Source code for tradingstrategy.utils.forward_fill

"""OHLCV data forward fill.

:term:`Forward fill` missing OHLCV candles in market data feeds.

- Trading Strategy market data feeds are sparse by default,
  to save bandwidth

- DEXes small cap pairs see fewtrades and if there are no trades in a time frame,
  no candle is generated

- Forward-filled data is used on the client side

- We need to forward fill to make price look up, especially for stop losses faster,
  as forward-filled data can do a simple index look up to get a price,
  instead of backwinding to the last available price

from typing import Tuple, Collection

import pandas as pd
from pandas.core.groupby import DataFrameGroupBy

[docs]def forward_fill( df: pd.DataFrame | DataFrameGroupBy, freq: pd.DateOffset, columns: Collection[str] = ("open", "high", "low", "close", "volume", "timestamp"), drop_other_columns=True, ): """Forward-fill OHLCV data for multiple trading pairs. :py:term:`Forward fill` certain candle columns. If multiple pairs are given as a `GroupBy`, then the data is filled only for the min(pair_timestamp), max(timestamp) - not for the range of the all data. .. note :: `timestamp` and `pair_id` columns will be deleted in this process - do not use these columns, but corresponding indexes instead. See also - :py:func:`tradingstrategy.utils.groupeduniverse.resample_candles` - :py:func:`tradingstrategy.utils.groupeduniverse.resample_series` Example: .. code-block:: python import os from tradingstrategy.chain import ChainId from tradingstrategy.client import Client from tradingstrategy.timebucket import TimeBucket from tradingstrategy.utils.forward_fill import forward_fill from tradingstrategy.utils.groupeduniverse import fix_bad_wicks from tradeexecutor.strategy.execution_context import python_script_execution_context from tradeexecutor.strategy.trading_strategy_universe import load_all_data from tradeexecutor.strategy.universe_model import UniverseOptions client = Client.create_jupyter_client() chain_id = ChainId.polygon time_bucket = TimeBucket.d1 exchange_slug = "uniswap-v3" exchanges = client.fetch_exchange_universe() uni = exchanges.get_by_chain_and_slug(ChainId.polygon, exchange_slug) dataset = load_all_data( client, time_frame=TimeBucket.d1, execution_context=python_script_execution_context, universe_options=UniverseOptions(), with_liquidity=False, ) # Filter out pair ids that belong to our target dataset pair_universe = dataset.pairs pair_ids = pair_universe.loc[pair_universe["exchange_id"] == uni.exchange_id]["pair_id"] filtered_df = dataset.candles.loc[dataset.candles["pair_id"].isin(pair_ids)] # Forward fill data filtered_df = filtered_df.set_index("timestamp") # Sanitise price data filtered_df = fix_bad_wicks(filtered_df) # Make sure there are no gaps in the data filtered_df = filtered_df.groupby("pair_id") pairs_df = forward_fill( filtered_df, freq=time_bucket.to_frequency(), columns=("open", "high", "low", "close", "volume"), ) # Wrote Parquest file under /tmp fpath = f"/tmp/{chain_id.get_slug()}-{exchange_slug}-candles-{time_bucket.value}.parquet" flattened_df = pairs_df.obj flattened_df = flattened_df.reset_index().set_index("timestamp") # Get rid of grouping flattened_df.to_parquet(fpath) print(f"Wrote {fpath} {os.path.getsize(fpath):,} bytes") :param df: Candle data for single or multiple trading pairs - GroupBy DataFrame containing candle data for multiple trading pairs (grouped by column `pair_id`). - Normal DataFrame containing candle data for a single pair :param freq: The target frequency for the DataFrame. :param columns: Columns to fill. To save memory and speed, only fill the columns you need. Usually `open` and `close` are enough and also filled by default. To get all OHLC data set this to `("open", "high", "low", "close")`. If the data has `timestamp` column we fill it with the first value. :param drop_other_columns: Remove other columns before forward-fill to save memory. The resulting DataFrame will only have columns listed in `columns` parameter. The removed columns include ones like `high` and `low`, but also Trading Strategy specific columns like `start_block` and `end_block`. It's unlikely we are going to need forward-filled data in these columns. :return: DataFrame where each timestamp has a value set for columns. """ assert isinstance(df, (pd.DataFrame, DataFrameGroupBy)) assert isinstance(freq, pd.DateOffset) source = df grouped = isinstance(df, DataFrameGroupBy) # if drop_other_columns: df = df[list(columns)] # Fill missing timestamps with NaN # df = df.resample(freq).mean(numeric_only=True) columns = set(columns) # We always need to ffill close first for column in ("close", "open", "high", "low", "volume", "timestamp"): if column in columns: columns.remove(column) match column: case "volume": # Sparse volume is 0 df["volume"] = df["volume"].fillna(0.0) case "close": # Sparse close is the previous close df["close"] = df["close"].fillna(method="ffill") case "open" | "high" | "low": # Fill open, high, low from the ffill'ed close. df[column] = df[column].fillna(df["close"]) case "timestamp": if isinstance(df.index, pd.MultiIndex): if "timestamp" in source.obj.columns: # pair_id, timestamp index df["timestamp"] = df.index.get_level_values(1) elif isinstance(df.index, pd.DatetimeIndex): if "timestamp" in source.columns: # timestamp index df["timestamp"] = df.index else: raise NotImplementedError() if columns: # Unprocessable columns left raise NotImplementedError(f"Does not know how to forward fill: {columns}") # Regroup by pair, as this was the original data format if grouped: df = df.groupby("pair_id") return df