"""Price impact calculations.
import enum
import pandas as pd
from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
from tradingstrategy.liquidity import GroupedLiquidityUniverse
from tradingstrategy.types import PrimaryKey, USDollarAmount
class LiquidityDataMissing(Exception):
"""We try to get a price impact for a pair for which we have no data."""
class NoTradingPair(LiquidityDataMissing):
"""Trading pair is missing."""
class SampleTooFarOff(LiquidityDataMissing):
"""There are no samples in this timeset for a specific timepoint."""
[docs]class LiquiditySampleMeasure(enum.Enum):
"""For liquidity samples, which measurement we use for a price impact."""
open = "open"
close = "close"
high = "high"
low = "low"
class PriceImpact:
"""How much price impact a potential trade would have.
Because how Uniswap v2 like DEXes operate, liquidity provider
and protocol fees are included within the price impact calculations.
Depending on the example these fees are not included in the calculations.
This `PriceImpact` data also includes separate liquidity provider and protocol fees,
as for trading companies these fees might be tax deductible.
TODO: These fees are not yet confirmed with a live exchange.
#: Liquidity that was used for the price impact calculation, as expressed US dollars of one sided liquidity, see :py:class:`XYLiquidity`.
available_liquidity: USDollarAmount
#: How much % worse execution you get because due to in availability of the liquidity.
price_impact: float
#: How much worth of tokens you actually get for trade amount, expressed as US dollar
delivered: USDollarAmount
#: How much LP fees are paid in this transaction
lp_fees_paid: USDollarAmount
#: How much protocol fees are paid in this transaction
protocol_fees_paid: USDollarAmount
#: How much the trade cost you totally (trade amount - delivered)
#: This includes LP fees paid, protocol fees paid and any loss because of limited liquidity.
#: This does not include gas fees (tx fees) for the network.
cost_of_trade: USDollarAmount
[docs]def estimate_xyk_price_impact(liquidity: float, trade_amount: float, lp_fee: float, protocol_fee: float) -> PriceImpact:
"""Calculates XY liquidity model slippage.
Works for all Uniswap v2 style DEXes.
For us, price impacts are easier because we operate solely in the US dollar space.
Some price impact calculation examples to study:
TODO: Check that calculations are consistent with SushiSwap.
:param liquidity: Liquidity expressed as USD :term:`XY liquidity model` single side liquidity.
:param trade_amount: How much buy/sell you are doing
:param lp_fee: Liquidity provider fee set for the pool as %. E.g. 0.0035 for Sushi.
:param protocol_fee: Fees paid to the protocol, e.g. xSushi stakers
#price_impact = amount_in_with_fee / (liquidity + amount_in_with_fee)
# We value both halves of the liquidity pool with
# our precalculated US dollar reference exchange rate,
# and thus skip a lot of uint256 bit issues what comes when dealing with raw
# tokens amounts.
total_fees = protocol_fee + lp_fee
reserve_a_initial = reserve_b_initial = liquidity
amount_in_with_fee = trade_amount * (1 - total_fees)
lp_fees_paid = trade_amount * lp_fee
protocol_fees_paid = trade_amount * protocol_fee
constant_product = reserve_a_initial * reserve_b_initial
reserve_b_after_execution = constant_product / (reserve_a_initial + amount_in_with_fee)
amount_out = reserve_b_initial - reserve_b_after_execution
market_price = amount_in_with_fee / amount_out
mid_price = reserve_a_initial / reserve_b_initial
price_impact = 1 - (mid_price / market_price)
price_impact = abs(price_impact)
cost_of_trade = trade_amount - amount_out
return PriceImpact(
[docs]class HistoricalXYPriceImpactCalculator:
"""Calculates the Uniswap slippage, old price and new price based on :term:`XY liquidity model`.
Used for backtesting and historical price impact calculations.
The price impact model here is naive. It assumes that the trade would only use assets in a single pool.
However, for any real DEX this is not the case. All DEXes implement the equivalent of
`Uniswap auto router <https://uniswap.org/blog/auto-router>`_ also known as smart order routing (SOR).
Routing finds the optimal path for the swaps between different tokens and can include three hop
trades or even four hop trades to find the best price for the swapper. Thus, in real life
the price impact might be less than what this model gives to you.
TODO: These fees are not yet confirmed with a live exchange.
.. note ::
Currently we do not have dynamic liquidity provider `lp_fees` data for all the pairs, as it may vary
pair by pair. Thus, in your model you need to manually confirm you are using the correct `lp_fees` value.
[docs] def __init__(self, liquidity_universe: GroupedLiquidityUniverse, lp_fee=0.0030, protocol_fee=0):
:param lp_fees: Liquidity provider fees as 0...1 % number
self.liquidity_universe = liquidity_universe
# TODO: Later, pull this data dynamicalyl from the exchanges
self.lp_fee = lp_fee
self.protocol_fee = protocol_fee
[docs] def calculate_price_impact(self, when: pd.Timestamp, pair_id: PrimaryKey, trade_amount: USDollarAmount, measurement: LiquiditySampleMeasure=LiquiditySampleMeasure.open, max_distance: pd.Timedelta=pd.Timedelta(days=1)) -> PriceImpact:
"""What would have been a price impact if a Uniswap-style trade were executed in the past.
:param measurement: By default, we check the liquidity based on the liquidity available at the sample openining time.
:param max_distance: If the sample is too far off, then abort because of gaps in data. Depending on the candle time frame you operate, you might need to adjust `max_distance` to account the sample timestamp skew. For example, if you are using weekly candles, you need to set this to seven days.
liquidity_samples = self.liquidity_universe.get_liquidity_samples_by_pair(pair_id)
if liquidity_samples is None:
raise NoTradingPair(f"The universe does not contain liquidity data for pair {pair_id}")
# measurement_samples = liquidity_samples[when:]
ranged_samples = liquidity_samples[when:]
if len(ranged_samples) == 0:
raise SampleTooFarOff(f"Pair {pair_id} has no liquidity samples before {when}")
# pair_id 74846
# timestamp 2021-06-07 00:00:00
# exchange_rate 2489.434326
# open 259676608.0
# close 191939088.0
# high 267280096.0
# low 172410688.0
# adds 249
# removes 154
# syncs 7824
# add_volume 2689543.75
# remove_volume 30361768.0
# start_block 12584093
# end_block 12629257
# Name: 2021-06-07 00:00:00, dtype: object
first_sample = ranged_samples.iloc[0]
ts = first_sample.timestamp
distance = abs(ts - when)
if distance > max_distance:
raise SampleTooFarOff(f"Pair {pair_id} has liquidity samples, but the sample we got at {ts} is too far off from {when}. Distance is {distance} when we want at least {max_distance}")
# "open", "close", etc.
liquidity_at_sample = first_sample[measurement.value]
return estimate_xyk_price_impact(liquidity_at_sample, trade_amount, self.lp_fee, self.protocol_fee)