Source code for tradingstrategy.utils.forward_fill

"""OHLCV data forward fill.

:term:`Forward fill` missing OHLCV candles in market data feeds.

- Trading Strategy market data feeds are sparse by default,
  to save bandwidth

- DEXes small cap pairs see fewtrades and if there are no trades in a time frame,
  no candle is generated

- Forward-filled data is used on the client side

- We need to forward fill to make price look up, especially for stop losses faster,
  as forward-filled data can do a simple index look up to get a price,
  instead of backwinding to the last available price

import logging
import warnings

from typing import Collection

import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def generate_future_filler_data( last_valid_row: pd.Series, timestamp: pd.Timestamp, columns: Collection[str], ): """Create a new placeholder OHLCV entry based on the last valid entry.""" new_row = {} last_close = last_valid_row["close"] for col in columns: match col: case "open" | "high" | "low" | "close": new_row[col] = last_close case "volume": new_row[col] = 0 case "timestamp": new_row[col] = timestamp case _: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unsupported column {col}") return new_row
[docs]def fill_future_gap( df, timestamp: pd.Timestamp, columns: Collection[str], pair_hint: str | None = None, ): """Add a virtual OHLCV value at the end of the pair OHLCV data series if there is no real value.""" assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) assert isinstance(df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex), f"Expected DatetimeIndex index, got {type(df.index)}" if timestamp not in df.index: # Get the latest valid entry before the timestamp last_valid_ts = df.index[-1] last_valid_entry = df.loc[last_valid_ts] data = generate_future_filler_data( last_valid_entry, timestamp, columns ) # Create a new row with the timestamp and the last valid entry's values] df.loc[timestamp] = data logger.debug( "Pair %s: Added data end marker at %s, last entry was %s", pair_hint, timestamp, last_valid_ts ) else: logger.debug("Pair %s: no need to add data end marker", pair_hint) return df
[docs]def fill_future_gap_multi_pair( grouped_df, timestamp: pd.Timestamp, columns: Collection[str], ): assert isinstance(grouped_df, DataFrameGroupBy) def _apply(df): df = fill_future_gap( df, timestamp, columns,, ) return df fixed = grouped_df.apply(_apply) # Annoying: sometimes we may have timestamp column, sometimes we don't # depends on the caller and is not normalised if "timestamp" in fixed.columns: del fixed["timestamp"] return fixed.reset_index().set_index("timestamp").groupby("pair_id")
[docs]def forward_fill( single_or_multipair_data: pd.DataFrame | DataFrameGroupBy, freq: pd.DateOffset | str, columns: Collection[str] = ("open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "timestamp"), drop_other_columns = True, forward_fill_until: pd.Timestamp | None = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Forward-fill OHLCV data for multiple trading pairs. :py:term:`Forward fill` certain candle columns. If multiple pairs are given as a `GroupBy`, then the data is filled only for the min(pair_timestamp), max(timestamp) - not for the range of the all data. .. note :: `timestamp` and `pair_id` columns will be deleted in this process - do not use these columns, but corresponding indexes instead. See also - :py:func:`tradingstrategy.utils.groupeduniverse.resample_candles` - :py:func:`tradingstrategy.utils.groupeduniverse.resample_series` Example: .. code-block:: python import os from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId from tradingstrategy.client import Client from tradingstrategy.timebucket import TimeBucket from tradingstrategy.utils.forward_fill import forward_fill from tradingstrategy.utils.groupeduniverse import fix_bad_wicks from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_context import python_script_execution_context from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import load_all_data from tradeexecutor.strategy.universe_model import UniverseOptions client = Client.create_jupyter_client() chain_id = ChainId.polygon time_bucket = TimeBucket.d1 exchange_slug = "uniswap-v3" exchanges = client.fetch_exchange_universe() uni = exchanges.get_by_chain_and_slug(ChainId.polygon, exchange_slug) dataset = load_all_data( client, time_frame=TimeBucket.d1, execution_context=python_script_execution_context, universe_options=UniverseOptions(), with_liquidity=False, ) # Filter out pair ids that belong to our target dataset pair_universe = dataset.pairs pair_ids = pair_universe.loc[pair_universe["exchange_id"] == uni.exchange_id]["pair_id"] filtered_df = dataset.candles.loc[dataset.candles["pair_id"].isin(pair_ids)] # Forward fill data filtered_df = filtered_df.set_index("timestamp") # Sanitise price data filtered_df = fix_bad_wicks(filtered_df) # Make sure there are no gaps in the data filtered_df = filtered_df.groupby("pair_id") pairs_df = forward_fill( filtered_df, freq=time_bucket.to_frequency(), columns=("open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"), ) # Wrote Parquest file under /tmp fpath = f"/tmp/{chain_id.get_slug()}-{exchange_slug}-candles-{time_bucket.value}.parquet" flattened_df = pairs_df.obj flattened_df = flattened_df.reset_index().set_index("timestamp") # Get rid of grouping flattened_df.to_parquet(fpath) print(f"Wrote {fpath} {os.path.getsize(fpath):,} bytes") :param single_or_multipair_data: Candle data for single or multiple trading pairs - GroupBy DataFrame containing candle data for multiple trading pairs (grouped by column `pair_id`). - Normal DataFrame containing candle data for a single pair :param freq: The target frequency for the DataFrame. :param columns: Columns to fill. To save memory and speed, only fill the columns you need. Usually `open` and `close` are enough and also filled by default. To get all OHLC data set this to `("open", "high", "low", "close")`. If the data has `timestamp` column we fill it with the first value. :param drop_other_columns: Remove other columns before forward-fill to save memory. The resulting DataFrame will only have columns listed in `columns` parameter. The removed columns include ones like `high` and `low`, but also Trading Strategy specific columns like `start_block` and `end_block`. It's unlikely we are going to need forward-filled data in these columns. .. note :: We have no logic for forward filling random columns, only mentioned columns. :param forward_fill_until: The timestamp which we know the data is valid for. If there are price gaps at rarely traded pairs at the end of the (live) OHLCV series, we will forward fill the data until this timestamp. If not given forward fills until the last trade of the pair. The timestamp must match the index timestamp frequency . :return: DataFrame where each timestamp has a value set for columns. For multi pair data if input is `DataFrameGroupBy` then a similar `DataFrameGroupBy` is returned. """ assert isinstance(single_or_multipair_data, (pd.DataFrame, DataFrameGroupBy)) assert isinstance(freq, (pd.DateOffset, str)), f"Expected pd.DateOffset, got: {freq}" original = single_or_multipair_data grouped = isinstance(single_or_multipair_data, DataFrameGroupBy) # if drop_other_columns: single_or_multipair_data = single_or_multipair_data[list(columns)] # Set the end marker if we know when the data should end if forward_fill_until is not None: assert isinstance(forward_fill_until, pd.Timestamp), f"Got: {type(forward_fill_until)}" if grouped: single_or_multipair_data = fill_future_gap_multi_pair(single_or_multipair_data, forward_fill_until, columns) else: single_or_multipair_data = fill_future_gap(single_or_multipair_data, forward_fill_until, columns) # Fill missing timestamps with NaN # # This will also ungroup the data with warnings.catch_warnings(): # FutureWarning: warnings.simplefilter("ignore") single_or_multipair_data = single_or_multipair_data.resample(freq).mean(numeric_only=True) if grouped: # resample() will set pair_id to NaN # fix here single_or_multipair_data["pair_id"] = single_or_multipair_data.index.get_level_values('pair_id') columns = set(columns) # Force columns to be forward filled in a certain order # We always need to ffill close column first for column in ("close", "open", "high", "low", "volume", "timestamp"): if column in columns: columns.remove(column) match column: case "volume": # Sparse volume is 0 single_or_multipair_data["volume"] = single_or_multipair_data["volume"].fillna(0.0) case "close": # Sparse close is the previous close single_or_multipair_data["close"] = single_or_multipair_data["close"].ffill() case "open" | "high" | "low": # Fill open, high, low from the ffill'ed close. single_or_multipair_data[column] = single_or_multipair_data[column].fillna(single_or_multipair_data["close"]) case "timestamp": if grouped: check_columns = original.obj.columns else: check_columns = original.columns if isinstance(single_or_multipair_data.index, pd.MultiIndex): if "timestamp" in check_columns: # pair_id, timestamp index single_or_multipair_data["timestamp"] = single_or_multipair_data.index.get_level_values(1) elif isinstance(single_or_multipair_data.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): if "timestamp" in check_columns: # timestamp index single_or_multipair_data["timestamp"] = single_or_multipair_data.index else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown column: {column} - forward_fill() does not know how to handle") if columns: # Unprocessable columns left raise NotImplementedError(f"Does not know how to forward fill: {columns}") # Regroup by pair, as this was the original data format if grouped: single_or_multipair_data["timestamp"] = single_or_multipair_data.index.get_level_values('timestamp') single_or_multipair_data = single_or_multipair_data.groupby(level="pair_id") return single_or_multipair_data