Source code for tradingstrategy.utils.format

"""Value formatting utilities."""

import datetime
from typing import Collection
from web3 import Web3

import pandas as pd

[docs]def format_price(v: float, decimals=6) -> str: """Crypto prices in dollars may have significant decimals up to 6 decimal points. :return: Price as $ prefixed string. """ if decimals == 0: return f"${v:,.0f}" format_str = f"${{v:,.{decimals}f}}" return format_str.format(v=v)
[docs]def format_value(v: float) -> str: """Format US dollar trade value, assume value significantly > $1 dollar. Two decimals. """ return f"${v:,.2f}"
[docs]def format_percent(v: float) -> str: return f"{v:.0%}"
[docs]def format_percent_2_decimals(v: float) -> str: return f"{v:.2%}"
[docs]def format_duration_days_hours_mins(d: datetime.timedelta) -> str: seconds = d.total_seconds() days, remainder = divmod(seconds, 86400) hours, remainder = divmod(remainder, 3600) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) return '{} {} {} '.format( "" if int(days) == 0 else str(int(days)) + ' days', "" if int(hours) == 0 else str(int(hours)) + ' hours', "" if int(minutes) == 0 else str(int(minutes)) + ' mins' )
[docs]def string_to_eth_address(input_string) -> str: """Convert a string to an Ethereum address deterministically. :param input_string: Input string to convert to an Ethereum address. :return: Ethereum address. """ hashed_bytes = Web3.keccak(text=input_string) eth_address = hashed_bytes[-20:].hex() return eth_address