/down xanchor="center", x=0.5, # Arrange items in 4 rows orientation="h", traceorder="normal", # nrows=4 itemwidth=40, # Adjust the multiplier as needed title_text="", font=dict( size=30, # Adjust this value to make legend text bigger/smaller color=font_color, ), ) ) fig.update_layout( title=None, xaxis=dict( title=None, # other x-axis properties... nticks=4, # Increase font size (default is usually 12) tickfont=dict( size=30, # Adjust this value to make font bigger/smaller color=font_color, ), anchor='free', side='bottom', position=0, automargin=True, ticklabelposition='outside left', # Move tick labels to the left showgrid=False, ), yaxis=dict( title=None, # other y-axis properties... nticks=5, # Optionally specify tick labels # ticktext=['0%', '50%', '100%'], tickfont=dict( size=30, color=font_color, ), tickprefix='$', showgrid=False, ) ) # Adjust figure size to make it more portrait-like fig.update_layout( autosize=False, width=200, # Decrease width height=200, # Increase height for portrait aspect scene=dict( aspectratio=dict(x=0.5, y=1, z=0.5), # Adjust x and y to change the aspect aspectmode='manual' ) ) fig.update_layout( showlegend=show_legend )