Source code for tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe

"""Trading Strategy oracle data integration.

Define trading universe based on data from :py:mod:`tradingstrategy` and
market data feeds.

See :ref:`trading universe` for more information.

import contextlib
import datetime
import pickle
import textwrap
from abc import abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
import logging
from math import isnan
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Callable, Tuple, Set, Dict, Iterable, Collection, TypeAlias

import pandas as pd

from tradeexecutor.state.types import JSONHexAddress, Percent
from tradingstrategy.lending import LendingReserveUniverse, LendingReserveDescription, LendingCandleType, LendingCandleUniverse, UnknownLendingReserve, LendingProtocolType
from tradingstrategy.token import Token
from tradingstrategy.candle import GroupedCandleUniverse
from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId
from tradingstrategy.client import Client, BaseClient
from import ExchangeUniverse, Exchange, ExchangeType
from tradingstrategy.liquidity import GroupedLiquidityUniverse, ResampledLiquidityUniverse
from tradingstrategy.pair import DEXPair, PandasPairUniverse, resolve_pairs_based_on_ticker, \
    filter_for_exchanges, filter_for_quote_tokens, StablecoinFilteringMode, filter_for_stablecoins, \
    HumanReadableTradingPairDescription, filter_for_chain, filter_for_base_tokens, filter_for_exchange, filter_for_trading_fee
from tradingstrategy.timebucket import TimeBucket
from tradingstrategy.types import TokenSymbol, NonChecksummedAddress
from tradingstrategy.universe import Universe
from tradingstrategy.utils.groupeduniverse import filter_for_pairs, NoDataAvailable

from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_context import ExecutionMode, ExecutionContext
from tradeexecutor.state.identifier import AssetIdentifier, TradingPairIdentifier, TradingPairKind, AssetType
from tradeexecutor.strategy.universe_model import StrategyExecutionUniverse, UniverseModel, DataTooOld, UniverseOptions, default_universe_options

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Unique hash string for each universe.
#: Semi-human readable, is used for filenames on a disk.
UniverseCacheKey: TypeAlias = str

class TradingUniverseIssue(Exception):
    """Raised in the case trading universe has some bad data etc. issues."""

[docs]@dataclass class Dataset: """Contain raw loaded datasets.""" #: Granularity of our OHLCV data time_bucket: TimeBucket #: All exchanges exchanges: ExchangeUniverse #: All trading pairs pairs: pd.DataFrame #: All lending reserves lending_reserves: Optional[LendingReserveUniverse] = None #: Candle data for all pairs candles: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None #: All liquidity samples liquidity: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None #: All lendinds candles lending_candles: Optional[LendingCandleUniverse] = None #: Liquidity data granularity liquidity_time_bucket: Optional[TimeBucket] = None #: Granularity of backtesting OHLCV data backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket: Optional[TimeBucket] = None #: All candles in stop loss time bucket backtest_stop_loss_candles: Optional[pd.DataFrame] = None #: Data clipping period start_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: Data clipping period end_at: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None #: How much back we looked from today history_period: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None
[docs] def get_chain_ids(self) -> Set[ChainId]: """Get all chain ids on this dataset.""" return {e.chain_id for e in self.exchanges.exchanges}
def __post_init__(self): """Check we got good data.""" candles = self.candles if candles is not None: assert isinstance(candles, pd.DataFrame), f"Expected DataFrame, got {candles.__class__}" liquidity = self.liquidity if liquidity is not None: assert isinstance(liquidity, pd.DataFrame), f"Expected DataFrame, got {liquidity.__class__}" lending_candles = self.lending_candles if lending_candles is not None: assert isinstance(lending_candles, LendingCandleUniverse), f"Expected LendingCandleUniverse, got {lending_candles.__class__}" if self.history_period: assert self.start_at is None and self.end_at is None, f"You can only give history_period or backtesting range. We got {self.start_at}, {self.end_at}, {self.history_period}"
[docs]@dataclass class TradingStrategyUniverse(StrategyExecutionUniverse): """A trading strategy universe using our own data feeds. - Captures both the market data feeds and factors needed to make trading decisions, like the strategy reserve currency and backtesting tweaks """ #: Trading universe datasets. #: #: This encapsulates more generic `Universe` class from `tradingstrategy` package. data_universe: Optional[Universe] = None #: Are we using special take profit/stop loss trigger data. #: #: If we are, what is the time granularity of this data. backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket: Optional[TimeBucket] = None #: Special Pandas data feed for candles used only during the backtesting. #: #: This allows us to simulate take profit and stop loss trigger orders #: that would be based on real-time market data in a live execution environment. backtest_stop_loss_candles: Optional[GroupedCandleUniverse] = None #: How much historic data is needed by the strategy to make its decision. #: #: This is the explicit time frame in days or hours for the historical #: data before today for the strategy to make a decision. #: #: This will limit the amount of data downloaded from the oracle #: and greatly optimise the strategy decision execution. #: #: E.g. for 90 days you can use `datetime.timedelta(days=90)` required_history_period: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None #: What options were applied to this universe #: #: Could be e.g. #: #: - Loaded data range #: - Backtested data range #: #: Not set in legacy code paths. #: Currently the life cycle of this variable is not well-defined, #: mostly used to pass the backtest data range around, #: and set before backtest run, not during the universe construction. #: options: UniverseOptions | None = None def __repr__(self): pair_count = self.data_universe.pairs.get_count() if pair_count <= 3: pair_tickers = [f"{p.base_token_symbol}-{p.quote_token_symbol}" for p in self.data_universe.pairs.iterate_pairs()] return f"<TradingStrategyUniverse for {', '.join(pair_tickers)}>" else: return f"<TradingStrategyUniverse for {self.data_universe.pairs.get_count()} pairs>" def __post_init__(self): """Check that we correctly constructed the instance.""" if self.data_universe is not None: assert isinstance(self.data_universe, Universe) if self.backtest_stop_loss_candles is not None: assert isinstance(self.backtest_stop_loss_candles, GroupedCandleUniverse), f"Expected GroupedCandleUniverse, got {self.backtest_stop_loss_candles.__class__}" assert isinstance(self.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket, TimeBucket)
[docs] def get_cache_key(self) -> UniverseCacheKey: """Get semi-human-readable filename id for this universe. .. note:: Currently does not capture all the nuances of the data. Must be defined later to produce an accurate hash on Universe. """ assert len(self.data_universe.chains) == 1 # Currently supports only full date ranges, # to keep filenames clean. # Easy to support any other range, just add tests. # assert self.start_at.hour == 0 # assert self.end_at.hour == 0 # assert self.start_at.minute == 0 # assert self.end_at.minute == 0 assert self.start_at.second == 0 assert self.end_at.second == 0 time_str = f"{self.start_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}-{self.end_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}" if self.get_pair_count() < 5: pair_str = "-".join([p.get_ticker() for p in self.data_universe.pairs.iterate_pairs()]) else: pair_str = str(self.get_pair_count()) chain_str = self.data_universe.get_default_chain().get_slug() time_bucket_str = self.data_universe.time_bucket.value separator = "_" # Add forward fill flag to the universe cache file name match self.data_universe.forward_filled: case None: ff = "" case True: ff = f"{separator}ff" case False: ff = f"{separator}nff" key = f"{chain_str}{separator}{time_bucket_str}{separator}{pair_str}{separator}{time_str}{ff}" assert len(key) < 256, f"Generated very long fname cache key, check the generation logic: {key}" return key
@property def start_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """Start timestamp of the data. - Valid for backtesting only - Based on OHLCV candles """ start, end = self.data_universe.candles.get_timestamp_range() return start.to_pydatetime() @property def end_at(self) -> datetime.datetime: """End timestamp of the data. - Valid for backtesting only - Based on OHLCV candles """ start, end = self.data_universe.candles.get_timestamp_range() return end.to_pydatetime() @property def universe(self): """Backwards compatibility method. Deprecate in some point. """ return self.data_universe
[docs] def is_open_ended_universe(self) -> bool: """Can new trading pairs to be added to this universe over time. :return: True if the trading universe may contain hundreds or thousands of trading pairs. """ # TODO: In the future strategy modules, make a real flag for this and now we just use this hack return self.data_universe.pairs.get_count() > 20
[docs] def has_lending_data(self) -> bool: """Is any lending data available. .. note :: For live trading, lending candles are not available, but any lending rates are directly updated from on-chain sources. """ return self.data_universe.lending_reserves is not None
[docs] def get_trading_pair(self, pair: int | DEXPair) -> TradingPairIdentifier: """Get a pair by id or by its data description. :param pair: Trading pair internal id or DEXPair object :return: Tradind strategy pair definition. :raise PairNotFoundError: If we have not loaded data for the given pair id. """ if type(pair) == int: dex_pair = self.data_universe.pairs.get_pair_by_id(pair) else: dex_pair = pair return translate_trading_pair(dex_pair)
[docs] def can_open_spot( self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp, pair: TradingPairIdentifier, liquidity_threshold=None, ) -> bool: """Can we do a spot trade for a trading pair. To be used with backtesting. We will check a spot market exists at a certain historic point of time. :param timestamp: When :param pair: The wanted trading pair :param liquidity_threshold: Not implemented yet. :return: True if we can open a spot position. """ raise NotImplementedError("This function is still TBD")
[docs] def has_any_lending_data(self) -> bool: """Does this trading universe has any lending data loaded""" return self.data_universe.lending_reserves is not None
[docs] def has_lending_market_available( self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp | datetime.datetime, asset: AssetIdentifier, liquidity_threshold=None, market_metric: LendingCandleType=LendingCandleType.variable_borrow_apr, data_lag_tolerance=pd.Timedelta("1w"), ) -> bool: """Did an asset have a lending market available at certain historic point of time. To be used with backtesting. We will check a lending market exists at a certain historic point of time. :param timestamp: When :param pair: The wanted trading pair :param liquidity_threshold: Not implemented yet. :return: True if we can open a spot position. """ if isinstance(timestamp, datetime.datetime): timestamp = pd.Timestamp(timestamp) assert isinstance(timestamp, pd.Timestamp), f"Expected pd.Timestamp, got {timestamp.__class__}: {timestamp}" assert self.data_universe.lending_candles, "Lending market data is not loaded - cannot determine if we can short or not" try: reserve = self.data_universe.lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_address( ChainId(asset.chain_id), asset.address, ) except UnknownLendingReserve: # Market not registered, not available in the dataset return False assert market_metric == LendingCandleType.variable_borrow_apr, f"Not supported yet: {market_metric}" candles = self.data_universe.lending_candles.variable_borrow_apr try: value, drift = candles.get_single_rate( reserve, timestamp, data_lag_tolerance ) return value > 0 except NoDataAvailable: return False
[docs] def can_open_short( self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp | datetime.datetime, pair: TradingPairIdentifier, liquidity_threshold=None, ) -> bool: """Can we do a short trade for a trading pair. To be used with backtesting. We will check a lending market exists at a certain historic point of time for both base and quote asset. :param timestamp: When :param pair: The wanted trading pair :param liquidity_threshold: Not implemented yet. :return: True if we can open a short position. """ assert isinstance(pair, TradingPairIdentifier), f"Expected TradingPairIdentifier, got: {pair.__class}: {pair}" return self.has_lending_market_available(timestamp, pair.base, liquidity_threshold) \ and self.has_lending_market_available(timestamp, pair.quote, liquidity_threshold)
[docs] def can_open_credit_supply( self, timestamp: pd.Timestamp | datetime.datetime, pair: TradingPairIdentifier, liquidity_threshold=None, ) -> bool: """Can we do a credit supply trade for a trading pair. To be used with backtesting. We will check a lending market exists at a certain historic point of time for both base and quote asset. :param timestamp: When :param pair: The wanted trading pair :param liquidity_threshold: Not implemented yet. :return: True if we can open a credit supply position. """ assert isinstance(pair, TradingPairIdentifier), f"Expected TradingPairIdentifier, got: {pair.__class}: {pair}" return self.has_lending_market_available(timestamp, pair.quote, liquidity_threshold)
[docs] def clone(self) -> "TradingStrategyUniverse": """Create a copy of this universe. Any dataframes are now copied, but set by reference, so do not mutate in place. """ u = self.data_universe new_universe = Universe( time_bucket=u.time_bucket, chains=u.chains, exchanges=u.exchanges, pairs=u.pairs, candles=u.candles, liquidity=u.liquidity, resampled_liquidity=u.resampled_liquidity, lending_candles=u.lending_candles, ) return TradingStrategyUniverse( data_universe=new_universe, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=self.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket, backtest_stop_loss_candles=self.backtest_stop_loss_candles, reserve_assets=self.reserve_assets, required_history_period=self.required_history_period, )
[docs] def write_pickle(self, path: Path): """Write a pickled ouput of this universe""" assert isinstance(path, Path) with"wb") as out: pickle.dump(self, out)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_pickle_dangerous(path: Path) -> "TradingStrategyUniverse": """Write a pickled ouput of this universe. .. warning:: Only use for trusted input. Python pickle issue. """ assert isinstance(path, Path) with"rb") as inp: item = pickle.load(inp) assert isinstance(item, TradingStrategyUniverse) return item
def get_pair_count(self) -> int: return self.data_universe.pairs.get_count()
[docs] def is_empty(self) -> bool: """This is an empty universe - without trading pairs - ...or without candles """ candles = self.data_universe.candles.df if self.data_universe.candles else [] return self.data_universe.pairs.get_count() == 0 or len(candles) == 0
[docs] def is_single_pair_universe(self) -> bool: """Is this trading universe made for a single pair trading. Note that even a single pair universe may contain two trading pairs, if we need intermediate routing pairs. E.g. AAVE -> BNB -> BUSD/ """ # TODO: Make a stupid assumption here # as our strategies currently have 1 or 2 pairs for single pair trading. # Convert this to a proper flag later. return self.data_universe.pairs.get_count() == 1
[docs] def has_stop_loss_data(self) -> bool: """Do we have data available to determine trade stop losses. Note that this applies for backtesting only - when doing production trade execution, stop loss data is not part of the universe but real time pricing comes directly from the exchange using real-time side channels. """ return (self.backtest_stop_loss_candles is not None) and \ (self.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket is not None)
[docs] def validate(self): """Check that the created universe looks good. :raise TradingUniverseIssue: In the case of detected issues """ if len(self.reserve_assets) != 1: raise TradingUniverseIssue(f"Only single reserve asset strategies supported for now, got {self.reserve_assets}") for a in self.reserve_assets: if a.decimals == 0: raise TradingUniverseIssue(f"Reserve asset lacks decimals {a}")
[docs] def get_pair_by_human_description(self, desc: HumanReadableTradingPairDescription) -> TradingPairIdentifier: """Get pair by its human-readable description. See :py:meth:`tradingstrategy.pair.PandasPairUniverse.get_pair_by_human_description` The trading pair must be loaded in the exchange universe. :return: The trading pair on the exchange. Highest volume trading pair if multiple matches. :raise NoPairFound: In the case input data cannot be resolved. """ assert self.data_universe.exchange_universe, "You must set universe.exchange_universe to be able to use this method" pair = self.data_universe.pairs.get_pair_by_human_description(self.data_universe.exchange_universe, desc) return translate_trading_pair(pair)
[docs] def iterate_pairs(self) -> Iterable[TradingPairIdentifier]: """Iterate over all available trading pairs. - Different from :py:meth:`tradingstrategy.pair.PandasPairUniverse.iterate_pairs` as this yields `TradingPairIdentifier` instances """ for p in self.data_universe.pairs.iterate_pairs(): yield translate_trading_pair(p)
[docs] def create_single_pair_universe( dataset: Dataset, chain_id: Optional[ChainId] = None, exchange_slug: Optional[str] = None, base_token: Optional[str] = None, quote_token: Optional[str] = None, pair: Optional[HumanReadableTradingPairDescription] = None, ) -> "TradingStrategyUniverse": """Filters down the dataset for a single trading pair. This is ideal for strategies that only want to trade a single pair. :param pair: Give the pair we create the universe for :param exchange_slug: Legacy. This or `pair`. :param chain_id: Legacy. This or `pair`. :param base_token: Legacy. This or `pair`. :param quote_token: Legacy. This or `pair`. """ if not pair: if base_token and quote_token: # Legacy method of giving pair pair = (chain_id, exchange_slug, base_token, quote_token) # Limit the pair universe for selected entries pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse.create_pair_universe( dataset.pairs, pairs=[pair], ) else: # Pair not given, but # input has only single pair assert len(dataset.pairs) == 1, "You need to give pair argument if input pair universe contains multiple pairs" pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse(dataset.pairs) pair_data = pair_universe.get_single() pair = pair_data.to_human_description() else: # Pair given pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse.create_pair_universe( dataset.pairs, pairs=[pair], ) chain_id = pair[0] exchange_slug = pair[1] # We only trade on Pancakeswap v2 exchange_universe = dataset.exchanges exchange = exchange_universe.get_by_chain_and_slug(chain_id, exchange_slug) assert exchange, f"No exchange {exchange_slug} found on chain {}" # Get daily candles as Pandas DataFrame if dataset.candles is not None: all_candles = dataset.candles filtered_candles = filter_for_pairs(all_candles, pair_universe.df) candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse(filtered_candles, time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket) else: candle_universe = None # Get liquidity candles as Pandas Dataframe if dataset.liquidity is not None and not dataset.liquidity.empty: all_liquidity = dataset.liquidity filtered_liquidity = filter_for_pairs(all_liquidity, pair_universe.df) liquidity_universe = GroupedLiquidityUniverse(filtered_liquidity) else: liquidity_universe = None pair = pair_universe.get_single() # We have only a single pair, so the reserve asset must be its quote token trading_pair_identifier = translate_trading_pair(pair) reserve_assets = [ trading_pair_identifier.quote ] # Legacy code fix pair_universe.exchange_universe = exchange_universe universe = Universe( time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket, chains={chain_id}, pairs=pair_universe, exchanges={exchange}, candles=candle_universe, liquidity=liquidity_universe, exchange_universe=exchange_universe, lending_candles=dataset.lending_candles ) if dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles is not None: stop_loss_candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse( dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles, time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket) else: stop_loss_candle_universe = None # TODO: Not sure if we need to be smarter about stop loss candle # data handling here return TradingStrategyUniverse( data_universe=universe, reserve_assets=reserve_assets, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket, backtest_stop_loss_candles=stop_loss_candle_universe, )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_limited_pair_universe( dataset: Dataset, chain_id: ChainId, exchange_slug: str, pairs: Set[Tuple[str, str]], reserve_asset_pair_ticker: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, forward_fill=False, ) -> "TradingStrategyUniverse": """Filters down the dataset for couple trading pair. This is ideal for strategies that only want to trade few pairs, or a single pair using three-way trading on a single exchange. The university reserve currency is set to the quote token of the first pair. :param dataset: Datasets downloaded from the server :param pairs: List of trading pairs as ticket tuples. E.g. `[ ("WBNB, "BUSD"), ("Cake", "WBNB") ]` :param reserve_asset_pair_ticker: Choose the quote token of this trading pair as a reserve asset. This must be given if there are several pairs (Python set order is unstable). :param forward_fill: Forward-fill the data. When working with sparse data (gaps in candles), many strategies need these gaps to be filled. Setting this parameter `True` will automatically forward-fill any data we are loading from the dataset. See :term:`forward fill` for more information. """ # We only trade on Pancakeswap v2 exchange_universe = dataset.exchanges exchange = exchange_universe.get_by_chain_and_slug(chain_id, exchange_slug) assert exchange, f"No exchange {exchange_slug} found on chain {}" # Create trading pair database pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse.create_limited_pair_universe( dataset.pairs, exchange, pairs, ) # Get daily candles as Pandas DataFrame all_candles = dataset.candles if all_candles is not None: filtered_candles = filter_for_pairs(all_candles, pair_universe.df) candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse( filtered_candles, time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket, forward_fill=forward_fill ) else: candle_universe = None # Get liquidity candles as Pandas Dataframe if dataset.liquidity: all_liquidity = dataset.liquidity filtered_liquidity = filter_for_pairs(all_liquidity, pair_universe.df) liquidity_universe = GroupedLiquidityUniverse(filtered_liquidity) else: # Liquidity data loading skipped liquidity_universe = None if reserve_asset_pair_ticker: reserve_pair = pair_universe.get_one_pair_from_pandas_universe( exchange.exchange_id, reserve_asset_pair_ticker[0], reserve_asset_pair_ticker[1], ) else: assert len(pairs) == 1, "Cannot automatically determine reserve asset if there are multiple trading pairs." first_ticker = next(iter(pairs)) reserve_pair = pair_universe.get_one_pair_from_pandas_universe( exchange.exchange_id, first_ticker[0], first_ticker[1], ) # We have only a single pair, so the reserve asset must be its quote token trading_pair_identifier = translate_trading_pair(reserve_pair) reserve_assets = [ trading_pair_identifier.quote ] universe = Universe( time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket, chains={chain_id}, pairs=pair_universe, exchanges={exchange}, candles=candle_universe, liquidity=liquidity_universe, exchange_universe=exchange_universe, lending_candles=dataset.lending_candles, forward_filled=forward_fill, ) if dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles is not None: stop_loss_candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse( dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles, time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket) else: stop_loss_candle_universe = None # TODO: Not sure if we need to be smarter about stop loss candle # data handling here return TradingStrategyUniverse( data_universe=universe, reserve_assets=reserve_assets, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket, backtest_stop_loss_candles=stop_loss_candle_universe, )
[docs] def get_pair_by_address(self, address: str) -> Optional[TradingPairIdentifier]: """Get a trading pair data by a smart contract address.""" pair = self.data_universe.pairs.get_pair_by_smart_contract(address) if not pair: return None return translate_trading_pair(pair)
[docs] def get_single_pair(self) -> TradingPairIdentifier: """Get the single trading pair in this universe. :raise Exception: If we have more than one trading pair """ pair = self.data_universe.pairs.get_single() return translate_trading_pair(pair)
[docs] def get_single_chain(self) -> ChainId: """Get the single trading pair in this universe. :raise Exception: If we have more than one chain """ assert len(self.data_universe.chains) == 1 return next(iter(self.data_universe.chains))
[docs] @staticmethod def create_multipair_universe( dataset: Dataset, chain_ids: Iterable[ChainId], exchange_slugs: Iterable[str], quote_tokens: Iterable[str], reserve_token: str, factory_router_map: Dict[str, tuple], liquidity_resample_frequency: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "TradingStrategyUniverse": """Create a trading universe where pairs match a filter conditions. These universe may contain thousands of trading pairs. This is for strategies that trade across multiple pairs, like momentum strategies. :param dataset: Datasets downloaded from the oracle :param chain_ids: Allowed blockchains :param exchange_slugs: Allowed exchanges :param quote_tokens: Allowed quote tokens as smart contract addresses :param reserve_token: The token addresses that are used as reserve assets. :param factory_router_map: Ensure we have a router address for every exchange we are going to use. TODO: In the future this information is not needed. :param liquidity_resample_frequency: Create a resampled liquidity universe instead of accurate one. If given, this will set `Universe.resampled_liquidity` attribute. Using :py:class:`ResampledLiquidityUniverse` will greatly speed up backtests that estimate trading pair liquidity, by trading off sample accuracy for code execution speed. Must be a Pandas frequency string value, like `1d`. Note that resamping itself takes a lot of time upfront, so you want to use this only if the backtest takes lont time. """ assert type(chain_ids) == list or type(chain_ids) == set assert type(exchange_slugs) == list or type(exchange_slugs) == set assert type(quote_tokens) == list or type(quote_tokens) == set assert type(reserve_token) == str assert reserve_token.startswith("0x") for t in quote_tokens: assert t.startswith("0x") time_bucket = dataset.time_bucket # Normalise input parameters chain_ids = set(chain_ids) exchange_slugs = set(exchange_slugs) quote_tokens = set(q.lower() for q in quote_tokens) factory_router_map = {k.lower(): v for k, v in factory_router_map.items()} x: Exchange avail_exchanges = dataset.exchanges.exchanges our_exchanges = {x for x in avail_exchanges.values() if (x.chain_id in chain_ids) and (x.exchange_slug in exchange_slugs)} exchange_universe = ExchangeUniverse.from_collection(our_exchanges) # Check we got all exchanges in the dataset for x in our_exchanges: assert x.address.lower() in factory_router_map, f"Could not find router for a exchange {x.exchange_slug}, factory {x.address}, router map is: {factory_router_map}" # Choose all trading pairs that are on our supported exchanges and # with our supported quote tokens pairs_df = filter_for_exchanges(dataset.pairs, list(our_exchanges)) pairs_df = filter_for_quote_tokens(pairs_df, quote_tokens) # Remove stablecoin -> stablecoin pairs, because # trading between stable does not make sense for our strategies pairs_df = filter_for_stablecoins(pairs_df, StablecoinFilteringMode.only_volatile_pairs) # Create the trading pair data for this specific strategy pairs = PandasPairUniverse( pairs_df, exchange_universe=exchange_universe, ) # We do a bit detour here as we need to address the assets by their trading pairs first reserve_token_info = pairs.get_token(reserve_token) assert reserve_token_info, f"Reserve token {reserve_token} missing the trading pairset" reserve_assets = [ translate_token(reserve_token_info) ] # Get daily candles as Pandas DataFrame all_candles = dataset.candles filtered_candles = filter_for_pairs(all_candles, pairs_df) candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse(filtered_candles, time_bucket=time_bucket) # Get liquidity candles as Pandas Dataframe all_liquidity = dataset.liquidity filtered_liquidity = filter_for_pairs(all_liquidity, pairs_df) if liquidity_resample_frequency is None: liquidity_universe = GroupedLiquidityUniverse(filtered_liquidity, time_bucket=dataset.liquidity_time_bucket) resampled_liquidity = None else: liquidity_universe = None # Do just a print notification now, consider beta # Optimally we want to resample, then store on a local disk cache, # so that we do not need to run resample at the start of each backtest print(f"Resamping liquidity data to {liquidity_resample_frequency}, this may take a long time") resampled_liquidity = ResampledLiquidityUniverse(filtered_liquidity, resample_period=liquidity_resample_frequency) if dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles is not None: backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket = dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket filtered_candles = filter_for_pairs(dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles, pairs_df) backtest_stop_loss_candles = GroupedCandleUniverse(filtered_candles, time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket) else: backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket = None backtest_stop_loss_candles = None universe = Universe( time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket, chains=chain_ids, pairs=pairs, exchanges=our_exchanges, candles=candle_universe, liquidity=liquidity_universe, resampled_liquidity=resampled_liquidity, exchange_universe=exchange_universe, ) return TradingStrategyUniverse( data_universe=universe, reserve_assets=reserve_assets, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket, backtest_stop_loss_candles=backtest_stop_loss_candles, )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_from_dataset( dataset: Dataset, reserve_asset: JSONHexAddress | TokenSymbol=None, forward_fill=False, ): """Create a universe from loaded dataset. For code example see :py:func:`load_trading_and_lending_data`. :param reserve_asset: Which reserve asset to use. As the token address or symbol. If not given try to guess from the dataset. - Assume all trading pairs have the same quote token and that is our reserve asset - If dataset has trading pairs with different quote tokens, aborts Examples: - `0x2791bca1f2de4661ed88a30c99a7a9449aa84174` (USDC.e bridged address on Polygon) - `0x3c499c542cEF5E3811e1192ce70d8cC03d5c3359` (USDC native) :param forward_fill: Forward-fill the data. When working with sparse data (gaps in candles), many strategies need these gaps to be filled. Setting this parameter `True` will automatically forward-fill any data we are loading from the dataset. See :term:`forward fill` for more information. """ chain_ids = dataset.pairs["chain_id"].unique() assert len(chain_ids) == 1, f"Currently only single chain datasets supported, got chains {chain_ids}" chain_id = ChainId(chain_ids[0]) pairs = PandasPairUniverse(dataset.pairs, exchange_universe=dataset.exchanges) if not reserve_asset: quote_token = pairs.get_single_quote_token() reserve_asset = translate_token(quote_token) elif reserve_asset.startswith("0x"): reserve_asset_token = pairs.get_token(reserve_asset) assert reserve_asset_token, f"Pairs dataset does not contain data for the specified reserve asset: {reserve_asset}.\nThere are {pairs.get_count()} trading pairs loaded." reserve_asset = translate_token(reserve_asset_token) else: reserve_asset_token = pairs.get_token_by_symbol(reserve_asset) reserve_asset = translate_token(reserve_asset_token) candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse( dataset.candles, forward_fill=forward_fill, time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket ) if dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles is not None: stop_loss_candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse( dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles, forward_fill=forward_fill, time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket, ) else: stop_loss_candle_universe = None universe = Universe( time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket, chains={chain_id}, pairs=pairs, candles=candle_universe, liquidity=dataset.liquidity, resampled_liquidity=dataset, exchange_universe=dataset.exchanges, exchanges={e for e in dataset.exchanges.exchanges.values()}, lending_candles=dataset.lending_candles, forward_filled=forward_fill, ) return TradingStrategyUniverse( data_universe=universe, reserve_assets=[reserve_asset], backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket, backtest_stop_loss_candles=stop_loss_candle_universe, )
[docs] @staticmethod def create_multichain_universe_by_pair_descriptions( dataset: Dataset, pairs: Collection[HumanReadableTradingPairDescription], reserve_token_symbol: str, ) -> "TradingStrategyUniverse": """Create a trading universe based on list of (exchange, pair tuples) This is designed for backtesting multipe pairs across different chains. The created universe do not have any routing options and thus cannot make any trades. :param dataset: Datasets downloaded from the oracle :param pairs: List of trading pairs to filter down. The pair set is desigend to be small, couple of dozens of pairs max. See :py:data:`HumanReadableTradingPairDescription`. :param reserve_token_symbol: The token symbol of the reverse asset. Because we do not support routing, we just pick the first matching token. """ time_bucket = dataset.time_bucket # Create trading pair database pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse(dataset.pairs) # Filter pairs first and then rest by the resolved pairs our_pairs = {pair_universe.get_pair_by_human_description(dataset.exchanges, d) for d in pairs} chain_ids = {d[0] for d in pairs} pair_ids = {p.pair_id for p in our_pairs} exchange_ids = {p.exchange_id for p in our_pairs} our_exchanges = {dataset.exchanges.get_by_id(id) for id in exchange_ids} filtered_pairs_df = dataset.pairs.loc[dataset.pairs["pair_id"].isin(pair_ids)] # Recreate universe again, now with limited pairs pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse(filtered_pairs_df) # We do a bit detour here as we need to address the assets by their trading pairs first reserve_token = None for p in pair_universe.iterate_pairs(): if p.quote_token_symbol == reserve_token_symbol: translated_pair = translate_trading_pair(p) reserve_token = translated_pair.quote assert reserve_token, f"Reserve token {reserve_token_symbol} missing the specified pair quote tokens of {reserve_token}" reserve_assets = [ reserve_token ] # Get daily candles as Pandas DataFrame all_candles = dataset.candles filtered_candles = filter_for_pairs(all_candles, filtered_pairs_df) candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse(filtered_candles, time_bucket=time_bucket) exchange_universe=ExchangeUniverse.from_collection(our_exchanges) universe = Universe( time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket, chains=chain_ids, pairs=pair_universe, exchanges=our_exchanges, candles=candle_universe, exchange_universe=exchange_universe, ) pair_universe.exchange_universe = exchange_universe if dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles is not None: stop_loss_candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse(dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles) else: stop_loss_candle_universe = None return TradingStrategyUniverse( data_universe=universe, reserve_assets=reserve_assets, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket, backtest_stop_loss_candles=stop_loss_candle_universe, )
[docs] def get_credit_supply_pair(self) -> TradingPairIdentifier: """Get the credit supply trading pair. This trading pair identifies the trades where we move our strategy reserve currency to Aave lending pool to gain interest. Assume we move our single reserve currency to a single lending reserve we know for it. :return: Credit supply trading pair with ticket (aToken for reserve asset, reserve asset) """ reserve_asset = self.get_reserve_asset() # Will raise exception if not available reserve = self.data_universe.lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_address( ChainId(reserve_asset.chain_id), reserve_asset.address, ) # Sanity check assert reserve.get_asset().address == reserve_asset.address underlying = translate_token(reserve.get_asset()) atoken = translate_token(reserve.get_atoken(), underlying=underlying) return TradingPairIdentifier( atoken, underlying, pool_address=reserve.asset_address, exchange_address=reserve.asset_address, internal_id=reserve.reserve_id, kind=TradingPairKind.credit_supply, )
[docs] def get_shorting_pair(self, pair: TradingPairIdentifier) -> TradingPairIdentifier: """Get the shorting pair from trading pair This trading pair identifies the trades where we borrow asset from Aave against collateral. :param pair: Trading pair of the asset to be shorted :return: Short pair with ticker (vToken for borrowed asseet, aToken for reserve asset) """ if not self.data_universe.lending_reserves: raise TradingUniverseIssue(f"Lending rates data missing. Asking shorting data for trading pair {pair}.\nMake sure you load lending rates data if you want to backtest leveraged trading.") assert pair.kind == TradingPairKind.spot_market_hold borrow_token = pair.base collateral_token = pair.quote assert collateral_token == self.get_reserve_asset() try: # Will raise exception if not available borrow_reserve = self.data_universe.lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_address( ChainId(borrow_token.chain_id), borrow_token.address, ) except UnknownLendingReserve as e: raise UnknownLendingReserve(f"Could not resolve borrowed token {borrow_token}") from e try: collateral_reserve = self.data_universe.lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_address( ChainId(collateral_token.chain_id), collateral_token.address, ) except UnknownLendingReserve as e: raise UnknownLendingReserve(f"Could not resolve collateral token {collateral_token}") from e vtoken = translate_token( borrow_reserve.get_vtoken(), underlying=borrow_token, type=AssetType.borrowed, ) atoken = translate_token( collateral_reserve.get_atoken(), underlying=collateral_token, type=AssetType.collateral, # TODO: this is only the latest liquidation theshold, for historical data # for backtesting we neend to plugin some other logic later liquidation_threshold=collateral_reserve.additional_details.liquidation_threshold, ) return TradingPairIdentifier( vtoken, atoken, pool_address=borrow_token.address, exchange_address=borrow_token.address, internal_id=borrow_reserve.reserve_id, kind=TradingPairKind.lending_protocol_short, underlying_spot_pair=pair, )
[docs] def get_trading_broken_reason( self, pair: TradingPairIdentifier, min_candles_required: int, min_price=0.00000001, max_price=1_000_000, ) -> str | None: """Can we trade a pair. Check if we can trade a particular trading pair. - Work around spotty low cap coins - Check that we have minimum amout of bars of data - Check that price data does not look weird :param pair: Trading pair :param min_candles_required: How many bars of adta we need :param min_price: Avoid low cap tokens with float64 breaking prices :param max_pric: Avoid low cap tokens with float64 breaking prices :return: A string why the trading pair is broken. `None` if good. """ candles = self.data_universe.candles.get_candles_by_pair(pair.internal_id) if candles is None: return "No OHLCV candles" if len(candles) >= min_candles_required: # Get the first opening price for column in ("open", "close"): pair_min_price = candles[column].min() pair_max_price = candles[column].max() if pair_min_price < min_price: return f"Avoid pairs with too low price. Pair min price is {pair_min_price}" elif pair_max_price > max_price: return f"Avoid pairs with too high price. Pair max price is {pair_max_price}" return None return f"Not enough OHLCV candles, {min_candles_required} candles needed"
[docs] def get_latest_supply_apr( self, asset: AssetIdentifier | None = None, timestamp: datetime.datetime | None = None, ) -> float: """Get the latest supply APR for the lending asset. :param asset: Specify the asset to get the rate for If none, use the reserve asset :param timestamp: Specify timestamp to get the rate for If none, return the latest rate :return: Latest supply APR rate """ if not asset: asset = self.get_reserve_asset() # Will raise exception if not available lending_reserve = self.data_universe.lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_address( ChainId(asset.chain_id), asset.address, ) if timestamp: rate, _ = self.data_universe.lending_candles.supply_apr.get_single_rate( lending_reserve, timestamp, data_lag_tolerance=pd.Timedelta(days=1), ) return rate # get last available rate df = self.data_universe.lending_candles.supply_apr.get_rates_by_reserve(lending_reserve) last = df.iloc[-1]"Got latest supply APR %s for %s at %s", last, asset, last.index) return last["close"]
[docs]class TradingStrategyUniverseModel(UniverseModel): """A universe constructor that builds the trading universe data using Trading Strategy client. On a live exeuction, trade universe is reconstructor for the every tick, by refreshing the trading data from the server. """
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Client, timed_task_context_manager: contextlib.AbstractContextManager): self.client = client self.timed_task_context_manager = timed_task_context_manager
[docs] def log_universe(self, universe: Universe): """Log the state of the current universe.]""" data_start, data_end = universe.candles.get_timestamp_range() if universe.liquidity: liquidity_start, liquidity_end = universe.liquidity.get_timestamp_range() else: liquidity_start = liquidity_end = None""" Universe constructed. Time periods - Time frame {universe.time_bucket.value} - Candle data range: {data_start} - {data_end} - Liquidity data range: {liquidity_start} - {liquidity_end} The size of our trading universe is - {len(universe.exchanges):,} exchanges - {universe.pairs.get_count():,} pairs - {universe.candles.get_sample_count():,} candles - {universe.liquidity.get_sample_count():,} liquidity samples """)) return universe
[docs] def load_data(self, time_frame: TimeBucket, mode: ExecutionMode, backtest_stop_loss_time_frame: Optional[TimeBucket] = None) -> Dataset: """Loads the server-side data using the client. :param client: Client instance. Note that this cannot be stable across ticks, as e.g. API keys can change. Client is recreated for every tick. :param mode: Live trading or vacktesting :param backtest_stop_loss_time_frame: Load more granular data for backtesting stop loss :return: None if not dataset for the strategy required """ assert isinstance(mode, ExecutionMode), f"Expected ExecutionMode, got {mode}" client = self.client with self.timed_task_context_manager("load_data", time_bucket=time_frame.value): if mode.is_fresh_data_always_needed(): # This will force client to redownload the data"Execution mode %s, purging trading data caches", mode) client.clear_caches() else:"Execution mode %s, not live trading, Using cached data if available", mode) exchanges = client.fetch_exchange_universe() pairs = client.fetch_pair_universe().to_pandas() candles = client.fetch_all_candles(time_frame).to_pandas() liquidity = client.fetch_all_liquidity_samples(time_frame).to_pandas() if backtest_stop_loss_time_frame: backtest_stop_loss_candles = client.fetch_all_candles(backtest_stop_loss_time_frame).to_pandas() else: backtest_stop_loss_candles = None return Dataset( time_bucket=time_frame, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=backtest_stop_loss_time_frame, exchanges=exchanges, pairs=pairs, candles=candles, liquidity=liquidity, backtest_stop_loss_candles=backtest_stop_loss_candles, )
[docs] def check_data_age( self, ts: datetime.datetime, universe: TradingStrategyUniverse, best_before_duration: datetime.timedelta ) -> datetime.datetime: """Check if our data is up-to-date and we do not have issues with feeds. Ensure we do not try to execute live trades with stale data. :raise DataTooOld: in the case data is too old to execute. :return: The data timestamp """ max_age = ts - best_before_duration universe = universe.data_universe candle_end = None if universe.candles is not None: # Convert pandas.Timestamp to executor internal datetime format candle_start, candle_end = universe.candles.get_timestamp_range() candle_start = candle_start.to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None) candle_end = candle_end.to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None) if candle_end < max_age: diff = max_age - candle_end raise DataTooOld(f"Candle data {candle_start} - {candle_end} is too old to work with, we require threshold {max_age}, diff is {diff}, asked best before duration is {best_before_duration}") if universe.liquidity is not None: liquidity_start, liquidity_end = universe.liquidity.get_timestamp_range() liquidity_start = liquidity_start.to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None) liquidity_end = liquidity_end.to_pydatetime().replace(tzinfo=None) if liquidity_end < max_age: raise DataTooOld(f"Liquidity data is too old to work with {liquidity_start} - {liquidity_end}") return min(liquidity_end, candle_end) else: return candle_end
[docs] @staticmethod def create_from_dataset( dataset: Dataset, chains: List[ChainId], reserve_assets: List[AssetIdentifier], pairs_index=True): """Create an trading universe from dataset with zero filtering for the data.""" exchanges = list(dataset.exchanges.exchanges.values()) logger.debug("Preparing pairs") pairs = PandasPairUniverse(dataset.pairs, build_index=pairs_index) logger.debug("Preparing candles") candle_universe = GroupedCandleUniverse(dataset.candles) logger.debug("Preparing liquidity") liquidity_universe = GroupedLiquidityUniverse(dataset.liquidity) logger.debug("Preparing backtest stop loss data") if dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles: backtest_stop_loss_candles = GroupedCandleUniverse(dataset.backtest_stop_loss_candles) else: backtest_stop_loss_candles = None universe = Universe( time_bucket=dataset.time_bucket, chains=chains, pairs=pairs, exchanges=exchanges, candles=candle_universe, liquidity=liquidity_universe, ) logger.debug("Universe created") return TradingStrategyUniverse( data_universe=universe, reserve_assets=reserve_assets, backtest_stop_loss_candles=backtest_stop_loss_candles, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=dataset.backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket)
[docs] @abstractmethod def construct_universe(self, ts: datetime.datetime, mode: ExecutionMode, options: UniverseOptions) -> TradingStrategyUniverse: pass
[docs]class DefaultTradingStrategyUniverseModel(TradingStrategyUniverseModel): """Shortcut for simple strategies. - Assumes we have a strategy that fits to :py:mod:`tradeexecutor.strategy_module` definiton - At the start of the backtests or at each cycle of live trading, call the `create_trading_universe` callback of the strategy - Validate the output of the function """
[docs] def __init__(self, client: Optional[BaseClient], execution_context: ExecutionContext, create_trading_universe: Callable): """ :param candle_time_frame_override: Use this candle time bucket instead one given in the strategy file. Allows to "speedrun" strategies. :param stop_loss_time_frame_override: Use this stop loss frequency instead one given in the strategy file. Allows to "speedrun" strategies. """ assert isinstance(client, BaseClient) or client is None assert isinstance(execution_context, ExecutionContext), f"Got {execution_context}" assert isinstance(create_trading_universe, Callable), f"Got {create_trading_universe}" self.client = client self.execution_context = execution_context self.create_trading_universe = create_trading_universe
[docs] def preload_universe( self, universe_options: UniverseOptions, execution_context: ExecutionContext | None = None ): """Triggered before backtesting execution. - Load all datasets with progress bar display. - Not triggered in live trading, as universe changes between cycles """ # TODO: Circular imports from tradeexecutor.backtest.data_preload import preload_data with self.execution_context.timed_task_context_manager(task_name="preload_universe"): return preload_data( self.client, self.create_trading_universe, universe_options=universe_options, execution_context=execution_context, )
[docs] def construct_universe(self, ts: datetime.datetime, mode: ExecutionMode, options: UniverseOptions) -> TradingStrategyUniverse: with self.execution_context.timed_task_context_manager(task_name="create_trading_universe"): universe = self.create_trading_universe( ts, self.client, self.execution_context, options) assert isinstance(universe, TradingStrategyUniverse), f"Expected TradingStrategyUniverse, got {universe.__class__}" universe.validate() return universe
[docs]def translate_token( token: Token, require_decimals=True, underlying: AssetIdentifier | None = None, type: AssetType | None = AssetType.token, liquidation_threshold: float | None = None, ) -> AssetIdentifier: """Translate Trading Strategy token data definition to trade executor. Trading Strategy client uses compressed columnar data for pairs and tokens. Creates `AssetIdentifier` based on data coming from Trading Strategy :py:class:`tradingstrategy.pair.PandasPairUniverse`. :param underlying: Underlying asset for dynamic lending tokens. :param require_decimals: Most tokens / trading pairs are non-functional without decimals information. Assume decimals is in place. If not then raise AssertionError. This check allows some early error catching on bad data. :param type: What kind of asset this is. :param liquidation_theshold: Aave liquidation threhold for this asset, only collateral type asset can have this. """ if require_decimals: assert token.decimals, f"Bad token: {token}" assert token.decimals > 0, f"Bad token: {token}" if liquidation_threshold: assert type == AssetType.collateral, f"Only collateral tokens can have liquidation threshold, got {type}" return AssetIdentifier( token.chain_id.value, token.address, token.symbol, token.decimals, underlying=underlying, type=type, liquidation_threshold=liquidation_threshold, )
[docs]def translate_trading_pair(pair: DEXPair) -> TradingPairIdentifier: """Translate trading pair from client download to the trade executor. Trading Strategy client uses compressed columnar data for pairs and tokens. Translates a trading pair presentation from Trading Strategy client Pandas format to the trade executor format. Trade executor work with multiple different strategies, not just Trading Strategy client based. For example, you could have a completely on-chain data based strategy. Thus, Trade Executor has its internal asset format. This module contains functions to translate asset presentations between Trading Strategy client and Trade Executor. This is called when a trade is made: this is the moment when trade executor data format must be made available. """ assert isinstance(pair, DEXPair), f"Expected DEXPair, got {type(pair)}" assert pair.base_token_decimals is not None, f"Base token missing decimals: {pair}" assert pair.quote_token_decimals is not None, f"Quote token missing decimals: {pair}" base = AssetIdentifier( chain_id=pair.chain_id.value, address=pair.base_token_address, token_symbol=pair.base_token_symbol, decimals=pair.base_token_decimals, ) quote = AssetIdentifier( chain_id=pair.chain_id.value, address=pair.quote_token_address, token_symbol=pair.quote_token_symbol, decimals=pair.quote_token_decimals, ) if pair.fee and isnan(pair.fee): # Repair some broken data fee = None else: # Convert DEXPair.fee BPS to % # So, after this, fee can either be multiplier or None if pair.fee is not None: # If BPS fee is set it must be more than 1 BPS. # Allow explicit fee = 0 in testing. # if pair.fee != 0: # assert pair.fee > 1, f"DEXPair fee must be in BPS, got {pair.fee}" # can receive fee in bps or multiplier, but not raw form if pair.fee >= 1: fee = pair.fee / 10_000 else: fee = pair.fee # highest fee tier is currently 1% and lowest in 0.01% if fee != 0: assert 0.0001 <= fee <= 0.01, "bug in converting fee to multiplier, make sure bps" else: fee = None return TradingPairIdentifier( base=base, quote=quote, pool_address=pair.address, internal_id=pair.pair_id, info_url=pair.get_trading_pair_page_url(), exchange_address=pair.exchange_address, fee=fee, reverse_token_order=pair.token0_symbol != pair.base_token_symbol, exchange_name=pair.exchange_name, )
[docs]def create_pair_universe_from_code(chain_id: ChainId, pairs: List[TradingPairIdentifier]) -> "PandasPairUniverse": """Create the trading universe from handcrafted data. Used in unit testing. """ data = [] used_ids = set() for idx, p in enumerate(pairs): assert p.base.decimals assert p.quote.decimals assert p.internal_exchange_id, f"All trading pairs must have internal_exchange_id set, did not have it set {p}" assert p.internal_id assert p.internal_id not in used_ids, f"Duplicate internal id {p}: {p.internal_id}" dex_pair = DEXPair( pair_id=p.internal_id, chain_id=chain_id, exchange_id=p.internal_exchange_id, address=p.pool_address, exchange_address=p.exchange_address, dex_type=ExchangeType.uniswap_v2, base_token_symbol=p.base.token_symbol, quote_token_symbol=p.quote.token_symbol, token0_symbol=p.base.token_symbol, token1_symbol=p.quote.token_symbol, token0_address=p.base.address, token1_address=p.quote.address, token0_decimals=p.base.decimals, token1_decimals=p.quote.decimals, fee=int(p.fee * 10_000) if p.fee else None, # Convert to bps according to the documentation ) used_ids.add(p.internal_id) data.append(dex_pair.to_dict()) df = pd.DataFrame(data) return PandasPairUniverse(df)
[docs]def load_all_data( client: BaseClient, time_frame: TimeBucket, execution_context: ExecutionContext, universe_options: UniverseOptions, with_liquidity=True, liquidity_time_frame: Optional[TimeBucket] = None, stop_loss_time_frame: Optional[TimeBucket] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Load all pair, candle and liquidity data for a given time bucket. - Backtest data is never reloaded - Live trading purges old data fields and reloads data .. warning:: Does not work in low memory environments due to high amount of trading pairs. Use :py:func:`tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe.load_partial_data`. :param client: Trading Strategy client instance :param time_frame: Candle time bucket of which granularity to data to load. Set to `TimeBucket.not_applicable` to downlaod only exchange and pair data, as used in unit testing. :param execution_context: Defines if we are live or backtesting :param with_liquidity: Load liquidity data. Note that all pairs may not have liquidity data available. :param stop_loss_time_frame: Load more granular candle data for take profit /tstop loss backtesting. :param liquidity_time_frame: Enable downloading different granularity of liquidity data. If not given default to `time_frame`. :return: Dataset that covers all historical data. This dataset is big and you need to filter it down for backtests. """ assert isinstance(client, BaseClient) assert isinstance(time_frame, TimeBucket) assert isinstance(execution_context, ExecutionContext) # Apply overrides time_frame = universe_options.candle_time_bucket_override or time_frame assert universe_options.stop_loss_time_bucket_override is None, "Not supported yet" live = execution_context.live_trading with execution_context.timed_task_context_manager("load_data", time_bucket=time_frame.value): if live and not execution_context.mode.is_unit_testing(): # This will force client to redownload the data"Purging trading data caches for %s, mode is %s", client.__class__.__name__, execution_context.mode) client.clear_caches() else:"Using cached data if available") exchanges = client.fetch_exchange_universe() pairs = client.fetch_pair_universe().to_pandas() candles = liquidity = stop_loss_candles = None if time_frame != TimeBucket.not_applicable: candles = client.fetch_all_candles(time_frame).to_pandas() if with_liquidity: if not liquidity_time_frame: liquidity_time_frame = time_frame liquidity = client.fetch_all_liquidity_samples(liquidity_time_frame).to_pandas() if stop_loss_time_frame: stop_loss_candles = client.fetch_all_candles(stop_loss_time_frame).to_pandas() return Dataset( time_bucket=time_frame, liquidity_time_bucket=liquidity_time_frame, exchanges=exchanges, pairs=pairs, candles=candles, liquidity=liquidity, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=stop_loss_time_frame, backtest_stop_loss_candles=stop_loss_candles, )
[docs]def load_partial_data( client: BaseClient, execution_context: ExecutionContext, time_bucket: TimeBucket, pairs: Collection[HumanReadableTradingPairDescription] | pd.DataFrame, universe_options: UniverseOptions, liquidity=False, stop_loss_time_bucket: Optional[TimeBucket] = None, required_history_period: datetime.timedelta | None = None, lending_reserves: LendingReserveUniverse | Collection[LendingReserveDescription] | None = None, lending_candle_types: Collection[LendingCandleType] = (LendingCandleType.supply_apr, LendingCandleType.variable_borrow_apr), start_at: datetime.datetime | None = None, end_at: datetime.datetime | None = None, name: str | None = None, candle_progress_bar_desc: str | None = None, lending_candle_progress_bar_desc: str | None = None, ) -> Dataset: """Load pair data for given trading pairs. A loading function designed to load data for 2-20 pairs. Instead of loading all pair data over Parquet datasets, load only specific pair data from their corresponding JSONL endpoints. This function works in low memory environments unlike :py:func:`tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe.load_all_data`. Example: ... code-block:: python TRADING_PAIRS = [ (ChainId.avalanche, "trader-joe", "WAVAX", "USDC"), # Avax (ChainId.polygon, "quickswap", "WMATIC", "USDC"), # Matic (ChainId.ethereum, "uniswap-v2", "WETH", "USDC"), # Eth (ChainId.ethereum, "uniswap-v2", "WBTC", "USDC"), # Btc ] def create_trading_universe( ts: datetime.datetime, client: Client, execution_context: ExecutionContext, universe_options: UniverseOptions, ) -> TradingStrategyUniverse: assert not execution_context.mode.is_live_trading(), \ f"Only strategy backtesting supported, got {execution_context.mode}" # Load data for our trading pair whitelist dataset = load_partial_data( client=client, time_bucket=CANDLE_TIME_BUCKET, pairs=TRADING_PAIRS, execution_context=execution_context, universe_options=universe_options, stop_loss_time_bucket=STOP_LOSS_TIME_BUCKET, start_at=START_AT, end_at=END_AT, ) # Filter down the dataset to the pairs we specified universe = TradingStrategyUniverse.create_multichain_universe_by_pair_descriptions( dataset, TRADING_PAIRS, reserve_token_symbol="USDC" # Pick any USDC - does not matter as we do not route ) return universe :param client: Trading Strategy client instance :param time_bucket: The candle time frame. :param chain_id: Which blockchain hosts our exchange :param exchange_slug: Which exchange hosts our trading pairs :param exchange_slug: Which exchange hosts our trading pairs :param pairs: List of trading pair tickers. Can be - Human-readable descriptions, see :py:attr:`tradingstrategy.pair.HumanReadableTradingPairDescription`. - Direct :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` of pairs. :param lending_reserves: Lending reserves for which you want to download the data. Either list of lending pool descriptions or preloaded lending universe. :param liquidity: Set true to load liquidity data as well :param lending_reverses: Set true to load lending reserve data as well :param stop_loss_time_bucket: If set load stop loss trigger data using this candle granularity. :param execution_context: Defines if we are live or backtesting :param universe_options: Override values given the strategy file. Used in testing the framework. :param required_history_period: How much historical data we need to load. Depends on the strategy. Defaults to load all data. :param start_at: Load data for a specific backtesting data range. TODO: Going to be deprecatd. Please use ``universe_options.start_at`` instead. :param end_at: Load data for a specific backtesting data range. TODO: Going to be deprecatd. Please use ``universe_options.end_at`` instead. :param name: The loading operation name used in progress bars :param candle_progress_bar_desc: Override the default progress bar message :param lending_candle_progress_bar_desc: Override the default progress bar message :return: Datataset containing the requested data """ assert isinstance(client, Client) assert isinstance(time_bucket, TimeBucket) assert isinstance(execution_context, ExecutionContext) assert isinstance(universe_options, UniverseOptions) if required_history_period: assert isinstance(required_history_period, datetime.timedelta), f"required_history_period: expected timedelta, got {type(required_history_period)}: {required_history_period}" # Apply overrides stop_loss_time_bucket = universe_options.stop_loss_time_bucket_override or stop_loss_time_bucket time_bucket = universe_options.candle_time_bucket_override or time_bucket # Some sanity and safety check if len(pairs) >= 25: logger.warning("This method is designed to load data for low number or trading pairs, got %d", len(pairs)) # Legacy compat if execution_context.mode.is_backtesting(): if not start_at: start_at = universe_options.start_at # Legacy compat if not end_at: end_at = universe_options.end_at assert start_at assert end_at elif execution_context.mode.is_live_trading(): if not required_history_period: required_history_period = universe_options.history_period assert required_history_period, f"Doing live trading {execution_context.mode}, but universe_options.history_period missing: {universe_options}" else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Cannot determine trading mode: {execution_context.mode}") # Where the data loading start can come from the hard backtesting range (start - end) # or how many days of historical data we ask for data_load_start_at = start_at or (datetime.datetime.utcnow() - required_history_period) with execution_context.timed_task_context_manager("load_partial_pair_data", time_bucket=time_bucket.value): exchange_universe = client.fetch_exchange_universe() if isinstance(pairs, pd.DataFrame): # Prefiltered pairs assert len(pairs) > 0, "The passed in pairs dataframe was empty" filtered_pairs_df = pairs our_pair_ids = pairs["pair_id"] exchange_ids = pairs["exchange_id"] our_exchanges = {exchange_universe.get_by_id(id) for id in exchange_ids} our_exchange_universe = ExchangeUniverse.from_collection(our_exchanges) else: # Load and filter pairs pairs_df = client.fetch_pair_universe().to_pandas() # We do not build the pair index here, # as we assume we filter out the pairs down a bit, # and then recontruct a new pair universe with only few selected pairs with full indexes # later. The whole purpose of this here is to # go around lack of good look up functions of raw DataFrame pairs data. pair_universe = PandasPairUniverse(pairs_df, build_index=False, exchange_universe=exchange_universe) # Filter pairs first and then rest by the resolved pairs our_pairs = {pair_universe.get_pair_by_human_description(exchange_universe, d) for d in pairs} our_pair_ids = {p.pair_id for p in our_pairs} exchange_ids = {p.exchange_id for p in our_pairs} our_exchanges = {exchange_universe.get_by_id(id) for id in exchange_ids} our_exchange_universe = ExchangeUniverse.from_collection(our_exchanges) # Eliminate the pairs we are not interested in from the database filtered_pairs_df = pairs_df.loc[pairs_df["pair_id"].isin(our_pair_ids)] # Autogenerate names by the pair count if not name: name = f"{len(filtered_pairs_df)} pairs" if not candle_progress_bar_desc: candle_progress_bar_desc = f"Loading OHLCV data for {name}" candles = client.fetch_candles_by_pair_ids( our_pair_ids, time_bucket, progress_bar_description=candle_progress_bar_desc, start_time=data_load_start_at, end_time=end_at, ) if stop_loss_time_bucket: stop_loss_desc = f"Loading stop loss/take profit granular trigger data for {name}" stop_loss_candles = client.fetch_candles_by_pair_ids( our_pair_ids, stop_loss_time_bucket, progress_bar_description=stop_loss_desc, start_time=data_load_start_at, end_time=end_at, ) else: stop_loss_candles = None if liquidity: raise NotImplemented("Partial liquidity data loading is not yet supported") if lending_reserves: if isinstance(lending_reserves, LendingReserveUniverse): lending_reserve_universe = lending_reserves else: lending_reserve_universe = client.fetch_lending_reserve_universe() lending_reserve_universe = lending_reserve_universe.limit(lending_reserves) if not lending_candle_progress_bar_desc: lending_candle_progress_bar_desc = f"Downloading lending rate data for {lending_reserve_universe.get_count()} assets" lending_candles_map = client.fetch_lending_candles_for_universe( lending_reserve_universe, bucket=time_bucket, candle_types=lending_candle_types, start_time=data_load_start_at, end_time=end_at, progress_bar_description=lending_candle_progress_bar_desc, ) lending_candles = LendingCandleUniverse(lending_candles_map, lending_reserve_universe) else: lending_reserve_universe = None lending_candles = None return Dataset( time_bucket=time_bucket, exchanges=our_exchange_universe, pairs=filtered_pairs_df, candles=candles, liquidity=None, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=stop_loss_time_bucket, backtest_stop_loss_candles=stop_loss_candles, lending_reserves=lending_reserve_universe, lending_candles=lending_candles, start_at=start_at, end_at=end_at, history_period=required_history_period, )
[docs]def load_pair_data_for_single_exchange( client: BaseClient, execution_context: ExecutionContext, time_bucket: TimeBucket, chain_id: Optional[ChainId] = None, exchange_slug: Optional[str] = None, pair_tickers: Set[Tuple[str, str]] | Collection[HumanReadableTradingPairDescription] | None = None, universe_options: UniverseOptions = None, liquidity=False, stop_loss_time_bucket: Optional[TimeBucket] = None, required_history_period: Optional[datetime.timedelta] = None, start_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, end_time: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, ) -> Dataset: """Load pair data for a single decentralised exchange. If you are not trading the full trading universe, this function does a much smaller dataset download than :py:func:`load_all_data`. - This function uses optimised JSONL loading via :py:meth:`~tradingstrategy.client.Client.fetch_candles_by_pair_ids`. - Backtest data is never reloaded. Furthermore, the data is stored in :py:class:`Client` disk cache for the subsequent notebook and backtest runs. - Live trading purges old data fields and reloads data Example: ... code-block:: python TRADING_PAIR = (ChainId.avalanche, "trader-joe", "WAVAX", "USDC") dataset = load_pair_data_for_single_exchange( client, pair=TRADING_PAIR, execution_context=execution_context, universe_options=universe_options, ) Example (old): .. code-block:: python # Time bucket for our candles candle_time_bucket = TimeBucket.d1 # Which chain we are trading chain_id = ChainId.bsc # Which exchange we are trading on. exchange_slug = "pancakeswap-v2" # Which trading pair we are trading trading_pairs = { ("WBNB", "BUSD"), ("Cake", "WBNB"), } # Load all datas we can get for our candle time bucket dataset = load_pair_data_for_single_exchange( client, execution_context, candle_time_bucket, chain_id, exchange_slug, trading_pairs, ) :param client: Trading Strategy client instance :param time_bucket: The candle time frame :param chain_id: Which blockchain hosts our exchange. Legacy. Give this or `pair`. :param exchange_slug: Which exchange hosts our trading pairs Legacy. Give this or `pair`. :param exchange_slug: Which exchange hosts our trading pairs Legacy. Give this or `pair`. :param pair_tickers: List of trading pair tickers as base token quote token tuples. E.g. `[('WBNB', 'BUSD'), ('Cake', 'BUSD')]`. :param liquidity: Set true to load liquidity data as well :param stop_loss_time_bucket: If set load stop loss trigger data using this candle granularity. :param execution_context: Defines if we are live or backtesting :param universe_options: Override values given the strategy file. Used in testing the framework. :param required_history_period: How much historical data we need to load. Depends on the strategy. Defaults to load all data. :param start_time: Timestamp when to start loding data (inclusive) :param end_time: Timestamp when to end loding data (inclusive) """ assert isinstance(client, Client) assert isinstance(time_bucket, TimeBucket) assert isinstance(execution_context, ExecutionContext) if chain_id is not None: assert isinstance(chain_id, ChainId) if exchange_slug is not None: assert isinstance(exchange_slug, str) assert isinstance(universe_options, UniverseOptions) # Apply overrides stop_loss_time_bucket = universe_options.stop_loss_time_bucket_override or stop_loss_time_bucket time_bucket = universe_options.candle_time_bucket_override or time_bucket live = execution_context.live_trading with execution_context.timed_task_context_manager("load_pair_data_for_single_exchange", time_bucket=time_bucket.value): if live: # This will force client to redownload the data"Purging trading data caches") client.clear_caches() else:"Using cached data if available") exchanges = client.fetch_exchange_universe() pairs_df = client.fetch_pair_universe().to_pandas() # Resolve full pd.Series for each pair # we are interested in our_pairs = resolve_pairs_based_on_ticker( pairs_df, chain_id, exchange_slug, pair_tickers, ) assert len(our_pairs) > 0, f"Pair data not found chain: {chain_id}, exchange: {exchange_slug}, tickers: {pair_tickers}, pair dataset len: {len(pairs_df):,}" assert len(our_pairs) == len(pair_tickers), f"Pair resolution failed. Wanted to have {len(pair_tickers)} pairs, but after pair id resolution ended up with {len(our_pairs)} pairs" our_pair_ids = set(our_pairs["pair_id"]) if len(our_pair_ids) > 1: desc = f"Loading OHLCV data for {exchange_slug}" else: pair = pair_tickers[0] desc = f"Loading OHLCV data for {pair[0]}-{pair[1]}" if required_history_period is not None: assert start_time is None, "You cannot give both start_time and required_history_period" start_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - required_history_period candles = client.fetch_candles_by_pair_ids( our_pair_ids, time_bucket, progress_bar_description=desc, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, ) stop_loss_candles = None if stop_loss_time_bucket: if execution_context.live_trading:"Loading granular price data for stop loss/take profit skipped in live trading as live price events from the JSON-RPC endpoint are used") else: stop_loss_desc = f"Loading granular price data for stop loss/take profit for {exchange_slug}" stop_loss_candles = client.fetch_candles_by_pair_ids( our_pair_ids, stop_loss_time_bucket, progress_bar_description=stop_loss_desc, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, ) if liquidity: raise NotImplemented("Partial liquidity data loading is not yet supported") return Dataset( time_bucket=time_bucket, exchanges=exchanges, pairs=our_pairs, candles=candles, liquidity=None, backtest_stop_loss_time_bucket=stop_loss_time_bucket, backtest_stop_loss_candles=stop_loss_candles, start_at=start_time, end_at=end_time, )
[docs]def load_trading_and_lending_data( client: BaseClient, execution_context: ExecutionContext, chain_id: ChainId, time_bucket: TimeBucket = TimeBucket.d1, universe_options: UniverseOptions = default_universe_options, *, exchange_slugs: Set[str] | str | None = None, lending_protocol: LendingProtocolType | None = None, liquidity: bool = False, stop_loss_time_bucket: TimeBucket | None = None, asset_ids: Set[TokenSymbol] | None = None, reserve_assets: Set[TokenSymbol | NonChecksummedAddress] = frozenset({"USDC"}), name: str | None = None, volatile_only=False, trading_fee: Percent | None = None, any_quote=False, ): """Load trading and lending market for a single chain for all long/short pairs. - A shortcut method for constructing trading universe for multipair long/short strategy - Gets all supported lending pairs on a chain - Discards trading pairs that do not have a matching lending reserve with a quote token ``reserve_assset_symbol`` - Will log output regarding the universe construction for diagnostics More information - For parameter documentation see :py:func:`load_partial_data`. - See also :py:meth:`TradingStrategyUniverse.create_from_dataset` Example for historical data: .. code-block:: python start_at = datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 1) end_at = datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 1) # Load all trading and lending data on Polygon # for all lending markets on a relevant time period dataset = load_trading_and_lending_data( client, execution_context=unit_test_execution_context, universe_options=UniverseOptions(start_at=start_at, end_at=end_at), chain_id=ChainId.polygon, exchange_slug="uniswap-v3", ) strategy_universe = TradingStrategyUniverse.create_from_dataset(dataset) data_universe = strategy_universe.data_universe # Check one loaded reserve metadata usdc_reserve = data_universe.lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_symbol(ChainId.polygon, "USDC") # Check the historical rates lending_candles = data_universe.lending_candles.variable_borrow_apr rates = lending_candles.get_rates_by_reserve(usdc_reserve) assert rates["open"][pd.Timestamp("2023-09-01")] == pytest.approx(3.222019) assert rates["open"][pd.Timestamp("2023-10-01")] == pytest.approx(3.446714) Example for current data: .. code-block: python # Load all trading and lending data on Polygon # for all lending markets on a relevant time period dataset = load_trading_and_lending_data( client, execution_context=unit_test_execution_context, universe_options=UniverseOptions(history_period=datetime.timedelta(days=7)), chain_id=ChainId.polygon, exchange_slug="uniswap-v3", ) assert dataset.history_period == datetime.timedelta(days=7) strategy_universe = TradingStrategyUniverse.create_from_dataset(dataset) data_universe = strategy_universe.data_universe # Check one loaded reserve metadata usdc_reserve = data_universe.lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_symbol(ChainId.polygon, "USDC") # Check the historical rates lending_candles = data_universe.lending_candles.variable_borrow_apr rates = lending_candles.get_rates_by_reserve(usdc_reserve) trading_pair = (ChainId.polygon, "uniswap-v3", "WETH", "USDC", 0.0005) pair = data_universe.pairs.get_pair_by_human_description(trading_pair) price_feed = data_universe.candles.get_candles_by_pair(pair.pair_id) two_days_ago = pd.Timestamp(datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=2)).floor("D") assert rates["open"][two_days_ago] > 0 assert rates["open"][two_days_ago] < 10 # Erdogan warnings assert price_feed["open"][two_days_ago] > 0 assert price_feed["open"][two_days_ago] < 10_000 # To the moon warning :param asset_ids: Load only these lending reserves. If not given load all lending reserves available on a chain. :param trading_fee: Loan only trading pairs on a specific fee tier. For example set to ``0.0005`` to load only 5 BPS Uniswap pairs. :param reserve_assets: In which currency, the trading pairs must be quoted for the lending pool. The reserve asset data is read from the lending reserve universe. This will affect the shape of the trading universe. For trading, we need to have at least one trading pair with this quote token. The best fee is always picked. :param volatile_only: If set to False, ignore stablecoin-stablecoin trading pairs. TODO: Does not work correctly at the moment. :param any_quote: Include ETH, MATIC, etc. quoted trading pairs and three-legged trades. """ assert isinstance(client, Client) assert isinstance(time_bucket, TimeBucket) assert isinstance(execution_context, ExecutionContext) assert isinstance(chain_id, ChainId) assert len(reserve_assets) == 1, f"Currently only one reserve asset is supported, got {reserve_assets}" (reserve_asset_id,) = reserve_assets if exchange_slugs is not None: if type(exchange_slugs) == str: exchange_slugs = {exchange_slugs} assert isinstance(exchange_slugs, set) lending_reserves = client.fetch_lending_reserve_universe() lending_reserves = lending_reserves.limit_to_chain(chain_id) if lending_protocol: lending_reserves = lending_reserves.limit_to_protocol(lending_protocol) if asset_ids is None: asset_ids = set() all_assets = asset_ids | {reserve_asset_id} if asset_ids: lending_reserves = lending_reserves.limit_to_assets(all_assets) assert lending_reserves.get_count() > 0, f"No lending reserves found for {asset_ids}" # Use addrress based lookups for certainty if reserve_asset_id.startswith("0x"): reserve_asset = lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_address( chain_id, reserve_asset_id ) else: reserve_asset = lending_reserves.get_by_chain_and_symbol( chain_id, reserve_asset_id ) assert reserve_asset, f"Reserve asset not in the lending reserve universe: {reserve_asset_id}" pairs_df = client.fetch_pair_universe().to_pandas() pairs_df = filter_for_chain(pairs_df, chain_id) pairs_df = filter_for_stablecoins(pairs_df, StablecoinFilteringMode.only_volatile_pairs) pairs_df = filter_for_base_tokens(pairs_df, lending_reserves.get_asset_addresses()) if not any_quote: pairs_df = filter_for_quote_tokens(pairs_df, {reserve_asset.asset_address}) if trading_fee: pairs_df = filter_for_trading_fee(pairs_df, trading_fee) if exchange_slugs: pairs_df = filter_for_exchange(pairs_df, exchange_slugs) if not name: symbols = pairs_df["base_token_symbol"].unique() name = "Trading and lending universe for " + ", ".join(symbols) "Setting up trading and lending universe on %s using %s as reserve asset, total %d pairs, range is %s", chain_id.get_name(), reserve_asset_id, len(pairs_df), universe_options.get_range_description(), ) assert len(pairs_df) > 0, f"load_trading_and_lending_data(): No trading pairs left after loading and filtering given inputs. Check that you are passing a good confirmation in create_universe()." # We do not build the pair index here, # as we assume we filter out the pairs down a bit, # and then recontruct a new pair universe with only few selected pairs with full indexes # later. The whole purpose of this here is to # go around lack of good look up functions of raw DataFrame pairs data. dataset = load_partial_data( client=client, execution_context=execution_context, time_bucket=time_bucket, pairs=pairs_df, universe_options=universe_options, liquidity=liquidity, stop_loss_time_bucket=stop_loss_time_bucket, lending_candle_types=(LendingCandleType.supply_apr, LendingCandleType.variable_borrow_apr,), lending_reserves=lending_reserves, name=name, candle_progress_bar_desc=f"Downloading OHLCV data for {len(pairs_df)} trading pairs", lending_candle_progress_bar_desc=f"Downloading interest rate data for {lending_reserves.get_count()} assets", ) return dataset